Scolding From Above

More items of possible interest, among which, this:

PC-brigadiers behave exactly like owners of a positional good who panic because wider availability of that good threatens their social status. The PC brigade has been highly successful in creating new social taboos, but their success is their very problem. Moral superiority is a prime example of a positional good, because we cannot all be morally superior to each other. Once you have successfully exorcised a word or an opinion, how do you differentiate yourself from others now? You need new things to be outraged about, new ways of asserting your imagined moral superiority.

Some helpful illustrations of this phenomenon are, of course, provided. For instruction, I mean, not laughter.

7 Replies to “Scolding From Above”

  1. I project superiority by being what these loons call political correctness…..and they just hate that.
    It keeps me warm.

  2. I project superiority just by walking up to these loons,smiling,and saying you are breaking one or all of your superior thingies just by being.Watching the ensuing cognitive dis-connect is just plain,simple fun.

  3. And all those hateful people call a Deutschlander like me a German. Racists one and all.

  4. Und zen vee vill all be speaking german like ze vonted in ze forst place…
    But then I’ve always considered laughter to be better medicine for moral failure than pc ‘she wolf’ scolding.
    It’s just pc solipsism to pretend that the last word on moral outrage begins and ends with political correctness; a form of ideological fascism or moral egoism.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. When do we balding, left-handed immigrants get our special PC treatment?

  6. Moral superiority is a prime example of a positional good, because we cannot all be morally superior to each other. Once you have successfully exorcised a word or an opinion, how do you differentiate yourself from others now? You need new things to be outraged about, new ways of asserting your imagined moral superiority.
    Nicely put. I might add to the left this is an automatic response like breathing air.
    They don’t even see what they are doing hunting for what they see as a higher elevation on the human curve to feed ego’s gorged on the idea they are above other for any reason.
    This used to be the preserve of self Righteous Christians with ignorance, who didn’t know their own faith. It is now the normal acceptable behaviour to secular Socialists. They are the elite entitled darlings of the Universe. So they think.
