Operation Empty Chair

American Interest;

Luckily for America’s self-esteem, it was liberal Democrats that produced this particular shambles. If Republicans had done this, the media would be on the administration non-stop, perhaps comparing Samantha Power to Paul Wolfowitz–a well-meaning humanitarian way over her head who wrecked a country out of misguided ideology. There might also be some pointed questions for future presidential candidates who supported this fiasco. But since both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have their fingerprints all over Libya, there isn’t a lot of press hunger for a detailed, unsparing autopsy into this stinking corpse of policy flub.
If Obama were a Republican, the press and the weekly news shows would be ringing with hyperbolic, apocalyptic denunciations of the clueless incumbent who had failed to learn the most basic lessons of Iraq. Indeed, the MSM right now would be howling that Obama was stupider than Bush. Bush, our Journolist friends would now be saying ad nauseam, at least had the excuse that he didn’t know what happens when you overthrow a paranoid, genocidal, economically incompetent Arab tyrant in an artificial post-colonial state. But Obama did–or, the press would nastily say, he would have done if he’d been doing his job instead of hitting the golf course or yakking it up with his glitzy pals at late night bull sessions. The ad hominem attacks would never stop, and all the tangled threads of incompetence and failure would be endlessly and expertly picked at in long New Yorker articles, NYT thumbsuckers, and chin-strokings on all the Sabbath gasbag shows.

But he’s not a Republican, so it’s Bush’s fault.

12 Replies to “Operation Empty Chair”

  1. That’s only the beginning of it. Let’s not forget Clinton’s “Reset with Russia” button. Obama didn’t do this all by himself. He’s been surrounded by blundering incompetents on foreign policy, a team effort, if you will.

  2. America’s liberal progressives were so desperate to unburden their race guilt they backed Obama as a saint and redeemer. Now that the first Equal Opportunity program POTUS is an utter failure, they are required to cover up for the failure they elected because it would be bad news if the first black president was also America’s worst one.
    Somewhere, Jimmy Carter is smiling and thinking he is no longer at the absolute bottom of the cesspit.

  3. Thank God Russia is removing Iraq’s, I mean Syria’s chemical weapons. Not.

  4. Some things the Founding Fathers didn’t predict:
    1. Tyranny of the Press.
    2. Power of the food stamp.

  5. And if anyone thinks there’s going to be a sea change in American public opinion,they’re dreaming.
    Half the Country’s on welfare/food stamps,and they aren’t going to risk change that might require them to get off their ass and work.
    American conservatives who aren’t part of the scheme are going to have to find a candidate that can excite the population and get them out to vote against Hillary,and anti-abortion,anti-gay marriage aren’t important issues.
    But,I expect the Republicans will again crush the TEA party and elect another “safe” white male rich guy candidate who did NOT have an affair with his secretary 25 years back,and watch in disbelief while the Dems get another 4 or 8 years to finish off the Country.

  6. Just pray that this nincompoop Obama doesn’t run for and get elected to a second term…
    Oh wait, you know whose fault it is? It’s the American people’s fault. And they’ll do it again and again, may God have mercy on our souls. They knew who Obama was by the end of his first term.
    Don’t blame the media, I stopped watching TV and listening to radio in the spring of 2000 and I knew better.

  7. This is Ron Paul’s foreign policy in action folks make no mistake there is no difference between Obama’s foreign policy and Ron Paul’s. Where’s LAS these days?

  8. It doesn’t help that the popular press still carry the water for the least vetted candidate in US history. Still, how does one combat a malevolent form of Santa Claus?
    While Obama is probably affronted that the Israelis would deign to question his support for Hamas, he’s probably just as glad that Kerry is getting the heat, not him.

  9. Obama and his anti-America government is a disgrace foe sure, but the real problem with politics/government in America is a media which is fully partisan and a disinfo machine – if there are misinformed/under informed LIVs returning bad governments there is only the co-opted media to blame.
    Fix the media and you fix US democracy

  10. Why isn’t Obama and Kerry calling for Iraq to engage in an unconditional ceasefire with ISIS? If they are calling for restraint on Israel after 700 dead people why not on Iraq after thousands of dead people? Where’s the presumed systematic logic in Obama’s foreign policy?
