Vicarious Tolerance

On crime and punishment:

This “conspicuous forgiveness,” a kind of vicarious tolerance, can be quite striking in its boldness and disregard for facts, with acts of savagery being met with improbable excuses and rhetorical diversions. Generally from a safe distance. In 2011, following the London riots, China Miéville, a middle-class Marxist and member of the International Socialist Organisation, claimed to be “horrified” that members of the press and public had used the word feral when describing the career predators and assorted thugs who, seeking excitement and a sense of power, had beaten passing pensioners unconscious and burned random women out of their homes. And who, on the arrival of firefighters, had dragged them from their vehicles and punched them insensible.
To use the word feral when describing such people was, Mr Miéville said, our “moral degradation far more than [theirs].” You see, by referring to such behaviour as savage and anti-social, we are the degraded ones in Mr Miéville’s eyes, the ones in need of chastisement.

14 Replies to “Vicarious Tolerance”

  1. Kind of reminds me of how one son of a socialist here in Canada got his nose out of joint….or was that between joints?…over a brochure that Citizenship Canada released because it “dared” to refer to certain practices as barbaric.
    The little ponce was so put out, that he went before an assembled group of adulating fans, er excuse me, the Ottawa Press Gallery, and did his best rendition of Hamlet of how upset he was.

  2. Typical pseudo-moralist commie drivel – their displaced empathy is a matter of having no real moral compass aside from their twisted revisionist world view.
    True commies would have shot down these rioters like Warf rats – but our decadent bourgeois lefties haven’t the stomach for street-level Bolshevism, they can only function in an ideological echo chamber where neither reality nor dissent challenge their feeble ideas.

  3. Humans have been feral for most of our time on this planet. Rarely is the time when we aren’t warring, whoring, pillaging and enslaving.
    That some few cultures have poked their noses above the muck that is our animal history is nothing short of remarkable. That some people are shocked that others remain feral is simply ignorance of who we are and where we came from.
    In any case, isn’t it the argument of Mieville and his happy travelers on the left that individuals cannot be trusted with power – that a centralized elite must guide and cajole?
    It is Mieville who says individuals today need to be controlled. It is his ideological opposites who look at the improvements in modern culture and say we are no longer animals to be controlled.
    We can be trusted to do what’s best.

  4. As I said over at David’s place, it is good to recall at this time the old saying, “There is no hawk so fierce as a liberal who’s been mugged.”
    There’s a reason for that.

  5. Well said, and that is exactly what the Bolos did. Furthermore, double-speak is their main weapon in deluding the masses.
    There is no hypocrite like a socialist. They demonize and dehumanize anyone who does not support their world view, and we see this same method constantly being used in Canadian and US politics. We see this constant not so subtle demonizing on a daily basis of Harper and many others in our MSM media and from the Laurention elite limousine liberals.

  6. Somewhere in deepest Progressia the fair trade, vegetarian, homo, grey bearded pony tails are packing their Tilley hats, black socks and sandals.
    I can’t wait till the “peace activists” fly over there and lock themselves to the building to protect the sacred WMD, again.
    “The modern Liberal will inevitably side with evil over good, wrong over right, and those behaviors that lead to failure over success.”

  7. “The modern Liberal will inevitably side with evil over good, wrong over right, and those behaviors that lead to failure over success.”
    That was the exact quote I was thinking of when I read the article. The modern left always chooses the most corrosive and destructive path when they make their choices. Then, they blame their failures on others. Pitiful and childish.

  8. This is why leftists/liberals need to be air-lifted to hot spots. They might not learn anything but at least they’ll soil their pants when they see how “feral” everyone can be.

  9. Talking this kind of smack really requires a decent public hiding. What do you guys think? BJJ, Marquis of Queensbury, TKD?

  10. No.
    due to the threat of aids, one must now use a shovel.
    The Libatard will forgive the evil every trespass, except against themselves.
    And woe upon any rational person who is forced to protect themselves, their loved ones or property.
    You are public enemy # 1.
    Do you not know you are denying the bandits their rights when you resist their predatory advances?
    Perhaps Detroit has a use.. as a gulag for the liobtard.

  11. I must concur with Ocam July 9, 2014 7:35 AM .
    This wouldn’t occur in Pyongyang, Beijing, Moscow nor Havana….
