20 Replies to “#LetsPretendWeAreDoingSomething”

  1. Let me get this straight nearly three weeks after the fact Hillary tweets about the rights of schoolgirls in Africa? Nothing like being the first out of the gate I guess…..

  2. Hillary just proves that education can’t cure Stupid!
    She failed the Bar Exam, it was Hubbell that wrote her Bar in AK
    Some say Hubbell is the father of Chelsey, Susan Hubbell went to jail rather than testify about Hillary & her Husband. (White Water). Will Susan Rice take if for Hillary’s mistakes?

  3. Hillary has “people” who do her tweets for her.
    Of course, all the high-octane lefty talent, like Tommy Vietor, has already been scooped by the White House, so HRC likely has some clerk from Best Buy in charge of her Twitter presence.
    (sarc off)
    BTW, no disrespect intended to Best Buy clerks…

  4. As evidenced “our girls” are too often twittering twits. If they really want to do something, how about an exchange? #SendThemOurGirls

  5. Does anyone really -read- Hillary Clinton’s twitter feed? What on earth do you think would be on it? Platitudes and brave talk, 100% guaranteed.
    The process is likely automated. A computer spits out some pious platitude or pic of Hillary Doing Something every six hours.

  6. OT but remember how Blazing Cat Fur reported the #2012 Kony story:
    The Kony jerk who jerked you around was arrested for jerking his kony in public.

  7. It’d be really great if Hillary could do something about those muslims that did this.
    It almost makes me wonder if those muslims have been so successful at snuffing out their own gals that have brought dishonor upon their families, that they’ve had to import new feed stock. And who are we to impose our norms upon them?

  8. What I find weird about a lot of the reports on things that people are tweeting, is that it has been difficult for me to figure our what they are talking about, or they are making a reference to something outside the subject itself, then that is not explained. In this little story, they didn’t put the tweet message in quotes in the body of the message, so I at first didn’t realise what the the message was.
    “Is this real life?” was her tweet message, I assume.
    Part of my problem is that I am out of touch with the latest slang and jargon. Still used to reading things that are written in english, and pretty much straightforward.
    Yes, that is a nonsensical message. I wonder if she could explain it a bit?

  9. Isn’t the proper response to any tweet by Hillary

  10. I NEVER refer to her as “Hillary”.
    The use of the single familiar name connotes affection.
    When you use the words “Hillary” or “homophobic” or “islamophobic” you are unwittingly allowing the enemy to control the narrative.
    STOP IT.

  11. That last tweet by Razor was a zinger and bang on.
    Twits like Hillery as well as all stupid liberals still have not figured out that there is a war for civilization going.

  12. Don’t forget that these rug pilots and a number of wives. The lives of these girls will be hell on earth from now on. Just culture don’t ya know.
    Joseph, yes, a real good one.
    Should be Hillary in my last post, but good point MND. Unfortunately most adequate names for her are unprintable in polite public.

  13. I take your point, but “Clinton” means “Bill”. She’s just Bill’s wife.

  14. Gee, the way the Hillary run State Dept. and the “Obama-Nation(tm)” protected ‘their own’ in Benghazi, the phrase that comes to mind would be:
    “If Hillary is the help, we have no need of enemies.”
    Nigerian leader: New order to free abducted girls
    ABUJA, Nigeria — Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan met through the night with security, school and state officials and issued a new directive that “everything must be done” to free the 276 girls held captive by Islamic extremists, one of his advisers said Sunday after growing national outrage at the government’s response.
    Jonathan said in a televised “media chat” Sunday night that he believes Nigeria is winning its war against an Islamic uprising and that two bomb blasts in three weeks that have killed about 100 people and injured more than 200 in the capital, Abuja, “does not mean the situation is worsening.”
    “I believe we are succeeding,” he said, though the death tolls tell a different story. More than 1,500 people have died in the insurgency this year, compared to an estimated 3,600 between 2010 and 2013. Both of the Abuja blasts are blamed on the Islamic extremist Boko Haram terrorist network.
    Jonathan said he has been asking for and getting help from the United States but that President Barack Obama has expressed concern to him about allegations of gross human rights abuses by security forces accused of summary executions and the killings in detention of thousands of people.
    “I said, ‘Send someone to see what we are doing and assist us, give us equipment that will help us, because we need sophisticated (equipment), don’t just say there is some matter of alleged abuses,” Jonathan said, describing one of two conversations with the U.S. leader.
    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry over the weekend promised help, saying from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, “The kidnapping of hundreds of children by Boko Haram is an unconscionable crime, and we will do everything possible to support the Nigerian government to return these young women to their homes and to hold the perpetrators to justice.”
    Never mind chattel these women are being treated and herded like cattle…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  15. Seems to me that the President of Nigeria might be better advised in seeking help from Russia, than from the USA.

  16. “Seems to me that the President of Nigeria might be better advised in seeking help from Russia, than from the USA.”
    Apparently the UK has now offered help.
    Let’s hope it’s the SAS kind of help and results in a severe rash of lead poisoning among the ranks of Boko Haram.

  17. Black slave trading is alive and well.
    Where’s Jesse and Al leading the charge to end this slavery?
