34 Replies to “A CBC Survey Goes Horribly Wrong”

  1. The survey requires more options to COMPLETELY de-fund the left-wing biased CBC.

  2. They’re gutless, they don’t include the options “none of the above” for delivery of news, info, programming, and they don’t include “zero” for funding per person…
    Still, I’ve played the survey game haven’t I…
    The option to divert my tax dollars to the military only, is sadly missing as well.

  3. What makes me crazy about this survey [well, one of many things] is their unending centre-of-the-universe complex. They ask “What services should we offer to the regions”? Makes everything outside of downtown Toronto sound like Hooterville. Which is about how they see us.
    Fire. Them. All.

  4. You get to comment about their future in the last question, my words were: “Pack your bags and find employment in the private sector where your talents are appreciated… say didn’t they recently legalize brothels”.

  5. They want to know how I want to have my TV in 2020: online or via netflix. Idiots are 6 years behind the times at best. In 2020, the means by which we receive TV content will have changed yet again to something we do not even know of yet.

  6. Added the poll to a popular forum for conservative minded folks, just to ensure there is a good sampling of Canadians!

  7. The answer options leave something to be desired but I had fun with the last one where you could say what you wanted. I also like surveys that only ask for postal codes because there’s added joy when I punch in one from a strong Liberal riding.

  8. I identified them as the communications arm of the LPC and said I didn’t see any sign of that changing.

  9. Pack up, go home…you screwed the pooch with CBC 2, now you don’t have hockey. You’re done…save us the billion and shut’er down.

  10. I did not answer question 3 since there was no correct answer choice given. My final comment was: “The CBC is a left wing political organization with a broadcast license and a billion dollar subsidy.

  11. More daydreams by the welfare broadcasting pogues. They just think the funding tap will never run dry – notice how there was no option to vote for their discontinuance? They were daydreaming about EXPANDING into new media and competing with private operators. The whole poll led to that conclusion in one degree or another.
    Before we pull the plug on this CBC albatross we need to shut down the CRTC’s power to force us to accept crappy cable/tv channels. crappy Satellite channels and fergawdsake keep them away from the internet or they’ll degenerate that into a wasteland as well. The CRTC sanctions media monopolies/oligopolies.
    If people could select only the channels they want (and no more “packages” that they must buy with crappy Cancon), CBC and other welfare broadcast would vanish as cable providers scramble to offer better programming. There would even be competition in the provider base if the CRTC sticks to allocating RF spectrum instead of sanctioning crony broadcast cartels

  12. Don’t ever watch it or listen to it, provides no value at all, time to shut it down. Agree though that they will take these poll results as a mandate to break into new territory with our tax dollars so they can be ignored in new mediums.

  13. I made the comment as well about their bias and said that they acted like an arm of the LPC. Also said that they should get out of areas where they are competing with non-publicly funded broadcasters i.e. online music. I don’t believe that the Canadian taxpayer should be funding them to compete with those broadcasters. Generally, the only time I watch CBC is to see the next episode of Murdoch Mysteries, and even that show has been CBC-ified. I NEVER listen to CBC radio.

  14. “The CBC is a throwback to an age that has passed. At one time, only governments had the resources to be able to supply news, information, and entertainment from coast to coast. This is similar to how there was a time when only government had the resources to make transatlantic voyages. The difficulties are less, the abilities are readily available to all, and the founding ideology (displayed in what is covered and how it is covered) does not resonate in a positive way with most Canadians. Those that are tax funded should not compete with those that are not.”
    Agreed that some option of “defund them all” should be available, but I was trying to write in CBC speak in the hopes that they might understand. They’ll never agree to leave the teat, but maybe they’ll have a better idea of why we’re tugging them away.

  15. ……only time I ever go to the CBC website or tv channels is to slag them/it. Now I need a shower. How do you clean socialist slime off?

  16. Comment left: “The mother of Al Jazeera should pack it in; state-supported ‘news’ is so 20th century.

  17. “The option to divert my tax dollars to the military only, is sadly missing as well.”
    Although this is a commendable option and one I would wholeheartedly agree with, it would cause a huge uproar among the usual culprits who would immediately start tossing around words like “militaristic”, “war-mongering”, etc.
    A better option would be to divert CBC’s funding to health care. Every penny. And I don’t mean throwing more money at health care unions. I was thinking more in the line of infrastructure. You know … new hospitals, new equipment. No one in his or her right mind, even the most rabid left-leaning weasel, would dare to object to money being used in this fashion.

  18. I told them the only future they have is as a PBS private station, geared for regional use by people who actually live in the Hinterland, not Toronto. Instead of producing fantasy shows in Toronto about the ROC.That can’t stand up to reality.

  19. “……only time I ever go to the CBC website or tv channels is to slag them/it. Now I need a shower. How do you clean socialist slime off?”
    Posted by: Gary on May 6, 2014 9:51 AM
    Alcohol. It’s the only way.

  20. I went there last night and did their survey.My comments are about the same as most here.
    Also on their site;
    ” Canada’s Smartest Person: who should apply for the show? ”
    I applied. I don’t expect them to choose me. I think it is because they hate me. And I’m not that smart. But it was fun.
    You can also nominate people for the show.
    I nominated Brian Lilley. He writes books.

  21. In the comment area I asked where all the D) Neither radio or TV, or D) Neither conventional or online answers options were.
    Then I told them to ‘Die, CBC, Die.’

  22. I completed the survey & my comment was “Government should not be in the media business”. We have a similar $1,200,000,000 pound gorilla in Oz: the ABC. Shut It Down, Fire Them All, Salt The Earth.

  23. I said, “I don’t see the need for a state broadcaster but if there is one, I think it should truly reflect the changing country and be accountable to the voters and the best way for it to do that is that the CBC should report directly to the PMO.” I think if this simple change was made, there would be universal support to defund the CBC. Problem solved.

  24. it won’t let me finish the survey. guess they don’t like my answers so far!

  25. That was fun. I notice that it didn’t seem to want to take some of the answers, I guess it doesn’t like bad vibes. Ar least it took the suggestion box in which I wrote “dump it”. I would guess that the friends of he CBC bunch will be spending multiple hours a day for the next while flooding the survey with the politically correct answers.

  26. Yeah, definitely missing a “None of the above” option on several of the questions.
    My comments for the final question:
    You don’t tell my story, nor do you tell any stories which I am interested in. Other Canadian broadcasters do tell these stories, so they obviously do a better job than CBC at doing CBC’s job, and they do it without my tax dollars.
    I tire of paying for something which serves no purpose in my life, and I tire of paying for something that seems to demonize the work that I do and the lifestyle that I choose to live.
    What is the future of the CBC?
    If I had my way the answer to that would be “Privatize. The government of Canada should divest itself of the CBC and leave you to compete on a level playing field with all the other players in the marketplace.”
