Oh, Shiny Pony!

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Justin Trudeau, December 2013: “We have to offer a full reboot, and that means that every candidate for the Liberal Party in 338 ridings in 2015, or whenever the election does come, will have been chosen in a free vote by the Liberal members of that riding.”
Justin Trudeau, May 2014: “The Liberal party’s official position on abortion is very clear. It is a party of pro-choice … All Liberal party candidates in 2015 must accept and support the party’s position on this.”

52 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. “All Liberal party candidates in 2015 must accept and support the party’s position on this.” They must also… ? Anybody know what else?

  2. Are all the pro-life Liberal MP’s retiring then? If not, it’s going to be interesting.

  3. The irony of calling that position “pro-choice” is quite delicious. It reminds me of the vow to be intolerant of the intolerant.

  4. *
    son of a socialist millionaire and a bi-polar flower child… yup, he’s got the royal jelly.

  5. abortion is the issue for every election for the Liberals NDP and Media party
    Liberals support killing babies they all support killing babies

  6. Personally, I appreciate when a party leader says “This party stands for ‘X’. Period.” I especially like it when it’s a party/leader I dislike and a polarizing topic on which I am anti-X.

  7. Having recently moved away from Weyburn, SK (and still having many friends there) I cannot understate my appreciation of your comment. Intolerant of intolerance, indeed.

  8. The Monty Python character “Charles Paisley the Baby Crusher” will be fielding questions for the LIEberals…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  9. So to be clear there is no room for opinions other than the ones he holds? Got it, democracy at work.
    Can’t wait for tomorrow when he follows Obamas preaching on global warming and tells everyone there’s no room for decent there as well. The west better light the torches and sharpen the porch forks now.

  10. Good Liberals will fall in line, only the retarded or insane will not follow Justin.

  11. His father brought in this despicable policy and the Fils will be damned if he doesn’t carry it forward into another few decades.
    I want this doooshebag to defend his vile policies and self tomorrow on the hill. Let him take a good look at the thousands of pro-life youths who will NEVER vote for him, the abortion issue being just ONE reason why.

  12. From huff post
    The Liberal leader told reporters Wednesday that anyone interested in running for the Liberal Party of Canada in 2015 will not pass the party’s green-lighting process if they do not support key policies such as a woman’s right to choose, same-sex marriage and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
    Trudeau said current MPs who hold anti-abortion views, such as Ontario MP John McKay and Manitoba MP Kevin Lamoureux, have been grandfathered and won’t be held to the same standards as new candidates. Bwahaha double standards, gotta love em ‘.

  13. He may be a shiny pony and have the intellect of a potted plant, but Trudeau is surrounded by good advisors. This is yet another cynical ploy similar to the marijuana one designed to draw voters from the left. His handlers know that JT will not get a single vote from the core of PMSH’s support. They also know that if he were to expound on issues that are most paramount in canadian minds he will do badly as he has done so. Solution? Look for tiny wedge issues that appeal to the left and give an opinion. As journalists are largely from this so called progressive cadre, he will get nothing but positive reviews and draw foam specked replies from the far right. Straight out of the Obama playbook. Coming soon…a pronouncement on climate change, warming, disruption or whatever it is called this week.
    Unfortunately this ‘look a squirrel’ strategy works. The boffins in the PMO need to move away from the silly striptease ads and attack Trudeau on his lack of serious policy. If they don’t they will lose. Underestimate a lightwieght loved by the media at your peril. Witness Obama.

  14. How about “Intolerance will not be tolerated!” – South Park
    Much more pithy IMO

  15. The liberal-socialist view on having personnel thoughts. Freedom of speech or even a sensitising opinion.The tolerant left in action.
    “The Liberal party’s official position on abortion is very clear. It is a party of pro-choice … All Liberal party candidates in 2015 must accept and support the party’s position on this.”

  16. Appears Liberals believe in diversity of opinion and thought, but only when it is consistent with their candidate guidelines

  17. Obama won because the base did not come out both times. Both McCain and Romney failed to campaign to the base and make sure they voted. That is all Harper will focus on and should focus on. The base of 40% conservative voters need to show up and vote and we will win.

  18. It would be nice to red the May 2014 article on ipolitic as hot linked in the original post but I am not going to register to read it. I’ll get the info from another news source.
    On topic it is nice that the hypocrisy of JT is coming to light. It won’t matter thought, the LIV leftists will vote for him just the same.
    mid island mike.

  19. a) unregulated abortions are the status quo, no candidate from any of the official parties is going risk changing that.
    b) saying that there are criteria to meet for eligibility as an LPC candidate does not preclude a free vote to choose among those who meet the eligibility criteria.
    This must be another one of Chrystia Freeland’s transplanted American issues that don’t translate into Canadian politics.
    Abortion is a dead passé issue in our political landscape.
    The Drama Teacher might have stated that all Liberal party candidates in 2015 must accept and support the party’s position that Kaiser Wilhelm is a tyrant and a warmonger. It’s tilting at windmills, a straw man issue, but I guess if some folks in the press are demanding he outline policy planks and tells us what the LPC does stand for, then this is what we get. Weak and pathetic.

  20. Jason Kenney has made some real inroads to winning ethnic community’s support.
    I’d say this comment from the Liberal leader helps the Conservatives, and as much as I disagree with the substance of Trudeau’s comment when focused on his earlier assertion that he wouldn’t interfere with the nomination process, it may be best to just give the man a microphone and let him jaw-jaw while he pisses those ethnic communities off.
    Never get in the way of your opponent making an ass of himself.
    Note that this only applies to new nominations, not to sitting MP’s.

  21. But it gets worse….if you can believe it.
    Trudeau says anyone who hopes to carry the Grit banner in the 2015 federal election will have to pass an “ideological” test.
    Wow…….just WOW! That sounds an awful lot like Cuba….or Venezuela or a number of other sewers around the world.

  22. Nothing surprising about it.
    Conservatives should do the same thing.
    It would prevent the constant infiltration of Leftists into the party until they take it over like they did with Joe Clark’s Progressive Conservatives and as they did with the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta.
    There ought to be some basic party principles that Make a Party a frikkin’ Party.
    If people want to hot dog it all over the place on policy, then they damn well ought to run as independents.

  23. Well…I am looking forward to see who, if any, pro-life Libs MP’s,(and there are some) will show up tomorrow on the Hill, and show some backbone.

  24. If you are a white male that is considering running for The Liberal party, you best get nominated quickly.
    There will be quotas enforced as the election gets closer.
    JT will not stand for the grassroots filling the big red tent with those that do not meet his criteria of diversity and inclusiveness.

  25. What does pro choice actually mean? My point is that for some it means reasonable access to abortion, to others it means anywhere, anytime and the state pays. Most people are between the two ideas.
    By decree Trudeau has made abortion a matter, not just between the patient and her doctor, but also for her member of parliament. By, again, using his top down, philosopher king on high approach he has failed to recognize the nuances of this issue which, frankly, very few Canadians wish to debate anyway.
    I don’t see how this helps him, but it can hurt him. He should have consulted Uncle Jean Chretien who would have told him to keep his mouth shut.
    Trudeau, on the measure of real, common smarts, doesn’t seem to me the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  26. “What does pro choice actually mean?”
    It is Orwellian newspeak for: “approving of others committing infanticide, whenever they want, using any means they like”.

  27. James,
    The conservative core vote is probably closer to 30% rather than 40%. To win a government a party needs to garner in the mid thirties (minority) or above forty (majority). If the Liberals manage to peel votes from the NDP, especially in Quebec, which has a very active youth vote, they can win.
    Be afraid.

  28. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
    Justine is the best gift that Prime Minister Stephen Harper has been given since Dionne and Iggy.
    He must have been smoking dope with his mother again.
    Trust me on this one. He has only begun to self-destruct.

  29. So, has he just shut the door on Muslim and Sikh MP’s? Looks like. These policies might appeal to downtown sophisticates, but they leave a lose a lot of people outside of that.

  30. I would say 32% firm vote for the cpc.
    In the past election the cpc needed about 38% to win a majority.
    With the new seats that majority number is nearer to 36%. (Requiring proper ID will have an impact Btw)
    Thus the cpc has to be moderate rather than polarizing to win as you point out, but they do not have to sell out.

  31. “So, has he just shut the door on Muslim and Sikh MP’s?”
    No. Muslims and Sikhs are pro-choice, for everybody else.
    Their women just aren’t going to be getting abortions is all.

  32. Ridiculous. Were that the case, we don’t need parties at all…..just a handful of dictators who will then direct everyone how they should operate. Sounds a lot like Stalinist Russia.

  33. No, those communities are very pro-choice, especially when the fetus is female.
    The choice for many comes down whether to mutilate the female in utero, or later.

  34. Clearly you don’t know what a party is.
    Parties are, or once were, made up a group of like-minded people who have the same policy goals and have therefor banded together their knowledge and resources to achieve those political goals.
    In the last few decades know-nothings, like for instance you,
    seem to think they are merely some sort of brand name which people run under to achieve power and a chance to belly up to the taxpayer trough while having neither knowledge of what the party stands for nor knowledge of the policy issues that the party is promoting for what they, as individuals, understand and believe to be the common welfare of the society in which they live.
    “That sounds an awful lot like Cuba….or Venezuela ”
    No it doesn’t.
    Cuba and Venezuela are one-party states with no legal opposition. People who don’t like Liberal Party of Canada can join or support a different party with no repercussions.

  35. Bingo.
    The Liberals are not liberal any longer, they are a modern version of controlling fascists.

  36. “those communities are very pro-choice”
    Yes they are, and I said so quite clearly. Read it again and note that I was replying to LindaL who said, “So, has he just shut the door on Muslim and Sikh MP’s? Looks like.”
    Seems LindL does not know the Muslim and Sikh communities.

  37. Trudeau is surrounded by good advisors. This is yet another cynical ploy similar to the marijuana one designed to draw voters from the left. His handlers know that JT will not get a single vote from the core of PMSH’s support. They also know that if he were to expound on issues that are most paramount in canadian minds he will do badly as he has done so. Solution? Look for tiny wedge issues that appeal to the left and give an opinion.
    It’s good to see that someone can see the big picture beyond the knee-jerk “foam specked replies” that many of the comments show.
    The left-wing vs right-wing ideologues cancel each other out.
    Elections are determined by who can get votes from that vast majority of middle-of-the-road undecided Canadians who may or may not even vote.
    They are a popularity contest appealing to voter’s emotions, not a competition to select the best people for the job.

  38. The danger comes in the fact that JT does not attract voters. He attracts groupies that know next to nothing about economic reality, international affairs or historical mistakes that have had a negative effect on a country. He likes Obama and his policies and has expressed his admiration for China and the way they can turn “on a dime”. He probably admires Venezuela and the skillful way food ration cards are being distributed. The majority of his followers are women, students and lefties that would be more comfortable in the NDP camp but for his boyish good looks. That’s how shallow his base is. Layton drew a lot of the young crowd with charm and promises he could never had kept and but Mulcair has all the personality of a dead fish and will lose most of the youth crowd to JT who is not overly bright , but OOOHH……look at that hair. People that are older and smart enough to understand what leadership entails will stay with the Conservatives because they are the best of all bad options. Stacked up against them will be the deadbeat drones, all civil servants, unions , tree huggers,Universities,Colleges,teachers, warmists, anti oil lobby, natives ,anti gun nuts , most of Vancouver and Toronto and just continue this list if you feel up to it. The only thing Harper has in his favor is that we have 3 political parties to help split the left. The next election will be a game of numbers but logic and common sense will not be a factor.

  39. Caught Junior’s act on CPAC tonight, it was hilarious and disturbing as it usually is whenever Trudumb opens his mouth. I counted 3 occasions where Junior was asked a question and responded by falling into some sort of trance like state, staring off into the distance with an open mouth and a tragic blank look in his eyes, intersected with bouts of nervous giggling. Liberals have come out of the closet and embraced their inner fascist, with an imbecile as their leader, well at least they’re not pretending anymore. IMO, you can bet Juniors intolerant views on freedom of thought has everything to do with Daddy’s Charter of Court interpretations, the Trudeau Charter of course representing Juniors real religion.

  40. I’d say that Shiny Pony is suffering from cognitive dissonance, but in order to suffer cognitive dissonance, you have first to be like, you know, cognitive.

  41. Justin keeps changing his mind,a sign he’s not in control but being controlled by faceless handlers/advisers. If he ever becomes PM we will have a puppet in a suit running the country, what we see will not be what we get with a very good chance we will go to pot.

  42. “Daddy’s Charter of Court Interpretations” describes the Trudeau concoction called the Charter of Right and Freedoms perfectly. The problem is who’s rights and who’s freedoms depends on what the unelected people in robes decide then the gutless, spineless politicians can run with their decisions rather than making tough political decisions.
    The Trudeau Charter is an assault on democracy, it affords some to be more equal than others. It would never have passed had the notwithstanding clause not been added and damn anyone who uses it to override a court decision. In a democracy run by the rule of law all people are equal under the law, we did not need this intrusive tool to be used and abused by unelected and elected people.
