Y2Kyoto: Koch-O Haram

Is there nothing that C02 can’t do?

The kidnapping of over 200 Nigerian school girls, and the massacre of as many as 300 civilians in the town of Gamboru Ngala, by the militant al-Qaeda affiliated group, Boko Haram, has shocked the world.
But while condemnations have rightly been forthcoming from a whole range of senior figures from celebrities to government officials, less attention has been paid to the roots of the crisis.

Dr Nafeez Ahmed is “executive director of the Institute for Policy Research & Development”. And a 9-11 truther.
The Guardian has no shame.
h/t Robert of Ottawa

11 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Koch-O Haram”

  1. Read an article in the New York Times about the grief of the mothers of the missing girls and the response, such as it is, of the government. The word Christian never appeared in the whole article even though 90% of the kidnapped girls were Christian and the girls let go were Muslim.

  2. The Guardian has no shame
    Actually the Guardian is hogging all of the shame. Like buying carbon offsets, reading and believing the Guardian’s tripe is what well heeled Englishmen do to assuage their shame. They’re buying shame credits.

  3. With a name like Nafeez Ahmed, you don’t think he’s gonna blame Islam, do you?

  4. Why did Hillary’s State Department refuse to name Boko Haram as a terrorist organization?
    One of the Democrat’s main benefactor and shadow leader, George Soros, and his leftist agitation unit, moveon.org was hosting petitions to keep Boko Haram off the terrorist list.
    The radical jihadist’s and the radical left have the same goals. Now that Boko Haram have crossed a line on crazy, Hillary et al are scurrying like cockroaches from the light.

  5. “On February 25…Boko Haram terrorists attacked a boarding school (for boys) and shot many of the children aged 11 to 18, while they slept. Some of the students were gunned down as they attempted to flee. Others had their throats slit…Boko Haram militants locked the doors and set the building alight. The occupants were burned alive.” (About 50 boys were slaughtered in the incident.)
    In ‘The Guardian’ article the “the roots of the crisis” become clear:
    “…growing shifts in temperature, rainfall, storms, and sea levels throughout the twenty-first century. Poor adaptive responses to these shifts could help fuel violent conflict in some areas of the country.”
    Sea level has risen by an estimated 7 inches during the past 100 years. Fear of drowning, and alarm about bad weather in general, is apparently driving Boko Harem to murder and kidnap schoolchildren. Why the Muslim girls were released and the Christians are to be enslaved is still a mystery.

  6. Balderdash.
    Slave raids/trade and genocide has been endemic in that area for countless milenia….vastly predating even the arrival of Islam…..probably pre-Holocene….
    Islam just provided a better market network(export)….

  7. Take a crackpot theory, assume it’s right. Conclude humans are warming the planet, and further confirm it’s only “bad news,” in fact – catastrophic. How hard is it to blame any negative weather, ecological or political event on “bad news?”
    Wait, this is too hard. From now on it goes like this: all bad things that happen in the world are caused by climate change and all the good things that happen are caused by wind turbines.
    End the war on climate change!! No blood for credits!!

  8. The Guardian follows all the progressive narratives and I suspect that this journalist (sorry – opinion piece masquerading as news) had each narrative on a separate wooden carving and after an accident when he knocked them off his desk he picked up the wrong one when getting to the root cause drop-down blank in his predigested pabulum “News” template. As a Guardian safeguard, Islam is not allowed in that blank. They wouldn’t want any accidental journalism to happen.
