50 Replies to “Calgary For Israel Rally”

  1. I recommend you guys need to show up with hockey sticks and helmets, … ’cause you’re the “hockey players for Israel” group, here to show your support. Wear a couple Bob Probert jerseys, you know, to get your point across. If I was able to be in Calgary, I’d so be looking forward to doing some cross-checking myself!

  2. bbss you are an even bigger barbarian than those guys. If you intend upon being violent you have no business attending this or any other rally. Stay home.

  3. Skip, it doesn’t really matter. The muslims who will show up to “counter-protest” won’t be peaceful and there will more than likely be violence anyway. Remember, these are the same people who support the guys who eat dead Syrian soldiers and cheer on the rockets landing in Israel. They won’t like anyone countering their message that they are peaceful victims.

  4. Canada is on the verge of having major consequences for allowing immigrants loaded with hate to come here.
    They not only hate the Jews, they hate Christians and they’re coming out in droves at so-called
    rallies for Palestine which is under a terrorist organization called Hamas. Anger management would not help these dregs of the world who hate all Western civilization, they don’t want peace with Israel, they want them all wiped out and their country taken over. It appears the UN is onside with them, every time Israel is attacked the UN tells them to call a truce before they finish the job of protecting themselves and their country.
    Are we going to be safe in our streets? Will they be blowing up churches and synagogs, shopping malls? How can we trust any of them? Their anger is intense, like a fuse about to blow…
    IMO the PM needs to call an emergency meeting of the HOC and put the boots to this awful situation before some people get killed.

  5. I am almost certain that the cops will do everything in their power to stop the rally. I hope not, but they do not want to upset the muslims.

  6. have registered and will be attending…I don’t expect pally’s to show and a police presense will keep the lid on things otherwise. Worse case scenario I bring a can of RAID with me for self defense. Need some bomb sniffing dogs around prior to the Rally for safety. cu there.

  7. Ezra is an amazing individual.
    If I lived in Calgary or even within 200 km I would be there. Regrettably I am in BC.

  8. Robert you don’t get it. Let the barbarians be seen to be barbarians. AS soon as you throw a punch you will be labeled by the media, the left and the cops and the politicians as an instigator.
    Be peaceful. Take a punch like a man AND DONT RETALIATE. That takes some big balls if you got ’em. If they take a swing at you, just stare em down. If they hit you and you go down then sue their asses. But as soon as you fight back physically you are lost.
    Hotheads stay home. We don’t want you.

  9. Ezra can do what governments at all levels refuse to do to address this very serious insidious movement in our country, we are being used and our country’s generosity is being abused.
    I note Tarek Fatah will be there and speaking, he requires security wherever he goes I’m sure.
    Hope all goes well and a clear message is sent out to the riff-raff who come here to fight their wars in safety, making demands of our government they themselves are not prepared to fight for in the places they have fled.

  10. Ezra, Calgary isn’t like the Gaza in this instance; that’s over the top. It’s like Paris.
    Ain’t that a comforting thought.

  11. I live in Vancouver and have been chomping at the bit for another ride in this lovely weather.
    By g-d, I might go.
    If I do, I’ll be the guy in the white Schuberth helmet and extreme armour everywhere Motoport riding gear.
    It’s breathable stretch Kevlar. Black with high viz yellow stripes.
    I’m often mistaken for a copper. LOL.
    I’m not big on hockey. LOL again.
    Liz J, I’m really enjoying your posts. You’re on a roll.

  12. Skip – you’re the guy who stays on the bench when the other team jumps over the boards to attack your teammates right.
    One isn’t simply taking a punch in a scrap between two people. This is being swarmed by cowardly, manic, mobs and taking a shit kicking – while the “big balls” like you stand around and whine “violence is never the answer”.
    We are living in Progville folks. It is only going to get worse unless we as a society push back.
    Skip – nice to know whose team your on. Go stand with Mayor Nensharia and his band of terrorist supporting dhimmi councilors. We don’t need you.

  13. Ah Skip – if I was a Christian, I suppose letting myself get stomped by scum might seem like the proper thing. For better or worse – mostly worse I think – I am no Christian, and certainly no gentleman. So never, EVER say things like “we don`t want you” and claim to speak for the rest of us at SDA, because it’s both patronizing and, judging by other comments here, patently false.
    Like they say over in Israel, self-defense is not just a right but an obligation. Time to take out the trash. Let the media whine, results are what matters. Let those thugs know genuine fear, and Calgarians see true courage. Orde Wingate lives!

  14. City type people, providing entertainment for the rest of us.
    Gotta be that crowded rat syndrome…the need for attention.
    A strongly worded letter does about as much. heh

  15. I suppose that the Calgary police were in High River, helping the RCMP with their break and enter. Where will they be
    this time?
    The video of the riot seems to show that much of the actual violence was committed by whites, every bit as white as I.
    I suppose that these are the folk who used to show up for riots in black hoods.

  16. I would suggest that a special invitation be sent to one particular Calgarian, the MP for Calgary Southwest. He’s oh so
    brave about Russians in the Ukaraine, oh so strong about supporting Israel. How about him supporting law and order
    in his own city?

  17. Listen Hothead Skip, if I was in the ME, you bet I would be fighting for my right to exist. But this is Canada, we don’t need hotheads like you starting a new violent war here. You assault a ME protester here and you are going to do time, get sued and label all of us as just as barbaric as these ME thugs. Nenshi, the cops, the left and regular citizens are going to lump you in with all the other ME thugs. You will totally eff up what Ezra is trying to do. STAY HOME if you are going to be a jerk.

  18. Skip, I spent 20 years in the military. It is not in my nature to start fights. But it is in my nature to finish anything started by someone else. If you think I’m gonna stand there and take a hit then you are delusional. If someone throws a punch I will block it. It they throw another then they are gonna get hit in return. I will not allow them to swarm me and then lay there while they kick me to death. But feel free to set the example and let them kill you. I’m sure you will set a perfect example of what NOT to do when dealing with 7th century thugs.

  19. Ex military hotheads acting like jerks do no justice to the Canadian Military you are now using as an excuse for Irresponsible Conduct.

  20. My family and I were planning to attend the Calgary Stampede in 2015. Unfortunately with our support, without Equivocation for Israel defending itself, makes our safety in Calgary uncertain. I will not be making effort to bring family and friends to the Stampede until there is safety on Calgary streets again.

  21. God bless Ezra . A Man who doesn’t bulk at stirring the bigots stew of perfidy along with the usual heaping pile of hypocrisy.

  22. Ok, a bit of clarity here before some of you continue to libel me any further – I AM NOT THE “SKIP” WHO POSTED ABOVE. That troll posts under my name periodically. My username here at SDA will always have a link attached. His comments are his own and have nothing to do with me, nor they reflect my views.
    As to the topic, I have strong opinions – I an done with Islam. BUT, I have professional reasons for keeping my comments about various groups on the down-low.
    My only comment here is that it should be clear to everybody by now, that in a Judeo-Christian OR secular nation, Islam has no actual place. The only tolerance offered by it is begrudging. I have no truck with immigrants that bring their baggage to Canada with them. I have even less with those immigrant parents who allow their native sones to absorb and spew that same baggage. t

  23. As I point out to my liberal friends just watch this as each time it will escalate as the muslim demographic grows. They were always of the opinion I was a racism and islamophobe for talking about the incredible danger of muslims and islam. Most have changed their tune watching what is happening throughout the muslim world but some like my best buddy’s son refuse to see that Israel is fighting for its life.

  24. Remove the snark and I actually agree with John, probably for a very different reason.
    I am PROUD that Prime Minister Harper has expressed unwavering support for Israel and I assume that his absence in this debate so far is because he has MANY other things competing for his attention (in addition to the assumption that local issues can be dealt with locally).
    Perhaps a few polite emails pointing out that this local situation is beyond the willingness and ability of the local authorities to control could bring some sanity to the situation.

  25. An interesting development outside Calgary city hall as I walked by on my normal commute. There’s now a small cordoned off square (less than 10’x10′) between the streets and the main doors that has a portable trailer within it. The trailer looks a lot like a portable gen-set, only smaller than the light plants I’m used to seeing. It has the word “security” emblazoned on the side, and a cluster of cameras at the top of a mast.
    It appears that city hall has decided that it might be good to have evidence (admissible in court) of what goes on at the main centre for protests in the city.
    I’m sure Ezra’s coming is completely co-incidental.

  26. To quote Arte Johnson as the German soldier, “verrrry interesting”, but highly suspect it to be co-incidental.
    Has the Mayor of Calgary been seen about town of late? Will he be there to greet Ezra or would that inflame some delicate sensibilities?

  27. ‘Has the Mayor of Calgary been seen about town of late….MIA….He needs these people’s vote if he want’s to remain Mayor. Curious how he’s goin to deal with this. He is a very liberal moslem, I think he was even at the Gay parade.He attends Canada’s largest ismaili Mosque .

  28. Nenshi is nothing but a Muslim POS. A perfect example of UN Bred Progressive with Agenda 21 Up his (_i_).
    The fact that there was ZERO police presence is 100% attributable to him. This crap has gone on everywhere in the Western World…and what are the results..??? Look around folks, you are only seeing the beginning…

  29. Donated to the cause.
    Would actually love to be there…but working up North right now…
    This disappearance/non comment by Nenshi is his achilles Heel…I love it.!!
    Good riddance…

  30. I’m thinking of going, but afraid some mussie will have a nice vest on. Maybe we need something like that to happen to wake Canada up.

  31. Yep that exact same attitude worked so well in Germany in the 1940 s didn t it.If you refuse to stand up to a bully he will beat you until you submit to his will and wishes.He will never stop beating you because he has zero respect for someone without the courage to defend himself.

  32. I think those folks named Skip should settle it by showing who’s used the moniker skip first.
    Are there folks in Calgary that post here that are planning on attending this rally? Or from outlying areas? Vancouver for example?

  33. So let me get this straight, skip (not Skip). You are OK with an NHL team protecting their teammates with a good ole bit of fisticuffs and occasional creative stick work, but you won’t stand alongside Jews and their supporters who are being beaten in the streets of Western cities, threatened with murder, and a repeat of the holocaust, by showing up with a hockey stick and a helmet to show in no uncertain terms that their beatings and intimidation are over for good?
    Wow. Just wow. Are you a coward, or are you just glad they aren’t attacking YOU?
    Evil triumphs when good men stand by and do nothing. Here in Europe, the JDL has showed up with bricks and bats, and the synagogue attacks have dropped off sharply. A firm stand with a good weapon is the best way to get any barbarian to drop the savagery and try a different, constructive approach. I know, it seems like a paradox, and dead wrong, but there it is. We used to pay the police to do that sort of thing for us, in Western lands. If they won’t do their jobs, it is your duty as a citizen to do it for them.
    By the way, history has now kicked into overdrive. Just like 1914, dithering politicians are in over their heads, and falling off the cart as the speed picks up. We are running out of time to avert a catastrophe.

  34. FWIW, my pedigree with SDA goes back to 2003, along with CGN and others. Anybody can steal a username, even if its your own name…welcome to the internet…

  35. I can’t believe what I am reading – Trudeau’s Canada has truly arrived.

  36. I for one had no problem understanding there are two skips – one a sphincter-head, the other awesome. Nuff said.

  37. That’s a poll that could go horribly wrong… 🙂 Unfortunately, human nature being what it is I can be an awesome sphincter-head sometimes… 🙁

  38. Until very recently, I’d only known of only 1 Skip.. the sensible one with the linked name. Some folks change their name a bit from time to time..
