Oh, Shiny Pony!

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Justin Trudeau, December 2013: “We have to offer a full reboot, and that means that every candidate for the Liberal Party in 338 ridings in 2015, or whenever the election does come, will have been chosen in a free vote by the Liberal members of that riding.”
Justin Trudeau, May 2014: “The Liberal party’s official position on abortion is very clear. It is a party of pro-choice … All Liberal party candidates in 2015 must accept and support the party’s position on this.”

52 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. “No, those communities are very pro-choice, especially when the fetus is female.”
    Can you please provide citation that Muslim Canadians are very pro-choice?

  2. Trudeau needs to be asked if he supports Trinity Western University’s application for accreditation of their Law School. This is a charter of rights issue and will give him another opportunity to put his foot in his mouth and show how dictatorially he will run the party and the country.
