This, Mrs. Clinton, is doing something.

Relevant to the last post.
This is the difference between politicians and business leaders. One talks about doing things, the other does.
Stephen Fry boycotts Brunei-owned hotel chain The Dorchester Collection after country passes ‘stone the gays’ law

22 Replies to “This, Mrs. Clinton, is doing something.”

  1. You’d think the left could muster the same indignation they had no problem utilising against Russia and the Sochi Olympics?

  2. Not to worry,marc in calgary. Very shortly the leftards will be “twit”ing about what racists these whiteys are to boycott the brown muzzies and their businesses,with nothing mentioned about stoning gays.The militant gays have served their useful idjit role with the leftards.Under the bus with them.

  3. Expecting consistency out of the Left is misguided. The Left does not have moral beliefs, they have tactics and strategy. While the Russians acting against h0m0s is terrible and bad, some bunch of w0gs doing the same is “huh, what? Whatever dude.” Because it isn’t politically useful just now to go after w0gs.
    Also the Olympics are over, so no TV coverage.
    Furthermore it is the case that because the Russian are White, the Lefties expect them to know better. There is no more profound racist that the Lefty social justice warrior.

  4. I don’t have a horse in this race… I’m just wondering how deep they can bury the hypocrisy meter.
    As long as it’s brown muslims stoning brown gay muslims, or white muslims stoning white gay muslims, or black muslims stoning black gay muslims, it’s going to be alright?

  5. It is doing something.
    I suggested when the kidnapping first went down that we send our JTF’s into there. That was knee-jerk. Sending out troops into another country would be very complicated.
    However, we could cut all ties with Nigeria. PM Harper could start that ball rolling, and he should.
    Do we get Nigerian oil?
    We don’t have to.
    I will do my part and not accept the $10 million that is being held for me in a Nigerian bank.

  6. It would be an interesting list to see the hierarchy of pureness and victimization of leftist causes, wrongs and ‘injustices’…..the conflicts between each of these is too confusing, what’s a lefty to do without a playbook?
    For example, in Brunei, which is the more serious offense, h0m0$exuality or women without burqas? Enquiring minds need to know!
    For me, its just about beer and popcorn.

  7. Stephen Fry is nothing but a hypocritical SOB. Were has he been all this time when women and female children have been treated as second rate citizens by these turds????

  8. So how do they determine who the gays are when almost every muslim male in that part of the world has molested a boy or two, or ten? Man-love Thursday is pretty popular over there.

  9. Of course, in addition to dictating his employees’ choice of hotel, to be consistent Branson’s Virgin global conglomerate of 400-odd enterprises will cease operations in all regions where judicial stoning deaths occur, right? And surely the Sultan sobbed uncontrollably at the news of missing an opportunity to host Stephen Fry in one of his hotels. That’s showin’ em!

  10. Political correctness leans in which ever way the wind blows. Just like Obama was once against gay marriage, if it means a few Hollywood votes and campaign money, they suddenly love everything gay and act like it’s always been their mission in life. Hillary Clinton is really good at reading the tea leaves on this subject.
    At least the Camel herders stay true to their convictions and don’t play the political correctness game.

  11. Branson would have to shave and clean up before I’d let him stay in my hotel.

  12. It has been said, that the man who shot JPII, was just another young man who visited the local whorehouse, until some Arab gay male messed him up and sent him on the road to Rome. Don’t know how true it was, but I have seen nothing written to deny it.

  13. You have a point. My impression – and it’s not like I’ve studied the guy in great detail – but my impression is that gay rights is where Fry’s moral steadfastness begins and ends.
    Still, as far as it goes, good for him.

  14. It would have been nice to see some western spine like this while the Western Standard and a handful of others published the Muhammad Cartoons but it’s at least a start. Branson has a lot to worry about in his own backyard, namely the effective dhimmitude of the UK.

  15. To quote Andy Rooney…
    “If I think homosexuality is wrong…..that doesn’t make me a bad person….it means I have an opinion.”
    However, stoning seems a bit harsh…..
    Robert L
    Ya got a point there….
    Probably a method to remove ANY political opposition….publicly not clandestinely as is current SOP.

  16. It’s okay for a Muslim gentleman to relieve his sexual tensions with a pre-pubescent boy,that’s perfectly acceptable.
    BUT,if he should try the same with a young man who’s reached puberty,that’s a BIG sin, and the penalty is as the Koran decrees.
    What a f***ed up bunch.

  17. Don, your last sentence sums up the topic well. Although, as DanBC suggested, it would be nice to see the PC crowds priority list.

  18. Good observation.
    Heres another comparison.
    What’s worse
    Kidnapping girls or female genetial mutilation?
    I’ve heard rumours there is a leader of a Canadian political party that thinks calling such things barbaric is inappropriate.
    Can’t recall his name, think he was related to some dead communist.

  19. Dec. 15, 2012
    Hillary Clinton has suffered a concussion after fainting earlier this week.
    The U.S. Secretary of State reportedly fell and hit her head, causing the concussion, after suffering from a stomach virus that had led her to become dehydrated.
    When reporters asked Bill Clinton how Hillary’s head was, he replied;
    “Well, she’s no Monica.”

  20. But the UN is coming down hard on the Catholic Church because a few priests molested a few kids against Church policy. The Catholic Church maintains sovereignty over only a few clerics at the Vatican, otherwise secular governments failed to act. Mind you, in a big part of the world child molesting, even if illegal, isn’t enforced. If I were Catholic, I’d really be pissed.

  21. Back in the day, prior to going abroad to try to change the world (sarc) and enrich myself, I commented to a born again Christian….
    “Tread carefully, it’s only a small step between declaring something a “wrong religion” and putting it’s adherents into an oven.”
    After contact with Islam, I realized that Islam was indeed exceptional and found I could readily engage in barbaric practices against them…..with no regret.
    Churchill’s comment from the “River Wars”…

    How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.”………
