48 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. I dunno Lance,
    Maybe it’s not so much as a blink, but a
    “I can’t look at those fashions.”

  2. I`ve seen it all!!
    The headline in the Toronto Star reads:
    ”Ontario poll: Tories lead but Liberals poised to form government.
    A new Forum Research poll has Tim Hudak’s PCs at 38 per cent, Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals at 33, Andrea Horwath’s New Democrats at 22.”
    (Keeping in kind that Mme Marois went into the Quebec campaign with 40%!!)

  3. Spinal Tap:
    Re: Internet privacy.
    Teen hackers are now offering their services online in exchange for Bitcoins. And you`re worried about the government??

  4. And just what information does the Server software record. The time you were online, where you went, and what else?
    About the same info the Phone Company stores on you.
    Where’s the big threat?

  5. The Snowden leaks were clear: it’s the government massively spying on us, not teen hackers.

  6. You just listed all of it. Collecting that metadata is a massive violation of my privacy.

  7. Just watched this concert on HiFi channel.
    Tina Turner performing Proud Mary during her 2009 concert tour. Particularly stunning considering she was born in Nov. 1939, meaning she’s 70 years old. She is simply amazing! Cher, eat your heart out!

  8. Reading about this invasion of privacy bill, I might be finally taping out on voting conservative for awhile… Already I find it hard to even find a Harper supporter in rural central Alberta, which is saying something.
    I don’t think they know who their base is anymore.

  9. I might be finally taping out on voting conservative
    So a vote for the communist’s then?
    I never understood this thinking.
    I’m not happy because the conservative’s aren’t as conservative as I want…so I’ll vote for the leftist’s?

  10. Spinless Crap, time to read the fine print on all those software downloads and installs you did, plus your ISP agreement. You lease it all. None of it belongs to you (including the firmware in your computers). You own the hard recyclables only. Google showed the way to the world a long time ago. You’re a data drone for the hive, nothing more. If you are online, you have no expectation of privacy anymore. You gave it all away when you checked the box and accepted “the agreement”.

  11. The Red Star will shill to the end for their Liberal/Left, no surprise there. As for polls, they’ve bombed out so often they’re becoming less and less relevant. If the voters go to the polls and tick off a Liberal candidate they’re only concerned about what’s in it for them, no responsible citizen who cares about this province, it’s future for our kids and grand kids, could possibly vote Liberal. The lying, the scandals,hydro rates through the roof, windmills and solar panels ruining our once pristine vistas for no return….pure insanity.

  12. It’s 2017, the Trudeau Government has half the commenters on SDA arrested for hate crimes.
    The end.
    I don’t think software companies are the same thing there skippy.

  13. Good. Let’s do away with Labor Day. Why should we celebrate all the damage the unions have done to us in the last 70 years. In fact, let’s do away with anything that is not a HOLYday. Lets do what the English do and just call them “bank holidays”. Otherwise un-named. The only ones we should have are 4th of July, New Years day, Thanksgiving, and possibly Christmas. The rest should just be “bank holidays.”

  14. Actually Al, Tine would be either 74 or 73 coming on 74.
    PeterJ, something wrong with the link.

  15. These guys have to be some kind of joke – and are ON residents dumb enough to vote them (Libs) in once again?
    Dumb and dumber…

  16. While the Alberta floods haven’t been directly linked to climate change,
    (destructive weather events are expected to increase in Canada in the future.)
    Ms. McLean, a normally upbeat youth, is painfully aware of the sheer power of Mother Nature and the carnage its fury can wreak. She’s now anxious about what we’re doing to our environment. “I volunteered to take an active role in my school’s Model United Nations, which is studying the impact climate change is having on our planet,” she said.
    On one hand it scared her, but it also made her want to know more so she could help activate positive change.
    Child psychiatrists, psychologists and educators say they’ve seen an escalation in the anxiety levels of today’s youth, who are constantly exposed to doomsday talk about the destruction of our planet.

    Our youths should not be concerned about those government hacks over there behind the purple curtains taking your flooded guns, and telling you how warm it is..

  17. LASshole, why did you change your moniker to “Spineless Crap”?
    Was that to better reflect your true nature?

  18. The biggest hits for ABBA always had a melodic hook that stuck in your head.
    Friendly manner, easy sound, easy to look at; the perfect recipe for pop music success.

  19. Old Country Boy: (8:30 am). You must be an American by the dates you have chosen… which is ok, yet most of the readers on SDA are Canadian.
    July 1 is Canada’s “birth day” and National holiday; not July 4th.
    Thanksgiving Day is October 13th in Canada this year; not Nov 27th as in the States … has the same meaning … to be thankful to the Creator.
    Christmas and New Years day are the same, but in Canada we have December 26th, called Boxing Day, as a national holiday.
    In Canada Boxing Day is similar to your Black Friday after Thanksgiving Day … great day for sales.

  20. Apparently the LSM (Liberal Stream Media) cannot have it both ways: They cannot have an activist Chief Justice of the SCOC (Supreme Court of Canada) and a Chief Justice who follows the rules. This is shown by the following assessment flagged byNorman Spector:
    The light weight “Activists” appointed by Chretien, Martin et al show their colours.

  21. I’m not happy because the conservative’s aren’t as conservative as I want…so I’ll vote for the leftist’s?
    False choices: every partisan hack’s friend!
    Skippy: I agreed to release my info to a harmless private entity, NOT THE GOVERNMENT which is a serious threat to my freedoms.

  22. If you choose not to vote for Harper that is your choice, however if you think that not voting for him or voting for another party is going to prevent the things you don’t like about Harper…you truly are an absolute moron!! you may as well vote for Harper as he will slowly move things to the right in this country. as for the internet spying bill …are you kidding me? you think we have any internet privacy at all? seriously you do know that the gov and all the advertisers are alerted online when you buy something or watch something ect ect.

  23. Jason Kenney is really retarded. Any two-bit fraudster can swindle him. Read the story of how deceitful and corrupt “business owners” laugh at Jason Kenney’s stupidity with a slave labour importing scheme from the Third World, which includes fraud and falsification of documents.
    “It’s completely fake, right. [The employer] just makes the contract look good in order to get the LMO,” said Soloviov.
    To qualify for that permit, rules require the employer must try to find Canadians for the job first. Soloviov said, of the 50 or so mall kiosk salespeople working for Mordechai and his wife, not one was Canadian.
    “I mean come on…$13 an hour and $21 overtime, working as a retail salesperson in a mall…I don’t think you’ll have trouble finding [local] workers for that position,” said Soloviov. “But, if you are not paying them, that’s a bit of a problem.”
    Payroll records show he and others weren’t paid any hourly wages.”

    And the cherry on top, the temporary foreign workers are now on social assistance.
    “He stayed in a homeless shelter in Nanaimo for weeks and went on social assistance.”

  24. you may as well vote for Harper as he will slowly move things to the right in this country.
    Almost every action this government takes says otherwise.
    you think we have any internet privacy at all?
    You don’t get it. It’s about the government. And if you use TOR you do have some privacy. Hopefully MaidSafe will make it impossible to spy.

  25. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    “Is Beijing preparing for collapse of North Korea?” (tel-uk)
    “Beijing’s Efforts To Slow Credit Bubble Will End In Catastrophic Fail”
    “In short, the Chinese population “can’t handle the truth” in Jack Nicholson’s memorable line. They by now believe they are entitled to a permanent feast and have every expectation that they party and state apparatus will continue to deliver it.”
    *Liberal Justine’s favourite dictator.

  26. There are more signs the Conservatives could be wasting their money airing attack ads directed at Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau.
    A poll released Friday suggests the ads, which end with the tag line “he’s in over his head,” are having the opposite effect from the message the party was trying to deliver.
    According to the Toronto Star, the Forum Research poll of almost 1,600 people surveyed at the end of last month found 47 per cent of those who’d seen the ads said they’d be more likely to vote Liberal, compared with 20 per cent who leaned Conservative and 17 per cent NDP.
    More ominously for the Tories, the poll found 22 per cent of respondents who’d previously voted for the governing Conservatives say the ads make them likely to vote Liberal.

  27. The difference is that a phone number doesn’t tell you what was said.
    But an internet web address can be used to see exactly what you were reading, or saying to others.
    Basically, it allows them to see everything.

  28. scf: how do they catch child porn collectors now, without this Law? If you are on the Phone Company records as a frequent caller to a known porn collector or distributor, you will be checked out; same on the net. The New Law only enhances the perusing of this basic data by Police.

  29. I’ve got a buddy that is a devout ABBA fan.
    I lean towards Zappa,Lou Reed, and many others, nothing close to Abba.
    However, after many listens to Abba albums and not just the hits, I do appreciate their talent. He would throw on an album and often I would be asking “who is this, its good”. Years ago I bought a Jan Schaeffer solo album, and it is also surprisingly good.

  30. Found this in the CBC comment section;
    “If you’ve signed the petition, share it widely, we need to raise awareness!
    Election fraud is not acceptable!
    Jail, repeal, severe audit!”
    To be fair, the comments on that particular thread are not being moderated, which is extremely rare.
    This is troubling. Avaaz and other shady ‘progressive’ groups like Tides and our NDP were behind the original robocall farce.

  31. “30,000 Jews prepare to flee Odessa over fears of massacres as Ukrainian troops move in on pro-Russian militants
    Deaths reported during ‘security sweep’ by pro-Kiev troops in Slovyansk after armed pro-Moscow separatists occupy city of 125,000
    Ukrainian helicopter gunship brought down by machine gun fire over city, according to Kiev defence ministry
    Pro-Putin militants with armoured personnel carriers have set up check-points on outskirts of city
    Leader of 30,000-strong Jewish community in Odessa says they may have to flee over fears of persecution
    City saw appalling massacres by Nazis in World War II and was also scene of pogroms in Tsarist Russia”
    “Ignatieff Remains Unconvincing”
    “Ironically, while Michael Ignatieff refuses to withdraw the smear of anti-Semitism which he places on Ukrainians, he conveniently fails to address his family’s complicity in Tsarist-era anti-Semitic pogroms. His great-grandfather was Count Nikolai Ignatiev, who instituted the Tsar’s notorious May Laws against Jews. Yet, according to Ignatieff’s family biography, The Russian Album, “rounding up all the Jews” was a necessity “to protect them from outraged peasantry.” So much for historical objectivity.”

  32. Spinal Tap is a 50 yr old who claims to speak for the youth(millenials); as he is known to call them “my generation”.
