24 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. 1. Not ok to discuss outside of therapy what occurred in there. Unethical, for any reason.
    2. No doubt TorStar has plenty of sources from within these centres…

  2. Nothing new here, as the Star has always been unethical and disgusting.
    Their friend Jack was going for rehab on Dundas Street and they never mentioned it.

  3. The only politics the Star has is the politics of scorched earth and personal destruction.
    So the mayor finally does an self check and decides that he needs to work out some issues; but the Star decides that it is better to violate the client/therapist relationship to garner headlines.
    Moral and intellectual superiors…yes I know you’re joking Kate!
    These comedians don’t even know the meaning of the word moral, it’s not part of their lexicon.
    Pit vipers with ink venom would be a more accurate description.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. I’m looking forward to the rehab tribulations of George Smitherman in the afternoon edition.

  5. The Toronto Star has long ago taken journalism to the lowest form of tabloid junk. At least tabloids are billed as such, this left wing socialist rag is presenting as a credible news source when they’re closer a scummy, gossipy sham, attacking those not of their political persuasion of which Rob Ford is one.
    They’re out to totally destroy Rob Ford,we can only hope the people of Toronto will rise above this printed rag in deciding who will best serve them as Mayor. When a public figure submits to rehab they deserve privacy and respect as they work through their problems.

  6. What ever gave him the idea the Star was a “journalism” vehicle? The Star has always been a propagandist smear tool for pinch cheeked GTA crony communists who snipe at their enemies from the safety of a consensus media barricade.
    Nothing displays the seething class bigotry of this media clique like their relentless attacks on a populist politician who is not from the gated communities of GTA

  7. so can ford sue the facility under patient privacy rules and also hit the Star for publishing such private matters? he should!

  8. It is disgusting that they would report this. They would be up in arms if it was anyone else….go back and check out their reaction to Ken Starr and Clinton, or their likely un reaction to Jack and the Rub and Tug.
    As for the Star trying to destroy Ford…..Problem is he has been the arsonist to his own fate.
    But nothing in the report surprises me, of course he was in denial, of course he was acting entitled, these were the behaviours he had and has to work on, I have my doubts that a 60 day rehab has truely transformed him, my suspicion is a relapse is likely and would not be surprising in any way shape or form. So shame on the Star and Kevin Donanvan for damning him for his behaviour while he seeks to get better. Now if they find that his behaviour has not changed post rehab thats a different story and will do RoFo in.
    The Star knows this doesnt make a difference, all it does is
    1) Sell Papers
    2) Inflame Ford Nation, The Star wants a split right in the face of Socialist Queen. They may yet succeed.
    ABC Baby, ABC.

  9. Having avoided ALL the papers completely on this Ford thing, I think Rob Ford remaining in politics is about the worst possible thing that could happen… to him. Probably fatal, I would think.
    For the people of Ontario, having Rob Ford continue as mayor of Hogtown would be a plus, because his policy is to cut taxes and cut spending. He’s a disaster for the chattering class, the Granite Club class and the unionized city-worker class, all of which I can get behind 1000%.
    Rob Ford for Mayor, because while he may be a crack smoking, overweight alcoholic, he’s not a COMMIE.

  10. One of the first things you learn when sobering/cleaning up is “if nothing changes, nothing changes”. Watching Ford on TV it’s obvious nothing has changed, right down to body language and micro-expressions. Expect to see lots more smartphone vids of him soused/stoned in the near future. Feel badly for his kids. What a joke they have for a father.

  11. It may not be “becoming” of Canadian journalism, but it is indicative. We could call it typical, a slight excess in the usual direction, or just a cub reporter hoping to land a cushy CBC job or Order of Canada nomination down the road. But you are right, it is not becoming. It has not been for a long, long time.

  12. So it makes you wonder how come the Star doesnt ask Justin who supplied him the Pot he admitted he smoked in his office on Parliament Hill. Isnt that a more pertinent question rather than what Rob Ford did while he was IN rehab.

  13. Does anyone have contact information for the director of the rehabilitation clinic? I would like to tell him what
    I think of him.

  14. Oh Sean, they have the pride that their father is the best mayor Toronto has had in a generation.
    The joke is on Toronto. The self-styled [I repeat, “self-styled”] intellectual and cultural capital of Canada only works
    when its mayor is a junkie.

  15. So can the Rehab institution sue the Rag?
    Damn sure their booking are going to drop.
    Come to our rehab, we will gossip all about your difficulties to any one.
    Does not make for continued sales.
    This is very “becoming” of Canada’s media.
    This is what they have been becoming for years.
    Gonna be a real shame when the same innuendo, slander and manufacture of “news” is used against the Libtards.
    The sickness is spreading.
    Zombie Presstituites of the Libtard persuasion.

  16. CBC is butt Stupid, Union Members fought hard for and achieved fundament rights for Drug & Alcohol Rehab. To violate those practices invalidates treatment for “ALL” members

  17. Unfortunately, Mayor Ford is one heck of a lightning rod to the leftoid haters who see evil in everything he does or doesn’t do. Ford is already under fire for not standing when silly hall gave a standing ovation for the pride parade or something. I didn’t know a S.O. was a compulsory thing.

  18. I think the way you clean up media is for an army of bloggers and posters to go after big names in journalism and take them down. There MUST be plenty of dirt on some of the big names at the Star, and I mean REAL dirt.
    Get the dirt – heck even rumours are OK, it’s the future of the country we’re fighting for here!
