19 Replies to “I Amuse Myself”

  1. I just checked my privilege, turns out any I might have I paid cash for it. While I was at it I checked for legal rights, didn’t find any.
    I consider myself amazingly fortunate that I don’t even know anyone who would use “check your privilege” in a sentence. Don’t know what I’d do if I met such a creature. Probably laugh.

  2. Last time I checked my privilege, it came with a T-4.
    CYP is just another leftard form of “shut-up” when the debate on their end is lost and their talking points refuted. When I tell them that and they just repeat it ad nauseam.
    Kate, here is a handy chart that you can include that provides exact, precise, and quantifiable measurement of “privilege” –
    Let us see how each of us measure up. 😀

  3. If anyone ever said that to me I would respond by telling them I have to pull my pants down
    in order to do it. It appears my idea a privilege is somewhat different than theirs.

  4. Check your privilege, meanwhile Blacks are still slaving Blacks in sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere. They can kiss my glow-in-the-dark white ass.

  5. Privilege? I have privilege? Where the hell are my cheques then?
    Somebody owes me a TON of back compensation.

  6. I think my families “privilege” is broken because we’ve been persecuted, murdered and displaced across continents. And I see a white guy in the mirror.

  7. One guy nails it…..PC is an admission of intellectual failure. Describes leftards to a T.

    The answer to “check your privilege” is “that’s rich, coming from a Canadian – the top 1/2% of the planet’s population”.
    Every single Canadian is a lottery winner, just be being here. Not a single one has any right to criticize other lottery winners. Not one.

  9. One speaker stated that whites might be discriminated against but could never feel racism. I suggest a shopping trip to a mall in Richmond BC which is dominated by Asians to prove how wrong they are. White privilege is nowhere to be seen.

  10. Why doesn’t the white guilt industry (Big Shame) do this self-flagellation thing right? Move to the jungles of Cambodia and live in freaky communes a la Khmer Rouge. They can occasionally leave their dragon fruit orchards to go into town for some curry. Their parents’ credit cards will cover that cost.

  11. The only way to respond to any oafy moonbat with the belligerence to demand this of you (essentially demanding you shut up) is to tell THEM to check their Blue Cross – to make sure it covers dental work.

  12. Joel @ 1:16, ditto here.
    We left most of our white privilege on the forested slopes of the Urals and in the White Sea canal.
    This is all just more Marxist double-speak.

  13. They do provide good reason to stop importing people that are not compatible with our “White privilege” lifestyle so we can enjoy whatever the hell it’s supposed to be without all the hassle. We allow them to enjoy their Brown, Black, yellow privilege without bothering them, so fair is fair, no ? New immigration policy, whites only, problem solved. It’s been a privilege…..thank you.

  14. If someone tells you to check your privilege, it’s because he’s trying to make you feel unearned guilt. Then he can manipulate you at will.

  15. A friend of mine who is married to a Chinese-Canadian – and whose Cantonese has become pretty good after many years of wedded bliss – often heads to the TNT supermarket to pick up various Chinese foodstuffs.
    When the place is crowded, and he’s trying to negotiate his shopping cart around the aisles, he is often quite amused at what the little old Chinese grannies mutter about the damned annoying “gwai lo” who keeps getting in their way.
