Blog Notes

My apologies for the slow news day. I’m on a little vacation at Churchill Downs. Blogging will return to normal early next week.

15 Replies to “Blog Notes”

  1. No apologies! You provide us with the benefit of a great blog, as well as the humor derived from your cutting wit, both here & on Twitter, delivered against the statists & biased journalists.

  2. I just hope all the Horse Owners like to associate with blacks. Do black horses get a head start? Any Gay issues among the horses?
    The MSM will be out in force looking for something to demonize.

  3. I don’t think they’ll let you enter Miniature Schnauzers. But it would look adorable with the Capuchin monkey in his little set of silks.

  4. Funny, read the book “Black Maestro”. In the old days the best jockeys were negroes. Go to 21 Club in NYC and see the statues of the negro jockeys. Sorry PC schmucks, that was their name then. Guess which political constituency drove them out of horse racing. Hint: it was the Republicans. Anyway, the story of Jimmy Winkfield is incredible.

  5. EDIT EDIT above
    Sorry – it was NOT the Republicans – it was Obama’s party. Need editing function and I need to drink less wine.
    Go California Chrome

  6. Ok…gotta ask: Is that you grinning ear to ear in the bottom picture Kate??

  7. I like it when you include pictures of places and events that are keeping you from entertaining us on the blog.

  8. Have a couple of mint juleps for me, without the mint.
    I will likely wager on Wicked Strong, but its post position has me concerned.
