28 Replies to “Borg Hive Mind Meets Amateur Dramatics”

  1. Through the window it’s a beautiful spring day on a nice campus in the richest country in the world at a time when war, poverty and hunger have never posed so little threat.
    And inside the room, a cluster of angry imbeciles who will never earn a single penny that doesn’t come from the hard working private sector that they detest.
    It’s a shame we couldn’t send them to somewhere in Asia or Africa in exchange for people who would weep at the opportunities these fools have.

  2. They left and gathered at the local Starbucks; politely standing in line for their opportunity to sip coffee and tweet their angry words.

  3. Sad maladjusted, insecure kids just looking for anything to identify with to fit in – in this case these young neurotics propose to create their own little society where neurosis is the norm – notice the easy fit of leftist extremism provides to emotionally unstable simple-minded kinder.
    The slogan chanting is a dead give away – these are people who cannot independently reason and need a script to read from if an opinion is required.
    Again, we see the blind attempting to lead the blind.

  4. Chip Said – It’s a shame we couldn’t send them to somewhere in Asia or Africa in exchange for people who would weep at the opportunities these fools have.
    Chip. I’m thinking the Ukraine is the perfect place for them – they will get to see the Worker’s utopia up close and have a few nights out rebelling against whatever faction they chose – get shot at, do some shooting, rape, be raped, eat rat to survive -all for the cause, be a great learning experience for young suburban revolutionaries.

  5. It fills me with joy to see Leftists at the front of the room being shouted down by Leftists in the audience.
    Confusion to the Enemy!
    Note to organizers of conservative events: get a really frickin’ LOUD speaker system. 1000 watts RMS, 110db at the back of the room.

  6. Quote by Francois Guisot (1787 – 1874)”Not to be a republican at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.”
    What this French historian, orator, and statesman was describing is the ability of an individual to shift away from reliance on guardianship and the oversight of an adult in decision-making acts or in other words psychological maturity,the ability to respond to the environment in an appropriate manner. Hundreds of years of observed human behaviour led learned scholars and academics to this definition which is the foundation of our modern legal juvenile system. Lenin described these people as useful idiots, and manipulated their immaturity levels and natural inclination to central planning, or in other words guardianship. This is why the modern left always targets the demographic least able to formulate independent mature thought. It also explains the increasing silly antics and ideas trying to be passed off as political discourse emanating from our learned institutions this age demographic dominates.

  7. Obamaland=the dregs in ascendancy
    One comment compared them to dogs even though a dog is supposed to be man’s best friend.

  8. Pathologies on Parade
    Among the benefits of the inter webs is the opportunity they afford us to observe up close, so to speak, the various pathologies of thought that comprise our so-called modern culture.
    The pathology on parade in this video has, at its bottom, the belief that each of us (Well, not really all of us. Only those with the right beliefs.) is entitled to our beliefs for no other reason than that we believe them. “We” are just that precious! This pathology is promoted in our schools, in the clown-quarters of our universities, throughout pop culture. On that assumption, any discussion, let alone, debate, of whether one should believe what one believes is therefore a personal assault—a violent attack on the person, which must be met with violence, as the video amply displays.
    What, I hear you ask, would be left of conversation in such a culture? In such a culture would disagreement even be possible? Shut up, he explained.
    These children are our future, and that’s why I’m stockpiling concertina wire and land mines.

  9. This seems to happen more and more often. The problem is these protesters succeed in shutting down events and their success is happening more and more.
    What’s the solution?
    If you call the police they’ll stand around getting stories straight for 2 hours until everyone has naturally cleared out. Thus, the protesters win.
    You could break out the pepper spray, but that would ruin the event as well.
    What’s the solution?

  10. oh, Lord… it’s wrong, I know, but I wish someone would walk up, plough that black woman in the face, and then say to the room at large “That’s violence. Any questions?”.

  11. As an old saying goes: you bring together 12 anarchists and by the end of the day you’ll have 13 factions sniping at each other.

  12. A tough question. I sometimes think that what’s necessary is a honey pot event – something with a speaker or speakers that will attract the loons, then pay a very large contingent of private security highly trained in subdual. When the crazies start up, the security removes them quickly and efficiently and detains them outside the venue. Every time it happens, the moderator makes it clear that disrupting the event is a violation of relevant laws against harassment and unlawful assembly, and anyone who disrupts the event *will* be removed, by force if necessary. Repeat until all the moonbats are gone.

  13. Yup. Agreed. That’s crazy town. But these guys don’t represent the left. They represent the FAR Left. Sort of like how you guys and the TeaParty represent the FAR Right. They’re part of the problem.
    If the far left and right would kindly move to another planet and proceed to fight and/or starve themselves to death with their silliness, we’d all be better off.

  14. Problem with yer slander is that the TEA Party is not far right….actualy the centre….
    Yer problem is that they are not lefty….a situation YOU will not tolerate.

  15. The problem John is that what you have here is people who think its ok to use mob tactics to silence anyone they don’t like. Brown shirts or Mao jackets makes no difference, they all use thuggery to attain the same ends: mass subjugation.
    The difference between a Fascist, a Socialist and a Communist is mostly their choices in marching bands.
    The Tea Party by contrast calls for LESS GOVERNMENT. How you get “fascist” out of “less government” remains one of those mysteries of the Leftist mind that I’m reluctant to dwell upon too long, in case the stupid might be sticky.

  16. I would love to hear why John believes the Tea Party is “far right”, because I believe he is only stating what he has been told.

  17. “The Tea Party by contrast calls for LESS GOVERNMENT. How you get “fascist” out of “less government” remains one of those mysteries of the Leftist mind that I’m reluctant to dwell upon too long, in case the stupid might be sticky.”
    Also never minding that if one goes back and look at how “left vs. right” started, it can be argued that calling for less gov’t and more freedom isn’t a “right wing” position.

  18. “Not an employable being in the entire room.”
    True that, also not a single attractive being in the room. What is it about those loons that they are always plain fugly?

  19. … or can we?
    These sanctimonious, puffy jackholes have no idea what poverty and victimisation are really like. They are so arrogant and self-absorbed that if they did meet a real political refugee, they would him up in favour of hearing their own illogical banter.
    I think taxpayer dollars would be well-spent sending these freaks to North Korea, ect. At least we won’t hear their garbage again.

  20. heh heh, John made me spray coffee on the screen with that last gaffe – when a guy calls libertarians and classic liberals “far right” he reveals that he is so far left he’s never seen center so he thinks it doesn’t exist – the same type who looked no further than the kitchen table and declared the earth to be flat.
    Keep checking in John, the trip from the outer limits to the center may become habit forming.

  21. “Yer problem is that they are not lefty….a situation YOU will not tolerate.” Anyone to the right of Karl Marx is “far right” according to the socialists.
    Sasquatch, you get a bingo for that. Most excellent.
    These screwballs in the video are all Nestor Makhno wannabees.

  22. Another public space occupied by the vacant. They didn’t want to be silenced but they had nothing to say.
    It was unclear what the disruption was about. Probably someone used a term that was declared “racist” last week, but not everyone got the memo.
    At least if someone paid to attend a disorder conference, they got what they paid for.

  23. And – there doesn’t appear to be any real “violence” coming from the presenters who were so rudely interrupted.
    One of the left’s strategies is to blur the distinction between voluntary and coerced. Here is another example, even within their own conference.
