10 Replies to “Load Them On A Bus”

  1. Privacy rights?
    The Administration is very selective of which laws it chooses to enforce.

  2. We need to know where these children are being sent to make sure they have big screen TVs.

  3. If Republican-minded families insisted on adopting and raising these kids, all this would stop in a jiffy. Of course, that’s assuming the Feds would allow the kids into such homes.

  4. This is just to depressing to contemplate. Its gone beyond politics now. One can only conclude this is a national emergency brought on purposely as policy. While those in DC stand back doing nothing because they are so insulted from any reality of what’s happening. That or they are complicit in collaborating in demographic change for reasons of commerce. This is beyond party lines. Its collusion by both parties. This government is stomping on States rights is a fact. as in Canada we are seeing our whole Nation being turned into a refugee camp for cheap labour. There is no crisis in central America. Only people to lazy to change their circumstance,s that will take work, blood, with sacrifice to change. Here they come just to live off the fruits of others labour.
    Our politicians are just as out to lunch as the American ones.
    I smell the political elites hands in this, along with the ever growing welfare corporations.

  5. Like Obamba’s ever in the WH to worry about it.
    More “youth” to help the Amrican economy recover taking on “those jobs American’s won’t do”.
    Wonder how many from Yeman made it in?

  6. Republicans and Tea Party types should find out where the buses are going and redirect them to high end golf courses. See how BHO likes that.

  7. He’ll put em to work carrying his clubs, for pocket tips under the table like all leftist do with “the poor little people”.
    The Limosine Liberals see more token labor, the other crazies see votes to keep the Limosine Libs in power.
