Wildrose begone

The Alberta Government has announced its intention to remove the wild rose from Alberta’s license plate and add the Government of Alberta website address.
Doug Griffiths, Minister of Service Alberta:

“Our current licence plate…lacks features to help make our roads and communities safer.”

h/t Jamie MacMaster

30 Replies to “Wildrose begone”

  1. Remember, it wasn’t that many years ago that the PC government changed our license plates from black and yellow (as in oil and wheat) to blue and orange, which just happen to be the colours of the PC party.
    Back then we got a new license plate every year anyway. No longer so. This time the propaganda / change will cost us as we have to crank out new plates.

  2. Oh doug griffith of High River gun grab fame. Just when you think the PCs can’t get any more petty along comes doug. And they wonder why Herbie Hancock’s half hour of Stampede breakfast was so sparsely attended.

  3. non-digestible wood filler, so if you run out of fire wood, and haven’t flushed the toilet……..

  4. The millions of mobile free ad’s for the Wild Rose party in Alberta will not be tolerated.
    Those plate designs are poor, and that’s being kind.
    Kate quick – submit a license plate design for AB -they need you!

  5. I like what tj230 said over on the Canadian Landowner Alliance Blog…
    “The reaction or lack of it will be a really good indication of just how conservative Albertans really are or aren’t.”

  6. License Plates are advertising and the present Alberta plate is not interesting. What Alberta should do is what we do in Montana. For $5,000 any organization can design their own plates. Personally as I live next to Glacier National Park I have theirs. The money goes to the cause supporting the plate.
    100 other ones – see categories
    In Alberta You could have “More Alberta, Less Ottaws”

  7. There is no difference between these Conservatives and the Liberals that orchestrated the flag selection back in the 60s. Same step-by-step process, First of all, anything that would remotely suggest a British connection was ruthlessly junked. And then Pearson’s committee hacked away and eliminated anything that didn’t have Liberal colours and symbols. It should have been a foregone conclusion that we would end up with the sterile rag that now flies on the Peace Tower.
    So the Alberta Conservatives have simply taken another page from a Liberal book. They have expunged any reference to their opposition, and they have presented the voters with three choices: two are drab and lifeless, and the other one positively sparkles with Conservative blue.

  8. Repulsive, but typical. Exemplifies the typical view of the clowns at the senior level of government, that they are the fount of every good thing that happens in their particular jurisdiction, whether in the public or private sphere. They don’t have a clue as to how stupid this looks to normal people.

  9. So, removing ‘Wild Rose Country’ from the licence plates will, somehow, concurrently cause the Wildrose party to disappear? What’s next, changing the provincial flower from – you guessed it – to…?
    But I have to say, the new slogan, ‘Alberta.ca’ sure is catchy. It highlights the imaginative, forward thinking of the Conservatives, don’tcha think? But perhaps an even more appropriate phrase would be ‘Home of the Conservaturds’.
    I’ve been on this planet for more than 70 years and this must be one of the most pathetic political knee-jerk moves I have ever seen.

  10. I am so glad a provincial government will soon make it easier to surf the Government of Alberta website on my phone as I drive down the road.
    Nothing says caring government like aiding and abetting distracted driving!

  11. Years ago some American tourists remarked to me: “we’re really impressed by how your country puts yellow license plates on the cars of all the bad drivers!”

  12. Our current licence plate…lacks features to help make our roads and communities safer.
    A website address on a license plate will make me safer on the road, how? … explain please.

  13. “Our current licence plate…lacks features to help make our roads and communities safer ”
    I did not know that people depend on license plates for that.
    ” Honey, I don’t feel safe, can you get closer to the car ahead.
    No, not that one, it’s from Alberta, try to find a B.C. one.”
    And in totally unrelated news, the hamlet of Smith is being renamed Redford in a bid to attract more tax dollars.

  14. That was real stupid. Now people know just how petty these kleptocrates are. They did themselves no favour about lying about changing the plates because their political foe is named Wild Rose. What a bunch of chowder heads. If they are this low in the matter of something trivial. What are they like when they go after people or run our institutions?
    You can’t create bad PR this bad.

  15. So there’s a survey about the new plates. But “no, thanks” isn’t an option. In fact, you’ve only got three choices, and they aren’t even all that different, just variations on the same design. One out of three preselected minor cosmetic variations of a design everyone will be forced to use: it’s good to know our government listens to the people.

  16. I think the Wild Rose Party is making a mash of the small government ideas it was founded on, recently they’ve been on a campaign to promote a variety of gov’t programs, none of which I favor. I’m almost expecting they’ll be Progressive Conservative Light instead of a serious break from the smouldering remains of the PC Party.
    The photo images on the plates look good, I don’t know why they wouldn’t allow different schemes like they are in Montana. Redesigning the logo at the bottom in order to serve you better is idiocy / fiction. The two simply aren’t related, at worst it seems petty on behalf of the PC Party.

  17. and the beat goes on. confiscating the language… george orwell – where art thou?

  18. With foreign $Billions flooding the province to pay Hippy Radicals to poleaxe our economy, the Progressives in Edmonton are fixated on changing the licence plates, just like Special Ed was?
    Whatever these A-holes are being paid, it’s TOO MUCH!
    Alberta needs a Fire Wall to protect us from NEPII. Yesterday.

  19. I’ve tried three times to say that Ralph Klein tried the same thing by giving us four opinions to choose from when he wanted access to our Heritage Trust Fund, but can’t get past the filter. What wrong text am I using?

  20. Yea, this is terrible, I can see it causing only 249966 more people moving to Alberta next year instead of 250000. I know if I wanted to go the most stable and well run province in Canada i would seriously consider not doing it because of this. For all you conspiracy theory adherants, why did honey boo hoo skid her most prized sweat on his ass property rights pit bull, after all did’nt old Joe know everything about property rights, or was it all bull like the rest of that finger in the wind crowd. There was a time I too thought this bunch had something to offer but so did a lot of Obama voters, hows that working that hope and change?

  21. Re: Wild Rose Country.
    Polls show that the decision to remove the Wild Rose from Alberta Plates is strongly opposed.
    Another no-brainer from public servants who spend too much time near the water cooler.
    I think Danielle Smith can use this to her advantage. When you think about it, how hard would it be to stamp a new one?

  22. Makes you long for the old days when honest to God convicted criminals made license plates as part of their community service.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  23. This move is one of symbolism for the globalist crony collectivists who have captured Alberta’s governing bodies – it’s a statement that the province’s traditions and culture of freedom and independence are now subservient to the new global governing order which controls the resource riches of Canada’s wealthiest province – full speed ahead with Agenda 21 as the UN-connected PCs lead AB into bureaucratic subjugation.

  24. I didn’t vote, but commented to them “The colour scheme is unique, and allows for quick recognition at a glance. Lots of places have grain and/or mountains. No one else has a wild rose.”

  25. This may be time for an SDA contest. Transplanted American bluesman Morgan Davis recorded a song entitled “I Got the Bluenose on My Licence Plate”. Unfortunately, YouTube does not seem to have a video of Morgan performing it, but there is a cover by another artist:
    Surely some proud Albertans would like to re-write the lyrics for “I Got the Wild Rose on My Licence Plate” as way of letting people know that you’d like to keep it, or even just to let the P(etty), P(recious), P(ompous), P(rivileged), Over-P(renticed) C(onservative) Party what you think of its latest wheeze.

  26. I guess in case you were wondering what all those bureaucrats in government do with their endless spare time on the taxpayer dime, now you know: redesign license plates!
    Heaven help the West.
