18 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. In light of the recent violence in Chicago — about 70 or 80 people were shot last weekend, depending on what source you read — there’s an interesting stat in an article in the NY Post that provides some larger context: The rate of nonfatal gunshot injuries in Chicago is 1.62 per 100,000 for caucasians, and 599.65 per 100,000 for black males between the ages of 18 and 34.

  2. If you can stomach opening Bourque Newswatch and scroll down about half way on the left their is an article about Hamas rockets reaching Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Just above that headline in italics is the statement “as Israel carpet bombs Gaza” What a load of libelous crap. That’s my last trip there. Looked all over the site for a contact link but none to be found.
    mid island mike

  3. Sarah Palin posted on her FB a message regarding the potential impeachment of B. Hussien, one of the things she’s mentioned today is, if B. Hussien can’t be impeached for what he’s done, then nobody can be impeached.
    https://www.facebook.com/sarahpalin It’s a video at the top of her page, I didn’t check if other sites have carried this..
    EBD, I wasn’t aware of the dramatic racial divide / tallies difference between white & black in Chicago… wow.
    Earlier today, Cosco had made the decision to stop selling, and return all unsold copies of Dinesh D’Souza’s book, America: Imagine the World Without Her.
    Cosco has received a fair bit of feedback on this decision, they’ve reversed course.
    Complaints do count…

  4. Just saw Nick Cave play in Denver late last month. Good show, but not the best I’ve seen him do. Catch him if you have the chance!

  5. Sarah Palin:
    “Enough is enough of the years of abuse from this president. His unsecured border crisis is the last straw that makes the battered wife say, “no mas.”
    Without borders, there is no nation. Obama knows this. Opening our borders to a flood of illegal immigrants is deliberate. This is his fundamental transformation of America. It’s the only promise he has kept.”
    “The many impeachable offenses of Barack Obama can no longer be ignored. If after all this he’s not impeachable, then no one is.”

  6. If you Google ‘human shields Gaza 2014’ you will get 283,000 results.
    CNN, the Guardian, Al-Jazeera, Breitbart News, Huffington Post, and many more are reporting on Hamas using children to protect their militant leaders. A few even have photos.
    CBC, the Globe and Mail, and the National Post are not.
    That is the state of the media in Canada.
    The G&M did have the story up. But it was taken down.
    Someone will be looking for a job tomorrow.

  7. No thanks, left it a long time ago, I’ll take your word for it, sounds like it hasn’t changed, no clicks from me.

  8. I need help with this.
    CBC is reporting that farmers use antibiotics to fatten up their animals.
    Not being a farmer, I always thought antibiotics were used to prevent diseases only.
    Can any of you Ag specialists explain this to me?

  9. The CBC is to accurate reporting what the RCMP is to killing a runaway cow. (14 shots from “Canada’s finest”?)
    and note, this wasn’t written by the CBC Sports dept.. it was written by …
    “Kelly Crowe is a medical sciences correspondent for CBC News, specializing in health and biomedical research. She joined CBC in 1991, and has spent 25 years reporting on a wide range of national news and current affairs, with a particular interest in science and medicine.”
    and the cow being shot 14 times story:
    “A Saskatchewan RCMP officer had to put down a cow with a broken leg, although things didn’t go quite as planned.
    The Mountie, from the detachment in Warman, had to shoot 14 times before the yearling calf was put out of its misery at the side of a highway, the RCMP said in a news release”

    “Police were going to use a shotgun, but the owner said that wouldn’t work and advised them to use a service pistol instead.
    The officer started shooting with the handgun, but it soon became apparent that it wasn’t working.
    A veterinarian told police that several of the shots landed in an area of the animal’s skull that would not have been effective.
    The officer fired more shots, 14 in total, until it was over.”
    I usually avoid the CBC when I want facts. Nick O’Teen practically dared me to go and see this…
    A shotgun? for a cow?

  10. O’narcissist. O’putz?
    “*Could some incident somewhere in the world spark another global war?”
    “*One can understand why the president feels betrayed by the world.”
    “Walter Russell Mead wonders if we are living in the shadow of another great war. In his piece “Have We Gone From a Post-War to a Pre-War World?” he concludes our comforting margins of peace are evaporating at an alarming rate. Could we run out?
    Only a few years ago, most western observers believed that the age of geopolitical rivalry and great power war was over. Today, with Russian forces in Ukraine, religious wars exploding across the Middle East, and territorial disputes leading to one crisis after another in the East and South China seas, the outlook is darker. Serious people now ask whether we have moved from a post-war into a pre-war world. Could some incident somewhere in the world spark another global war?
    But Andrew Klavan is convinced of one thing: if some great conflict breaks out, it won’t result from some dark plot hatched in Washington. They’re too incompetent to author tragedy, though they can manage farce.
    Many people on the right think Obama is an Evil Leftist Genius. Not me. I think he is a hapless putz.”
    “One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans (1888).” ― Otto von Bismarck.”

  11. “Shale Seen Shifting Flows at America’s Biggest Oil Port”
    “Canadian Crude
    The next step could be loading that domestic oil or crude mined from Canada’s oil sands onto tankers. Engineers have finished preliminary planning on two projects that would allow the reversed flows, Hestermann said.
    One would make the existing pipeline between the buoys and storage bi-directional. That would take about a year to mechanically complete. The port is still receiving enough inbound shipments that it would be challenging to switch the flows long enough to load a vessel, Hestermann said.
    The long-term solution is building another pipeline dedicated to loadings. That would take about two to three years, and would require new permits, she said.
    The mechanical changes aren’t the end of LOOP’s challenges. The terminal’s chief advantage over other ports like Corpus Christi, Texas, and St. James, Louisiana, would be its ability to load the world’s largest tankers.
    A law known as the Jones Act requires all shipping between U.S. ports to be done aboard American-built-and-crewed vessels, most of which are small enough to use existing ports.”
