16 Replies to “How’s That Hopey Changey Thing Working Out For Ya?”

  1. this hybrid of central control plus capitalism is remarkable inasmuch as it has relieved medieval living conditions for impossibly huge numbers of human beings in such a very short time; a population just getting used to being off the leash with freedom of choice will prove averse to being told what to do in no uncertain terms. it’s one thing to let a puppy bounce around the yard and entirely another ball of wax to attempt disciplines after it has gained 120 lbs.
    i am both intrigued and frightened by the prospect of this pet project bumping into central planning and the invisible hand at exactly the same time.

  2. Maybe just in turd dough can use this
    I see thomas outrage mulcair is on another JT rant

  3. I’m more worried about their 2 million man offset
    Will be able to land an army anywhere and squeeze in

  4. WTF is Dobbs crying in his cereal about? He and his motley crew of traitors set up,twice,the perfect guy to export everything American out of the USSA. I’m confused.

  5. CNN may be Obama’s lapdog but I’ve never heard Dobbs say anything positive about Obama. Or Bush for that matter.

  6. More like a 20 million man offset at 20 years of age by 2020. Real horny too as a result of one-child families policy and selective abortion practices – which will leave them about 20 million women short. For a mental image just think of resource towns in the bush with no women. Same kind of surley attitude. Except multiplied by 20 million. The question is whether they will be able to direct that into an invasion or just end up immolating themselves. The planet better hope for the later.

  7. For example, if two villas of comparable quality were built—one outside of Shanghai and one outside of New York City—the market value, and in turn, contribution to GDP would be much lower in China unless an attempt was made to adjust for the price differences.
    There they go, adjusting again…

  8. When any politician (in power or aspiring to power) promotes hope and change in their mind it’s a noble lie – what they really mean is hoax and chains.
