17 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Reminds me of the old Soviet Union where you where forced to vote for just one candidate.
    Someone had a Freudian slip making this laughable poll.

  2. From the article…
    “…one of the things that’s a strength of the Liberal party is that we draw in voices from right across the country and on a range of perspectives,” he (Trudeau) said.
    It seems a requirement for the Liberal leader to be able to speak from both sides of the mouth. The saddest part is that the LIV’s don’t appear to notice this irony.

  3. The original poll is the exact question that Trudeau asks potential candidates.
    I just don’t know how the Winnipeg Free Press got an advanced copy of the Liberal Party Candidate’s questionnaire.
    I can’t imagine that it was good investigate journalism.

  4. Nothing about these people is “pro-choice”.
    I imagine, just like everything the Fils has said, he will spout off some sort of half-@$$ed apology. He deserves to lose so badly and so do the rest of the Liberals.

  5. Abortion should be a private matter. What an arrogant SOB he is. What is next? Can’t join the Liberals unless you smoke pot? Liberals and the left all think the same, act the same, etc. Boring people with no independence whatsoever.

  6. Hmm, political discrimination against people based on religion or moral convictions – almost like an Alinsky Demoncrat was working this child’s mouth.
    What’s up next Pony kid, banning any dissenting opinion? Who is it you are really getting this crap from, you’re too blank a slate to produce such anti-social psychopathy – who’s putting this political malignance in your head? I get the distinct odor of the old Librano capos here

  7. Just another reason to never ever vote Liberal/NDP again for any public position higher then community rat catcher.

  8. Trudeau needs to be asked his opinion on Trinity Western Universty’s law school accreditation. Is he for it or against it? That should really confuse him and mire him in his father’s Charter.

  9. You are entitled to any opinion you want, so long as it agrees with ours.

  10. The Pony Boy may want to refer to his Father’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms before he clamps down on people’s and politicians rights to their religious and moral convictions on abortion. Telling them they cannot run as a Liberal unless they are pro-choice is really going over the line.
