Well, maybe it wasn’t a video

Allen West weighs in.

Ben Rhodes is hardly the “mastermind” behind this episode, but the email he sent out to a who’s who list of recipients is damning. Attkisson says, “White House officials copied on the Rhodes “goal” email include Press Secretary Jay Carney, then-Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer, then-White House Senior Advisor David Plouffe, then-White House Deputy Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri and Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest.

* Link fixed.

12 Replies to “Well, maybe it wasn’t a video”

  1. Can there be any sane person who doesn’t believe that Barry masterminded the cover up? Well, not masterminded (that gives him too much credit) but at least thought it up with help from other liars in the White House.
    This is the most obvious, easy to recognize lie in the history of US politics.
    Can you believe that the USA has come to this. That 4 American citizens (one being assassinated by virtue of his position) are killed and they could care less. Unbelievable!
    Stick a fork in them….they’re done.

  2. This fantasy had more holes in it than a colander from Day 1.
    Anywhere else without a subservient lieberal press would have torn it to shreds in a matter of days.
    Heads have to roll, but the bastards still might get away with it!

  3. Anyone who followed the reports from day one, anyone who can formulate a thought or generally anyone who has half a brain knew the video scam was just that a scam. I guess that leaves about half of the American voters in 2012 pretty much exposed, much like the current emperor, without their clothes.

  4. Yep, its mendacious balderdash from start to finish; because Ben Amin Ghazi is the “Obama-Nation(tm)’s” best friend.
    They just invented the video ruse out of whole cloth, put some poor shlub in jail, for extra abuse; so they wouldn’t have to face any election repercussions due to the recognition that they stood by and did nothing while four of theirs died serving at their behest.
    The “TRUTH” couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.
    Should be a great help to Shrillary’s campaign bid…as she shook hands with the bereaved families and uttered a bunch of contemptuous twaddle about how they would get their hands on this accursed video maker.
    In the good sense of the statement: What a God Damned Disgrace!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. Could it be said that The United States of America is officially a banana republic?
    The way the administration of the USA conducts business is hardly different from any of the banana growing countries and their politics.
    There was a movie from somewhere in South America many, many years ago, culd ‘ve been Brazil or Argentina, that was like a blueprint for the goings on in current US politics.

  6. The failure of Hillary to face the nation, instead of sending Rice to spin the video lie, when a US Ambassador was murdered is inexcusable. Hillary was the SEC of state and it was she who should have spoken to the Nation. What the hell was she nominated for, only good news?
    One may think she was mentally unable to function, and RICE was
    covering for her inability.
    I would like to know more about the origin of the Video. Something tells me it was a red herring, funded by Hillary,just like the Fed Gun running scam that went bad.

  7. Na, won’t happen. The media will cover all the way for these scum.
    Any lie is acceptable as long as it advances the cause of transforming the US into a socialist state.

  8. There are a few Muslim names on that Email that no one mentions when they talk of the distribution list…..odd, or par for the course in todays America? Who are Mehdi K. Alhassani and Ferial Govashiri? We may never know…..right?

  9. Ken I think you’re right. As for the truth, the progressive potentate have given themselves a monopoly on that. Anyone who doesn’t see their truth is a racist redneck and why should anyone listen to a racist redneck? That would return us to the evil Bush era of political obfuscation, runaway spending and borrowing on a lower scale than the present administration, which is clearly evidence of transparency and the smartest president since Lincoln. After all it takes great intelligence to borrow, spend like a drunken sailor and raise taxes. Yeah statism. Ask Candy Crowley, she will lay it all out for you – why should mendacity be a problem for the mediarazzi – just take your hero’s comments out of context to con the American electorate.
    IOW it never has and never will be about the truth or the facts. Your superiors will let you know what that is, so relax and pay up; and for God’s sake don’t say a word to anyone!
