23 Replies to “Cheese Sandwiches”

  1. In what universe does the Captain Capitalism think this is funny? Is he a closet serial murderer? I like Kate but this guy should go to hell.

  2. I normally like the stuff “captain cannibalism” posts but this is pretty creepy. and norm macdonald does have his funny moments but this isn’t one of them

  3. If this were the only thing I had ever heard by Norm MacDonald, I would do my best to avoid him in the future. Definitely not one of his better bits, and creepy/evil on its own.

  4. I never did like any of his humor. Pathetic that there are people willing to pay to hear this garbage.
    mid island mie

  5. It’s the way you tell ’em. Some of you should look up Mike McDonald, I think you’d like him. (Because even if he had some good material, which he doesn’t ever, he isn’t funny.) The point with Norm McDonald is that he is funny when what he’s talking about isn’t.

  6. Is this not exactly how liebrals get people to vote for them chesse sandwhiches?

  7. Hilarious, thanks Captain and Norm Macdonald. It is nice to see comedians not treading around everything with their PC shoes on. Some may not think this is funny but most of you just want to appear so in tune with todays politically correctness. Of course women comediennes are allowed, even encouraged to say anything they like about men, particularly white men and the people laugh, oh how they laugh. Get over it and start to laugh again it will be good for you.

  8. I really didn’t think it was very funny and pretty tasteless, but Norm Macdonald certainly has the right to deliver a stand up act about any material he wishes. Everyone one of the above people who reply’s here certainly has the right to be offended.

  9. Geeeez! And people are cracking up laughing at that? Discounting the stupid subject matter, it’s not even remotely funny.

  10. I happened to find it very hilarious. Norm Macdonald is noted for being percieved as very funny, or flat as piss on a plate. People either love or hate his humor, and there seems to be no middle ground.

  11. That wasn’t ‘dark humor’. That was just dumb.
    and, stupid. With a laugh track..

  12. Pathetic.
    I enjoy dark & even creepy humour if it is brilliant. For example, a movie such as “Death to Smoochy”.
    This was just sick and stupid.
    Worst guest post in years.

  13. Should think twice before posting something so dark. I really didn’t appreciate listening to an audience laugh while the comic was describing a woman screaming before she’s murdered.
