33 Replies to “They’re Not Anti-War”

  1. That would fit the definition of an “International War Crime” in what is now a War zone. The UN is a waste of money & time, if Brussels was vaporized the world may have a chance to heal.

  2. I wonder if Ham-ass stored them in the same school again.. wouldn’t surprise me a bit,,

  3. Look, they are on the other side, no question. But even if they weren’t, what alternative did they have? It’s Chinatown, Jake. Hamas runs the place, and nothing gets done without their say-so. There simply is no other authority in place to which they could go. Call the IDF, and be murdered by Hamas as spies?

  4. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, ‘We are using missile defense to protect our civilians, and they’re using their civilians to protect their missiles.’
    The UN has joined the international arms trade, getting fat on promoting conflict.

  5. The UN is not a friend of Western democracies, why are we sitting among these despots and dictators? We should have left after the oil for food scandal. When the dregs of the world have the majority vote in that over rated body it’s time to disband.

  6. Slapshot – What has Brussels got to do with it? That’s the EU not the UN! That said, the UN is now in the arms trafficking business and on one side only. This should give John Baird another chance to headline at Sun News and be ignored or attacked by the rest of the MSM.

  7. Isn’t there anyone else, anyone, who wonders how so many rockets got into Gaza in the first place and, as a corollary, who made them? According to news reports, some 1,750 rockets have been fired from Gaza yet I have yet to see a news story that explains how they got there and which country provided them.

  8. According to the UNRWA spokesman reached for comment, it’s apparently a long standing policy to refer matters of incidents involving unexploded ordnance which might endanger beneficiaries and staff to the local authorities.
    More ‘one size fits all’ rules. Every gov’t bureaucracy has them, and every larger corporation has them. No thinking, or judgment required, just follow ‘best practices’ even if it doesn’t fit that situation.

  9. When BOTH Brussels AND Turtle Bay are vaporized,then the world may have a chance.

  10. “A different senior official said UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, charged with overseeing humanitarian efforts in Gaza, has been suffering from “battered-wife syndrome” for years and currently “attempts to ingratiate itself with Hamas.”
    I believe the unnamed senior Israeli official is quite correct in his summation.
    I wonder how much actual “relief” this organization provides,having to kiss Hamas ass all the while.

  11. and isn’t the battered wife FALK, a lefttard UN Joo????
    and John Kohn (Kerry) got caught on a “hot mike” mocking Israel. and jonny boy is also Jewish. These idiots need outted for what they are!

  12. UN bureaucrats making sure they keep their jobs. If Hamas and the other Pali terrorists go out of business, so do the UN bureaucrats. Couldn’t have that, could we?

  13. Hmmm, maybe this is what happened to the WMDs in Iraq when Hans Blix was in charge……

  14. These States Boast the Highest Enlistment Rates in America
    According to the Defense Department, differences exist at the regional level as well. In 2013, 44% of all military recruits came from the South, despite it having only 36% of the country’s 18-24 year-old civilian population.
    By contrast, the Northeast was the most underrepresented region of the country; only 14% of new enlistments came from this area, compared to 18% of its 18-24 year-old population.
    see maps at: http://www.ijreview.com/2014/07/158892-military-pride-states-boast-highest-enlistment-rates-america/

  15. At least we can be comforted in the fact that China will take no BS from Islam when they rule the world in the near future.

  16. Yes, the Palestinians make or used to make Qassam rockets – crude, short ranged, negligible accuracy – they’ll kill you
    if you are in the wrong place. The action in this iteration of the conflict centres on long-range Fajr-3
    and Fajr-5 rockets, These can hit much of Israel (most of Israel for the -5) from Gaza, and are presumptively imported
    from Persia. There has also been mention of Scuds, which would be fired from Lebanon or Syria – they are large missiles.
    Fajrs and Scuds do not, probably, the available Persian ground-to-ground missiles; a definitive list is hard to
    come by.

  17. “do not, probably, the exhaust the list of available Persian ground-to-ground missiles;”

  18. Whatever. I’ve been watching the videos of rocket launches out of Gaza and they are qassams.
    “some 1,750 rockets have been fired from Gaza”:~David in Michigan
    These sort of numbers of rockets(and I was referring to this comment by this commenter) that couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with a bass fiddle are tailor made, piece-of-shit, qassams.
    As to the narrower thread topic, I mentioned when this topic came up a couple of days ago that the UN agency which operated the school was most likely told by Israel that Israel knew that the Paleosimians had stashed rockets in the school and warned UNRWA that if they didn’t get the rockets out that Israel would level the school.
    It breaches the suspension of disbelief to entertain the cover story that UNRWA discovered the rockets in the school during a routine inspection and then removed them, informing Israel of their discovery after which Israel then told the world about the incident.
    Doesn’t pass the horse laugh test.
    Since UNRWA has seen fit to return these rockets to Hamas, I have little doubt that in future Israel will not be giving UNRWA another such courtesy call before destroying the rockets in situ.

  19. Having read your comment again, it occurs to me that you and certain other commenters here are likely confusing Hamas(which is the terrorist entity that rules the Gaza strip) with Hizb’Allah, which is a different gang of the Paleosimian terrorist entities that rules southern Lebanon and even has seats in the Lebanese parliament.
    Hizb’Allah has tens of thousands of rockets which are not the home made crap that Hamas uses, but rather first rate military quality which have been supplied to Hizb’Allah by the Syrian and Iranian governments.

  20. @Oz and John Lewis: Thanks for your comments. They were all informative.
    However, my perspective of the “Iron Dome” defensive system has changed somewhat. It seems it’s pretty good at shooting down very large “fireworks” rockets but maybe it’s not so tested against the real thing.

  21. To be fair, thee is no way they could seize or quarantine them in Gaza, they can only exist there at the whim of Hamas, so the fact that they rocked the boat at all is impressive or perhaps the story was leaking and they had to act like they were shocked.

  22. Good question. When I think about the 2 types of artillery, tube and rocket artillery, I don’t think too much about the warhead closing on the target at little more than terminal velocity with both types.
    With tube artillery, there is often the additional muzzle velocity from the gun behind the projected warhead.
    Israel’s Iron Dome has been shooting down mortar bombs and rockets travelling in the terminal velocity range, how would Iron Dome do if the warhead was travelling well above the speed of sound as many missile systems do?
    I don’t know.
