27 Replies to “Natalie Tennant”

  1. “Tennant’s largest donor in the 2014 campaign cycle is EMILY’s List, a political action committee that aims to help elect pro-choice Democratic female candidates to office.” Sounds like she’s negotiated with B. Hussien and simply traded tit for tat of this support or that…
    She’s the Democrat replacement for Jay Rockefeller, who has always spoken of his support of West Virginian coal, and who’s election support over the past 5 election cycles has varied from 51%, 63% twice and 68% and 76%
    I suspect anyone in WV could run and be elected under the D. banner.

  2. She may have turned out the lights on the President, but last week she was campaigning with MA Senator Elizabeth Warren. Don’t trust her

  3. She’ll make sure Prezdint O’BiteMe gets the message, and then like every Democrat,
    she’ll vote the party line.

  4. She’s behind the Republican in all the polls in WV, so of course she’s dialing up her lies. The locals are stuck with former WV Gov. Joe Manchin (D) as the state’s other senator and they WILL NOT make THAT mistake again – she’s or any other federal Dem candidate is toast in West Virginia … which by the way, is one of the most beautiful states east of the Mississippi. If you’re ever driving south to Florida, drop down I-79 from Erie, PA, through WV and enjoy the gorgeous mountain views.

  5. A typical Tea Party nut who hates the environment and wants everyone to die.

  6. Sounds like she’s negotiated with B. Hussien and simply traded tit for tat of this support or that…
    marc in calgary

  7. Your sharp, intellectual comprehension of the Tea Party mindset is amazing. Thanks for sharing. Btw, how soon are you scheduled to bo back on your meds?

  8. The lying POS Democrat. If you are not Gay & illegal a vote for “any” Democrat is an exercise of self delusion. Why not lie when truth is so obvious.

  9. many classical demokraps are well to the rite of about 50% of kanada’s conservatives, were do you folks think the term NEO-CON came from?

  10. Any vote for a Democrat these days is a vote for Marxism. The republicans are not much better. Like Islam liberal are just as big of liars. Having no morals or ethics will allow you that option.

  11. Agreed. Beautiful state with the very best driving roads in the USA. We have an annual car rally out there. People are very friendly as well!

  12. Unless you are driving a marked federal government car in the mountains — then they can be less friendly.

  13. Well why not?
    They elected Clinton and Obama twice.
    Whats a few for lies to the faithful?
    Apparently Libtards thrive on disinformation .

  14. I know there’s a tribal aspect to retail politics, and that there’s polarization and hatred and name-calling, but it seems to me that if you’ve spent enough time strongly holding a certain position about something important, and hating your collective nominal opponents for the specific reason that they do not hold that position, and then you see an “opponent” strongly arguing the same very position you’ve been advocating so strenuously, you could theoretically see it as a positive.
    Tennant is a Democrat, and maybe she’s just saying whatever she thinks she should say to try to get elected, but any way you slice it the ad is still a fairly vigourous attack on the Obama administration’s focus on so-called ‘green energy.’ By saying (in effect) “this (coal, fossil fuels) is what powers the White House, and the country”, she’s saying what most people here also realize.
    If she’s lying, if she doesn’t mean a single word that she’s saying — if her pants are on fire — it’s still an attack on Obama and his administration’s policies. Which is plenty fine with me.

  15. Too bad she ended up a a Professional Liar and Thief for the New Nazi Party. She’s kinda cute.

  16. Jay Rockefeller supported the coal industry in WV as well. I doubt anyone can be elected there without supporting coal.
    I’d still oppose everything else about her though. Or Jay.
    I’m merely repeating what I’ve read tonight about them in Wiki, I haven’t looked into their actual voting records. There’s only so much I can take.

  17. EBD,
    If their is one thing a NYC attitude brings it’s “We don’t suffer Fools”. She is just stealing the Republican thunder before it’s used against her. It does matter who says what & why!
    Next you will say George Will “WAS” just an insignificant Republican spokesperson. He was always an insignificant RINO until the mask came off.

  18. I love the message the Ad sends – that the brainless utopians making destructive laws suffer the impact of bad laws like the people they damage. Gotta love the concept of elites undergoing forced empathy.

  19. mystery meat…… that is very funny, considering she is a democrat and runs with Obama.

  20. EBD – Tennant’s mock atrack on the O Admin’s policy is not even a mosquito bite, and was probably cleared with the WH, as were the no votes of the 40 something vulnerable House Dems who voted against Obamacare. You might say it’s a tactical feint designed to win a strategic prize.
    This sort of high profile deviation from the party line is designed to get the press to use the modifier ” moderate Democrat ” in front of Tennant’s name. So, let’s see if this is a pseudo deviation, or the sign of a deep disagreement between Tennant and the rest of the Democrate base and party:
    Here is Natalie Tennant, in 2012, on Obama and here newest love here, in 2014, coal jobs:
    ” “Although many of the state’s top officials stayed away from this week’s convention, West Virginia delegates in attendance proclaimed themselves proud Democrats and defended President Obama’s stand on coal issues. … But Natalie Tennant, the West Virginia secretary of state, attended as a delegate and said the number of coal jobs has increased under Obama.”
    Obama’s war on coal dates from well before 2012. Sounds like she’s satisfied in 2012, but claims to not be satisfied in 2014. Which is her true view?
    She has been endorsed by the 2 largest WV teacher’s unions, the AFL-CIO, Emily’s List, and Michelle Obama. Her views on the 2nd Amendment are very vague, and will allow her great flexibility to vote the anti 2nd agenda, if elected.
    And, since she is not a legislator, there is no voting record to judge her by her actions.
    Others may conclude she is a moderate, based on mere words, but the words from her mouth have changed since she became a apcandidate. She has all the hallmarks of a classic Democrat stealth candidate that has no record to judge her by, just her words.

  21. AGW Regress Report: Update.
    “Where are the Dog Days of Summer in the Northeast?”
    “Breaking: Record Lows Challenged in the Southeast”
    “As an unseasonable cool air mass holds in place many spots in the Southeast will fall near to record lows tonight.”
