9 Replies to “The Sound of Settled Science”

  1. Somebody PLEASE nominate Vivian Krause for the Order of Canada.
    I know the committee would have fits, but they’d have to explain to the media why they didn’t accept her nomination, unless,of course,they did.
    Here’s the website.The nominator has to know the nominee’s personal information, name,address, phone number,etc.,so it has to be done by someone who knows the person,(or I’d do it myself).

  2. The Saskatoon Star recently ran an article quoting Professor Matthews from Concordia University who claimed that we have 3 decades left to enjoy outdoor ice skating rinks because global warming will end that activity. That is a ridiculous statement especially here on the prairie where 2014 marks the 3rd winter out of the last 4 that has ended with snow pack clearly visible in shaded areas going into the month of May.

  3. NatGeo channel never missed an opportunity to
    promote the world’s most ambitious scam as well.

  4. That is why I dropped my subscription to NatGeo 15 years ago and never watch the channel.
    Vivian needs an Order of Canada for sure.
    Professor Matthews is an idiot shill for Al Gore

  5. Good. Then all those central Canadians who “escape” winter in Floreeedah, can stay the heck home and enjoy Kaliforica weather, year round. What could be wrong with that? Garden year round, grow tropical fruits right in your own backyard – almost free.
    I’m all for it. No slush, no slop, no sub-zero temperatures, snow tires, snow shoveling, ice, runny noses.

  6. Needless to say Mrs. Krause would advocate the ‘hockey stick’ still because that certainly wasn’t ‘cherry picking’ the data. Oh right….it was outright fraudulent data. Totally different in the eyes of the Global Warmers.

  7. I look back at newspaper clippings of the area around the old homestead north of Edmonton and see that the crops were in many years before the end of April in the years 1910 to 1920. This year, the pussy willows are just out and there’s not a green leaf to be seen. We are getting a hard frost every night.

  8. Our supposed right wing Saskatchewan government is advertising for a “Director Of Climate Change”.
    I sent Premier Brad Wall a not very happy e-mail. You can do the same at http://www.premier.gov.sk.ca/Contact
    Why do these people do these things?????

  9. From the Forbes article: “Nevertheless, a very few data points can be cherry-picked to give the illusion of winter warming, so that’s just what The Weather Channel and Climate Central did.”
    Yeah, kind of like one tree ring in Siberia. These rent seekers are down to desperate cherry picking and character assassinations of the “deniers.” They overplayed their hand by going all in when everyone knew they were bluffing.
    They did manage to wrestle $billions from taxpayers worldwide in the meantime.
