14 Replies to “Does Government Need to Be Omnipresent in Canadians’ Lives?”

  1. I watched this a few nights ago and I rate it as one of Lilley’s best bylines to date.
    There is no doubt those who want more government in their lives also want more public subsidy in their income. As a measure of how ethically debased such a society is, consider what precipitated the fall of earth’s greatest nations – always corruption at the top percolating down into society – when the looting ethics of the political class becomes a cultural norm the wealth of great nations are looted by rulers and the mob prior to collapse. Socialism is systemic looting of the public treasury by rulers and commoner alike.

  2. Well said. There are many examples throughout history and we are not immune.

  3. Occam is bang on and GaryInWpg is correct that it is happening at the civic level. I would say it is happening at all levels of government across the country.

  4. Spot on Occam. There is no escape from this dilemma. The collapse is already baked in. The new Dark Age is here.

  5. Brilliant Occam.
    Libertarian heroes of mine like Murray Rothbard have concluded that government cannot be limited and have therefore become advocates of anarcho-capitalism.
    Hans-Hermann-Hoppe has a better term: private law society.
    Laws exist without legislation. We all know what these laws are.
    Both believe that government isn’t necessary even for those functions that most people have believed could only be performed by government.
    I resisted this for a long while but I now believe that every single function of government, including domestic and external security, could be much better performed by the private market society.
    No politician truly believes in smaller government. That is, after he gains power.

  6. if c-36 was charter compliant you wouldn’t have people seeking to have it referred to the SCOC. The cons have basically admitted that they know that the bill is not compliant, will be challenged and will be defeated. The cons seem determined to ensure that a large number of gov’t lawyers will be well paid over the next 2-5 years trying to defend an indefensible law. A referral to the SCOC would in fact be a good conservative money management approach.

  7. It’s all part of the lieberal socialist dream where everyone works for the government and the rich pay all the taxes to keep it running, and everyone gets a free unicorn to ride.

  8. ” The cons seem determined to ensure that a large number of gov’t lawyers will be well paid over the next 2-5 years trying to defend an indefensible law. ”
    These are “big tent” CINOs (conservative in name only) my friend, NOT “cons” if there were a true analysis of their practical/displayed political orientation they have classic liberal democrat ideals but are actually a welfare state maintenance party with a reactionary statist reflex and crony corporatist special interests guiding legislating policy (they are in bed with big pharma and the international banking cartels, Goldman Sachs runs BoC policy).
    C36 is a good example of this statist reflex to impose a certain morality upon the public (the left are far more adept at imposing their twisted morals through law) – what true conservatives are about is down sizing government, open markets and laissez faire capitalism – the CPC track record shows miniscule tax reduction, increased public sector and social program spending and a 14% increase in the size of government, enablers of the militarized/martial police function and no attempt to sell off revenue sucking crown corporations.
    On the plus side they did tinker with parliamentary reform, bad gun laws, bad immigration policy and defused climate/eco alarmism. On the bad side the nanny state grows, the police function is politicized, Administrators and regulators are out of control and self destructive “progressivism” remains entrenched in the judicial and administrative levels.
    As a libertarian there is really no party which represents me and the type of personal and economic freedom I feel is normal and needed in a constitutional democracy – but the alternative to CPC is so far out of sync with POGG (peace order and good government) they are really no alternative if you wish to remain in a free, productive, cohesive nation.
    – the opposition parties right now represent all the worst ideas and destructive reflexes which have ruined eastern, and now western Europe, over the past 150 years – so we are in a situation of selecting the political cabal to govern which will damage our freedoms and prosperity the least – until we take an active roll in correcting the government’s impulse to serve special interests instead of our will and constitution.

  9. What all this shows is that the terrible excesses of the Hitlers and the Stalins of history were so utterly unnecessary to achieve and retain power.
    If you’re a leader with domination in mind, all you have to do is appeal to the selfishness of the electorate to get you in, and count on it’s ignorance and cowardice to keep you there.

  10. when is a conservative not a conservative? answer…. when he is a Canadian.

  11. As evidenced by the recent Ontario election the game is over. The takers have won and the makers have lost. Corruption does not matter, Incompetence does not matter, Debts do not matter. Nothing matters but that the government cheques keep coming. The only end now is through bankruptcy and default.

  12. Well done Brian Lilley.
    Of course Democracy becomes Kleptocracy.
    Any pool of wealth attracts the parasites, just as blood brings blowflies.
    The nature of people does not change, we will always have a percentage of population who seek to live large upon the work of others. Civilization depends upon restraining these people.
    Ethics are important.
    As the rate of theft by the elected and appointed aristocracy accelerates, we will see the makers face these facts.
    Governments cost has exceeded any benefit.
    Compliance is to condone criminal rule.
    Production is pointless, when you the producer reap negative benefits.
    As the Klepto-Classes award themselves ever increasing benefits at the expense of an ever shrinking tax base, the rate of stealing must increase, laws stripping citizens of their property will become ever more common and ever more draconian.
    Civilization will fall.
    Without a reversal of todays trends, we are going down. So why fight it?
    The group has decided they want freeloaders rewarded. We live in a democracy and respect the rule of us, the mob.
    So desist form your productive ways, take a government job, welfare, disability pension… Respect the peoples choice.
    Sooner it falls the better chance our grandchildren will have.
    For todays “leaders” have no concept of the benefits of civilization, nor of the cost to maintain the illusion of the same.
    They have no understanding of their roles.
    Hence no one is maintaining the grand illusion, which is the only legitimate function of Government.
    Wherefore rule of LAW?
    Equality before this law?
    Honesty? Integrity?….
    Longterm benefit?.From people who believe it is fine to mortgage their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren into slavery ?.

  13. Quote of the Day:
    “A man who chooses between drinking a glass of milk and a glass of a solution of potassium cyanide does not choose between two beverages; he chooses between life and death. A society that chooses between capitalism and socialism does not choose between two social systems; it chooses between social cooperation and the disintegration of society. Socialism is not an alternative to capitalism; it is an alternative to any system under which men can live as human beings.” — Ludwig von Mises, “Human Action.”
