41 Replies to “Not A Muslim”

  1. With all the talk of impeachment, it’s starting to look like a master stroke to choose Joe Biden as his potential replacement.

  2. The people responsible for this link, are the same folks that B. Hussien was saying last year that the US must support:
    The same as the other muslims that the west tolerates, at some point, when push comes to shove for example in these past few weeks in Israel, their true nature is shown. It’s shown in who they support, in what they tolerate in the name of their pseudo religion.
    Know what they’re capable of, when you must purchase goods or exchange in commerce with them, count your change twice.

  3. Ah yes, ignore and isolate Israel; then after having destroyed all rapport and trust with them, demand, first a ceasefire that addles Israeli self-defence, that even Hamas turns down, then again unrealistically, demand an unconditional ceasefire. Does Obama think that would have a better or worse effect than the Israeli unconditional withdrawal from Gaza in 2005?
    I hope this is just a news rumour but have a feeling it’s credible.
    Maybe if you demand the aggressors stop fighting you would have some semblance of understanding reality. What a troupe of twits.

  4. Gee, isn’t it wonderful to have the USA as a friend?
    The only reason Obama gets behind people is to stab them in the back.

  5. Doesn’t the Marine Corps hymn have a line in it that goes something like this:
    “From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli…”
    Tripoli refering to that time in 1805 that the U.S. Navy burned-out that nest of muslim slavers on the Barbary coast. And told the rest of those muslim savages they were next if they continued to apply the word of their insane prophet to the infidels of the U.S.A.
    So I guess muzzies contributed something to the fabric U.S. by giving those first marines an interesting bayonet drill? Do I have that right?

  6. For sure. At least he said nation and not society. I think it’s still allowed to concede that fabrics of nations can have bloodstains. The venerated Fabric of Society, OTOH, is exclusively about caring and sharing.

  7. … and bayonet drills seem like a good core strengthening exercise..
    CAPTCHA: war7yu

  8. Obama’s hope of Jewish annihilation crushed. Oh the pain, the pain.
    Kerry it seems was made to be a dupe to a dumb bell.
    Obama has finally come out from behind the curtain. The Wizard of odd has shown his true colors. Just think what Americas allies now think of trusting US promises ? For those who still think Obama is not a Muslim with sympathies only for Islam, how do you explain this?
    This Man worries more about Muslims than he does American citizans. In fact I believe he hates the latter.Think of all the humiliations he has engineered , from the TSA to inland border guards. Homeland security tothe endless government swat teams.The hatred towards the Constitution. Obamacare that has wasted health care in the USA to rubble.Not to mention allowing thousands to pour across the border with disease.
    There is not a day that goes bye that he doesn’t spit on liberty for power, along with democrats with Rhinos in hand. Just look at the joy he takes in killing the military.
    Even signing orders to kill Americans. He uses the EPA as a gun to citizans heads, including the IRS as his ammunition against any who question him.
    Sure he has Israel’s back, with a knife in his hands.

  9. “For those who still think Obama is not a Muslim with sympathies only for Islam, how do you explain this? This Man worries more about Muslims than he does American citizans. In fact I believe he hates the latter.”
    None of this proves he is a mooselimb, he is merely a typical leftist.

  10. Egyptian TV Hosts Slam Hamas Leaders: We Are Sick and Tired of You
    Mosab Hassan Yousef (Son of Hamas Founder) tells the truth about Hamas.
    The son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef revealed to CNN that Hamas’s “final destination” goes beyond just the destruction of Israel.
    “Hamas is not seeking coexistence and compromise; Hamas is seeking conquest and taking over,” said Mosab Hassan Yousef, who has rejected Hamas’s objectives and converted to Christianity. Ultimately, Hamas aims to help create an Islamic caliphate “on the rubble of any other civilization.”
    “Hamas does not care about the lives of Palestinians, does not care about the lives of Israelis or Americans,” he continued. “How can you continue in that society?”
    Yousef, who was meant to be the heir to his father’s leadership role in Hamas, said Palestinian children as young as five years old are taught to be willing to take their own lives to achieve Hamas’s goals, as he was taught at a young age. “When I look at the children of Gaza, and I know what they are fed, I know that they have no choice,” he said.
    Yousef spent a decade as an informant for the Israeli military before seeking political asylum in the United States.
    “It is impossible, almost, for anybody to break through and see the truth and real face of Hamas, and be able to leave at some point,” he said. “As you see in my case, I had to lose everything just to say no to Hamas.”
    For a bunch of guys waging jihad on Israel to bring about it’s downfall they seem to be going about it in a ridiculous way.
    Even their own Arab brothers think they are a laughing stock!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  11. Once again for the comprehension impaired: hatred of America, western world and western values does not make one a mooselimb. Sympathizing with mooselimbs against civilization does not make him a mooselimb either. That is all I am saying. If you believe that he is a mooselimb, or was a mooselimb, or whatever, does not change the fact that the attitude you have described can be very easily explained by his leftist beliefs.
    Now, is he a mooselimb? In a sense of actually worshipping the mad rants of the paedophile prophet (bees pee upon him). Nope, his mooselimb upbringing notwithstanding, in his conciousness, he is to much of a narcissist to worship anyone but himself.

  12. What is the penalty for apostasy? He’s still alive so he’s still one. That’s my 2 cents.

  13. I’m beginning to think civilization itself won’t survive this administration.

  14. Obama would probably have demanded that George Washington impose an unconditional ceasefire at Bunker Hill. Ya get what ya vote for….

  15. Obumbles has it ass backwards, you call on the aggressors, they’re called Hamas, categorized as terrorists, to lay down the rockets, stop the attacks. They have proven they will not obey such an order, so Obumbles and his tool Kerry are basically saying Israel should sit by while “the rockets they flare” as it says in the US anthem.
    Canada and the rest of the Western world needs to be on the alert, Obama is looking like he could be a danger to the free world. Is he aware Hamas is reported to be making an arms supply deal with North Korea? Does that sound like they want to obey a cease fire? Would Obama like a little dust up/rumble with those crazy/mad/insane life forms in North Korea? He’s looking like a patsy, he’s a lame duck, all the tyrant’s in the world are watching, anything could happen.
    Be very afraid.

  16. The dud in chief is now apparently going to provide amnesty to the immigration problem in next few days just daring the Rupublicans to begin impeachment proceedings against him. He’s daring them to do it because he is nothing but a cynical, party driven politicians who cares only for himself. Hates American and always has. This is why he has burnt every bridge the US has ever built in 6 years since he took office. It will take a very long time for the US to recover from this debacle.

  17. So you didn’t even bother to look up Shahada or try to understand that Obama isn’t wearing just a costume. And here I thought you had some smarts because you did well arguing for the Ukraine.
    1) narcissism is a psyche term and psychology is a pseudo-science.
    2) most if not all Muslim nations are socialist, yes, socialist
    So, you argue that because Obama is a narcissist he cannot be a Muslim, but his Muslim characteristics can be explained by his Leftist bent. Another SDA commenter used to argue that because Obama is a narcissist, he cannot be a Leftist because narcissism excludes believing in socialism.
    I say all politicians and entertainers are narcissists, inasmuch as that term carries any weight and has any meaning given that psychology is junk-science. Furthermore, I say Obama is a Leftist Muslim homosexual who happens to be, like all politicians, a narcissist too.
    None of these terms and the conditions they describe occlude the fact that Obama is all of the above.
    People are complex, even when they’re simple, …like Obama.

  18. correction: ‘psychology’ is a pseudo-science + ‘psychology’ is junk-science… should read ‘psychiatry’ in both cases.

  19. If Harper takes in Gaza refugees it will be the last straw for me. Any settlement in the ME should move Palestinian refugees to Saudi Arabia. They have the money and the space.

  20. what great president Obama is. he has no problem celebrating with America’s enemies.

  21. Messrs Colon and Oz:
    Dear Sirs,
    As Past President of the Royal Order of the Moose, I must protest your implied likening of moose and muzzies. Muzzies are blood-thirsty savages, kin to the mosquito, in the family Culicidae. The moose is an altogether different order of beast, an noble herbivore native of North America and Asia, in the family Cervidae. True, the morphological similarities of ‘moose’ and ‘mussulman’, etc., may suggest to the weak-minded some similarity in the creatures. But I assure you there are none. Our members would be most grateful and less litigious were you to forever cease the libel to them implied by your appalling use of ‘mooselimb’.
    Yours, in rut,
    An Elk, DSC, etc., etc.

  22. “Be very afraid.”
    I discovered late last night that I must no longer read SDA after 5 p.m. Although I know God is in control, I now find I can no longer handle what is happening with the Muzzie take-over in America and Canada, and in Canada, the inability of the Canadian government to control of the behaviour of the openly aggressive immigrants they (Liberal governments included) so wantonly let into the country.
    A general question: I don’t think the Conservatives would have the full support of the Liberal and NDP parties so could they do it alone?

  23. Have to agree. If the Palestinians who are protesting in our streets are an example, they sure do not belong here.
    If immigration from ME isn’t stopped by this government we’re setting this country up as a haven for terrorists to spring from. We already have far too many, this, coupled with the Trudeau Charter dictates, a socialist Supreme Court is a recipe for big trouble. It’s beyond just an economic disaster, it’s a social disgrace. The Charter basically sells the farm to all comers, they become more equal than others. We see it across the board, the changing face of Canada with HRC’s, the justice system,the police forces, the education systems, all going rogue.
    When I see the media calling on the PM to apologize for criticizing a decision made by an unelected SC Judge I see another slice taken from our democracy. Bothering to vote under the present atmosphere and attitudes makes one feel like it’s an exercise in futility.

  24. Yes, Hans, his book, “Son of Hamas” is a great book to read. It is in my library.

  25. None of the the long time allies can trust the Obama administration on anything. And that includes Canada. The man is an absolute disaster. Truly a stunning reversal.

  26. This does not bother me so much. I think a “solution” for the problems in the ME would be for those trapped in the system to begin migrating elsewhere. Let those who are keen on fighting Israel stay there and fight. The key would be to somehow make sure that immigrants do not carry with them the resentments that exist in the Middle East. Our quarrel is not with individual Gazans (or other Palestinians), but with the political class and terrorist groups that are using them as pawns.

  27. I truly figure this imposter posing as POTUS is in actuality the ANTI-Christ…
    His actions have done everything to move the clock closer to armageddon…and I for one have for the past 40 years always had this feeling we were into the “last days” so to speak. One only needs look around any corner of Western Civilization and see the rise of Islamic radicalism…Calgary being a good example of what is to come in greaer force and severity.
    As for the greater world:
    At some point some looney tune Pakistani Nuclear Physicist/or an Iranian one will hand any one of the known Terrorist organizations of this planet a nice little round present filled with U235..when that goes off in Downtown Tel Aviv…???
    just sayin…

  28. Christ is Greek for Messiah. The Anti-Christ therefore has to fit the bill for the Hebrew Old Testament prophesies which describe the Messiah: example- from the Tribe of Judah, born in Bethlehem, bloodline of King David etc…none of which fits Obama.
    The anti-Christ will be a Jew. The same part of the Bible you even get the idea of an anti-Christ from makes it clear that Jews will mistake him for the Messiah and believe me, they aren’t going to mistake a Gentile for the Messiah who is going to be King of the Jews.
    Learn more prophesy, don’t pick and choose based on near Bible illiteracy. The people who went through the Inquisition thought they were in the End Times too.

  29. “The key would be to somehow make sure that immigrants do not carry with them the resentments that exist in the Middle East.”
    You suggest the impossible. How could anyone tell what their thoughts are?

  30. Oh, you beat me to it!
    “…contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation…”
    SCOTSMEN built the fabric of the American nation, the Canadian nation, the British nation, the French Nation, the German nation, the Saudi Arabian nation, and every other GD nation in the GD world, and the rest of ye B@ST@RDS just rid on our coattails.
    Mooslimbs were notable mostly for slave trading, historically. Also they’ve always had a talent for getting in the way when people were working.

  31. I slam, you slam, we all slam, for Islam! Sorry, need another coffee before I get any funnier…
    “How the Scots Invented the Modern World” is a fantastic read, well worth it to anyone interested in (non-revisionist) history.

  32. Ooz, apparently you didn’t quite grasp what colonalista posted, so besides not knowing how to dispose of a couch, comprehension is not yer strong point. Also you don’t appear to know what a narcissist actually is. And I see behavioral psychology ain’t one of yer strong points, so I have a suggestion, GIVE IT UP before you hurt your brain. And ET was quite rite in that “ideology” is not a part of a pathological narcissist’s make up.

  33. I don’t know whether I should even continue to post at SDA. For years, this was my favorite site. However, the ogre in the back has found it necessary to “moderate” my post on another thread concerning mercury. No bad words, nothing.
    One final thought on this thread: Obama is right that muslims were instrumental in building this nation. 1) They helped train our marines at Tripoli. 2) The muslim slaver captured and sold blacks as slaves to some of our ship captains, resulting in pain and misery for ALL American people for over 200 years. Without muslim slaver, we would have had no slaves in America.
    Bu Bye, you all. I may peruse, but won’t post without a lot af anger driving me.
    Captcha will be the death of this blog yet.

  34. Yawn, got Steyn, Spencer and Fallaci books on my shelf. You ain’t got what it talks to educate me on Islam. Ogabe is no more mooslimb than Bill Ayers, Michael Moore, Jeremiah Wright or Chief Shitting Bull Ward Churchill. He sees mooselimbs as perpetual victims of western imperialism which is why he sides with them. No Manchurian candidate conspiracies are necessary to explain his behavior. That is all.

  35. “…Captcha will be the death of this blog yet….”
    It seems to be a time thing. If I take more than a minute or so to get my comment up and sent, then captcha is more likely to turf it.
    So if I have a lengthy comment, I do it up first in Word, then cut and paste it into the space and send it off, Works for me.

  36. “…And ET was quite rite in that “ideology” is not a part of a pathological narcissist’s make up…”
    A narcissist will do anything to get what he wants, including pretending to believe in an ideology.
    Really, it is that simple, no need for anyone to write a ten page essay about it.
