“When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal”

Via BCF;

The acting deputy U.S. attorney general in charge of overseeing “public integrity” prosecutions testified Friday that he doesn’t know who’s in charge of the criminal investigation of Lois Lerner, the former IRS official at the center of the tea-party targeting scandal.
David O’Neil, whose job atop the DOJ’s criminal division puts him in charge of public corruption prosecutions, told Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan that he also doesn’t know how many prosecutors are assigned to the case, or how many attorneys from his division are working on it.

21 Replies to ““When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal””

  1. Or every useless bureaucrat in ‘Atlas Shrugged’: “I don’t know.” “I cannot answer that.” “I’m not in charge.” “It’s not my responsibility.” “It’s not my fault.”
    And they’re taking their cues from the POTUS.

  2. The US would be much much better if the Mafia controlled the Administration. There would be someone in charge
    who actually took responsibility; there would be a sense of honor, and a sense of family. Bargains if made would
    be kept.
    The Administration might actually function with a degree of competence.
    With a Don as President, the US would be respected. Vladimir Putin would know who to talk to.

  3. Of course he doesn’t know the numbers or names. How could he when there isn’t actually an investigation?

  4. When it becomes very apparent that no moral code exists, no accountability exists you end up with what was on that video. Career FBI agents and Dept of Justice layers have supplanted elected officials. The downhill slide is accelerating.
    As a Canadian I used to admire the USA system of government as I considered it more answerable to the people. I don’t think that is the case anymore. I am sure that my thinking is also impacted by the positive impact of a conservative government under PMSH. To some extent I also think the CPC is rather naively walking towards a federal election that will see untold forces arrayed against their re-election. Some of those forces working towards their defeat will be from the USA.

  5. Do not be too quick about applying attributes of responsibility or honour to either the Obama Administration or the Mafia(Cosa Nostra). Neither has either.
    They chief attribute is single minded focus on power…for them. Both are composed of hardened, ruthless criminals. Both will do what they gotta do.
    The Mafia somehow, despite being heavily into prostitution, murder for hire, drug running and every other criminal endeavor, however has a better reputation/image however…..probably due to legacy experience….which Obama et al lack.

  6. CT, good post, especially the part about “USA” possible interference, think soreASS (G Soros) and Steyer. Both Jews, as is Lerner!!

  7. Old school organized crime functions with “honor” because the dons understand the prisoner’s dilemma: it’s usually better to cooperate than compete, because the cost (gang war) of competing is so high. What you’re seeing here is a crime organization – the US administration – that’s realized there’s no other mafia in town, and so they can do whatever they want and are answerable to no one. From Cosa Nostra to kleptocracy in two easy elections.

  8. The DOJ just needs some time until they realize that OTHER options are available, if they fail to act. Holder & Lerner could both find themselves under arrest and “held” in Jail.

  9. A DOJ Deputy Attorney General does not even know what his department is doing. He testifies to Congress, where he should know SOMEONE might ask; and he does not even bother to prepare.
    He is showing his and his Bosses’ Contempt of Congress.
    And this will make the US National News the next time it is a Republican administration, and not a minute before.

  10. NME666
    Interesting statement. How long have you been a Jew-baiter? Do you enjoy baiting Jews for all the ills
    of the world? Do you intend to continue to use this website to do your Jew-baiting? Who else do you hate?
    Please answer.

  11. NME666 has surfaced from the PET Cemetery.
    It’s zombie lberia, PET Cemetery’s resident anti-semite.

  12. you trying to say that these ppl are not Jewish. Try googling names when we discuss extreme lefty BS in here, yer gonna be surprised sonny BOY. Actually I’m quite pro-non-lefty Jews, but that does not change the fact that a disproportionate number of extreme leftwingers in the western world are Jews. If you think I’m wrong than show me that these “lefties” are something else. And maybe start with Marx and Alinsky, then move on to Soros, Bloomberg, Steyer, Gellen, Axelrod, R Emanuel, Nuland, Dunn, Kerry, …..all Obumbles supporter!!

  13. Wanna see The acting deputy U.S. attorney general gulp and open his eyes REAL wide?
    Just ask him to show where his ass is, using only one hand…….

  14. NNE666
    Please answer the questions. There is no need to launch a wild-eyed rant. Short answers will do just fine.
    How long have you been a Jew-baiter and do you really enjoy it? Are you going to continue to use this website
    to spout your anti-Semitism? In addition to the Jews, who else do you hate?
    Straight answers, please.

  15. “Assistant U.S. Solicitor General David O’Neil, representing the Justice Department, agreed administrators should be able to search a student’s underwear…
    Product of Princeton & Harvard, this one.
    Keen to strip children but won’t examine adults.

  16. BCer…how long have your eyes been shut? Every statement NME666 makes is factual. No Jew baiting,just the facts.

  17. Actually this old cold warrior concurs with NME666 on the matter of hard left Jews.
    What is more remarkable is the dearth of Jewish folk in prominent positions in the Republican/Tea Party.
    Here in NA I am constantly amazed at how many Jews are rabid lefties…..not however among the law/accounting/medical professions….but the professionals are remarkably silent vs politics.
    historically Jews were prominent in the Bolsheviks, Fascists, and even the early Nazi’s…..they didn’t leave the Nazi’s…..they got whacked in the night of long knives.
    I have read why leftism is so popular among European/US Jews but it jus don’t make a lotta sense…..
    And that don’t make me anti-semetic….
    Tain’t right. tain’t wrong…just is……..
