16 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. The people of Ontario may need some free vodka if the present Liberal government gets re-elected.
    The province is at a crossroads with only one direction to follow if there is to be any hope for inching back from the abyss. Captain McGuinty ran the ship aground and abandoned it, now his chosen successor presents us with a plan that will keep it there. This should be of concern to the entire country and it could effect our economic status so carefully managed by PM Harper and his team.

  2. Lance, that was Eevile. I salute you sir! [salutes]
    Today in new Leftist misery, I present the current Leftist solution to the “homeless problem”, instant slums. Each and every bum, drug addict, itinerant illegal alien and busted old lady will get their very own garden shed to live in, on conveniently located “public land”. Like a power corridor easement I suppose, or maybe down by the railroad tracks. No word on whether the “safety fence” will have razor wire on the top or not.
    I wish I was lying.
    In the old days these were called “shanty towns” when they sprang up on their own, and “concentration camps” when the government did it.
    The sexy hip new name is “micro-housing”. Next time you see a gnome-bearded moisturizing hipster talking about what an great new idea micro-housing is, say the words “concentration camp” up in his face right before you give him a Glasgow kiss.

  3. yeah,but they will f@@k you every chance they get! And I don’t mean in the nice way

  4. http://www.cp24.com/news/liberals-on-pace-to-win-another-minority-poll-says-1.1805450
    I expect nothing much will change from this poll by the time the real poll happens. The people of Ontario are comfortable with the Liberals and will elect them,again.
    Re: Simon and Brickell, always wondered how a one-hit wonder with a mediocre voice could land one of pop music’s legends. Maybe she uses that big mouth for more than just singing. (by which I imply that maybe she recites Simon’s lyrics to him as poetry).
    When regular folks have a marital spat,they get over it with little drama,when celebrities have a spat,the cops usually get involved.
    And so many of these super-neurotic egotists want to tell US how to live.

  5. If there was a shred of doubt the world is totally insane, this will remove it.
    Pythagoras’ Theorem: …..24 words. Lord’s Prayer: ….. 66 words. Archimedes’ Principle: …..67 words.
    Ten Commandments: …..179 words. Gettysburg Address: …..286 words.
    US Declaration of Independence: …..1,300 words. US Constitution with all 27 Amendments: …..7,818 words.
    EU Regulations on the Sale of CABBAGES: …..26,911 words
