31 Replies to “Keystone?”

  1. Can’t help but look at all the train accidents with disgust and not feel absolute anger and frustration at those opposing pipelines. Aren’t these people the same ones who always use the phrase, “but if it saves just one life”? Those opposing the oilsands and the pipelines are really accumulating a huge amount of blood on their hands.

  2. Pipelines save LIVES!
    Because they learned so much from Lac Megantic…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. the shaedenfreud of all these situations continues to amuse me. from global warming and the cold winters caused by them and now this .

  4. That damned GW Bush,AGAIN! Why can’t the One just get rid of all Bush’s bad mojo? After all,he has made peace every where,cooled the earth,and stopped the oceans’ rising! I just don’t understand.

  5. That is what “enviromentalists” have ALWAYS done…..they have killed far more people than they mistakenly believe they might be saving. They have some kind of a mental condition. They need help.

  6. Yes, Cal, I too sense a morbid schadenfraud with yet another pipeline on wheels accident.
    Obama, and his eco supporters, have innocent blood on their hands.
    I suggest we get East and West pipelines going, and when the Americans come begging, we can give them two fingers.

  7. That doesn’t look too bad… looking at the where it is, it’s likely that due to higher water levels this year, the track washed out.
    And the guy in the pink shirt is standing too close.
    If you are within 1 mile of a burning tank car, you are too close.

  8. People seem to forget that you increase rail traffic, and you get more accidents. Easy to tell how bad it can be, just look at the ’79 rail disaster in Mississauga. And that wasn’t even crude.

  9. Railroad tankers cars are fifty times more likely to have spills than pipelines.
    There are already about 2.5 MILLION miles of pipelines in the U.S. Keystone would add less than 900 miles to that total.
    Obama refusing to make a decision is good politics for him. If he allows Keystone, the environmental movement may slow or stop the flow of campaign contributions, and may be less inclined to vote. People who want Keystone will keep sending him money, trying in influence his decision the other way. If he decides, one source of money will dry up. Smart politics, but bad for safe delivery of oil. Politics always comes first.

  10. Too true. Banning or limiting oil shipments by rail will be the next target of the green slime.

  11. All true, MM. But the oil and gas companies have partly themselves to blame for this. For decades, they’ve been bribing the ENGOs with grants, funding. They used them to go after their commercial rivals, particularly nuclear and coal. Even as little as eight years ago, Enbridge was giving tons of money to the Ontario Clean Air Alliance, an explicitly antinuclear group.
    From a bunch of bare-arsed hippies in the early ’70s, it was in part oil company money which turned them into the huge, 3-piece-suited lobby organization they are today in Washington. Hippies don’t have money; corporations do. And it was corporate largesse that helped turn them into the monstrosity they are today.
    Now the oil companies are getting devoured by the monster they helped create. Having eliminated all the other targets in sight, only the oil companies are left. Hence, they’re next. As Kate has wisely said, “Pleasing your enemies does not make them your friends.”

  12. “Racist”
    No only racist but also cultural appropriation, that’s like double racist.

  13. Well said cgh! The Oil companies may have invented the Anti-oil movement whose policies push the price & profits higher. It’s a win-win against consumers. Not much negative impact to Oil Companies..no demands for breaking up the monopolies including drilling, refining, consumer distribution. The big oil companies own all the profits, end to end.
    If you where really against oil, you would take away the profit.

  14. Well said, and so true.
    Didn’t Lenin say (paraphrased) the capitalist will sell me the rope (or give money) with which I will hang him.
    Joel in AB, the enviros do not care how many inocent people will die as a sacrifice to the their god Gia.

  15. The enviros have a “death to deniers” philosophy that’s remarkably similar to Islam. Both religions practice ‘Taqiyyah’.

  16. Ban trains, Coloniasta? Wouldn’t it be a lot easier simply to ban train accidents?

  17. Next you’ll tell me that trains don’t kill people and that people kill people. The time to act is now, we need to ban trains, for the children!!!!!!

  18. …while you’re at it, why not just ban ALL accidents, that should solve the problem, eh?

  19. No we need to take things from people to protect the public from accidents. If it saves only one life….

  20. Super…Just Super.
    I have the Keystone XL rolling down to Sweetgrass, Montana 5 or 6 times a night about a mile from my house. But that’s okay, it’s not in Santa Monica, or Beverly Hills or Park Avenue

  21. Its all politics. Obama will hasten our decline to protect his base…along
    with his tank car buddy, Buffett.
    When was the last time an oil pipeline was ruptured causing damage in either Canada
    or the US?
    Its the “Four P” theory of politics: “Power, Party, Personal Gain and Pussy.”
    Politicians strive for all four and the health of the country be damned.

  22. “I suggest we get East and West pipelines going, and when the Americans come begging, we can give them two fingers.”
    Keep in mind that Obama and the billionaire environmentalists are no more America than Shiny Pony is Canada.

  23. Mad Tom has already told us that pipelines are a non-starter period. Let’s move along, Tom has already closed this issue.

  24. Screw sending the oil south, send it east, refine it here, then Nova Scotia can stop buying Middle East oil.
