On Quotas, Privilege and Really Bad Art

A round-up of things, among them, this:

Ah, but reality be damned. Morality be damned. We must have racial quotas in school discipline. It’s the progressive way. Because nothing says fairness like dishing out excuses according to how brown a student is. And attempting to reduce disruption and violence by punishing it less when racial quotas have been reached… well, what could possibly go wrong?

28 Replies to “On Quotas, Privilege and Really Bad Art”

  1. More evidence of the gaslighting of society by a fully politicized pedagarchy

  2. So are they going to be framing Oriental students and falsely ‘convicting’ them to keep all the stats even between the races?

  3. The Ottawa police now have to keep stats on the race of people they question. Of course, there will be a white guy at some point that says he was only questioned to keep the officer’s race quota up to snuff.

  4. All this is because anything racial has become a third rail.
    It’s been in gear for a while and has already a preposterous history.
    The first result is that a racial demographic has license to prey on the rest with near impunity.

  5. In reply to the Justice Dept. declaring racial quotas in school discipline, I’d just like to say one thing:
    44 shot, eight dead, Easter weekend, Chicago. To my knowledge, all the victims are Black.
    Oh, heavens. I’m such a RACIST for even bringing it up. I must check my privilege.

    Do I check it at the coat-check, or is there a special privilege-check? Can I get a receipt so I can pick it up again on my way out?
    Oh I’m sorry, was coat-check a trigger for you? How awful.

  6. Ahhh Liberal bigotry of low expectations, at least it’s something better than the usual Liberal suspects sticking them on ghetto vote plantations and butchering as many black babies in abortion factories as they can manage – hey, wait a minute, they still do that too.

  7. To Samantha “first of all …in the first place” Benning: you forgot to add your “second of all…in the second place”.

  8. Almost universally ignored is the systemic discrimination against males.
    Even a casual look at the prison population in Canada shows a HUGE discrepancy between the rates of incarceration between the sexes – roughly 96% of the federal prisoner population is male.
    Clearly this is a case of systemic discrimination at its very worst.
    The only issue left to debate, in my view, is:
    Do we throw more chicks in jail until a roughly 50 – 50 ratio is achieved? OR
    Do we let a bunch of guys out to achieve ‘balance’ and end this blatant injustice?

  9. The Liberals should bring back brown paper bags to dole out the new “social justice” system they’ve decided on for the rest of us.
    Maybe in the new eco age we can have brown paper bag apps on our Ipods to hold up to each brown/ black person we meet to see how fairly they should be treated.
    Maybe the apps can have auto skin tone sensors with text instruction on what to say to each negroid a white person encounters.

  10. If that “art” was gayer, blacker, or girlier the protester would be in jail.

  11. Liberals believe that blacks are pet-like creatures that lack the intelligence to care for themselves. Since blacks fail to recognize this, the liberals may be correct.

  12. That would be a good research topic (seriously) for a grad student who never wants to be graced with tenure anywhere for the rest of their life.
    Progressive looters and thugs also racist? – who would have guest it!

  13. Hmmmm……. me thinks that the word PRIVELEGE doesn’t mean what the leftists think it means. After all, priveleges are earned and leftists are self-entitled types who don’t think they need to earn anything.

  14. I am a member of a “privileged” class, a really exceptional privileged class. I do not qualify for membership in any of the officially recognized margins. Nor, therefore, do I qualify for any of the advantages that flow to those margins—moral and intellectual superiority; total hipness; unimpeachable goodness; and “affirmative action” policies aimed to promote those margins. I am therefore seriously disadvantaged by my advantage. Where do I turn for compensation?

  15. Blacks, as Sowell noted in his book Intellectuals and Race, have a lower IQ, 85, than whites or Asians, which are even higher than whites. There seems to be a disconnect in blacks linking their actions with the social penalties that will affect them. A recent case is the current Hiesman trophy winner and quarterback for Miami State, Jameis Winston. This brain dead clown stole king crab from a supermarket and was involved in earlier petty crime. I believe he is now suspended by the university.
    Why would this person who could have a rich career in the NFL do such a stupid thing? We see this all the time with black players like Vick and Burgess. Players with million dollar signing bonuses rob some apartment for a couple of bucks and are fired by their team.

  16. DO…..I would also include NA Indians in that category….along with a few whities too come to think of it.

  17. A dead horse?!? Good Heavens, man, don’t give Keeley Haftner any idea!!!!!
    There is actually a – genre, perhaps? of “modern” “art” wherein people and structures are decorated with raw meat. The people
    presumably wear this decoration until they become bored. As for the structures, of various sizes, I really don’t want to know.

  18. “You can take the n#$%@ out the ghetto; but you can’t take the ghetto outta n#$%@” Ice Cube

  19. Well the racial IQs are inaccurate because the tests are prejudiced against low IQs.
