The Sound Of Settled Science

Pass the eggs;

The cholesterol myth has suffered a bit of a triple whammy of late, making it harder and harder for heart specialists to uphold the company line. This information is just the latest in a long line of science disproving the need for the saturated fat phobia.

30 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. This story is coming from an organic food-celebrating quack who thinks aspartame is the most dangerous substance ever and is peddling dozens of supplements. I’ll watch out for a more credible source.

  2. Yet the link takes you to a website that espouses all kinds of other healthcare mumbo-jumbo. I particularly liked the recommendation to walk barefoot as much as possible, the better to soak up free electrons and “ground” yourself. Hey, why not just suck on a battery or chew tinfoil? And, despite what these organic nitwits recommend, I’ll stick to chemicals and GMO food wherever possible over e coli-laden organics.

  3. And next week,breathing will kill you.And once again…..ALL effing food is organic,no matter what or how it was raised.Geeezzzz people.Get out your GR3 chemistry books from the attic.

  4. I was with him until he started spouting gluten-free, organic, non-GMO, etc. Case in point: I recently bought raisins at Costco. They have replaced their regular Thompson raisins with an organic variety of the same brand. They’re substantially smaller and therefore drier and not as flavourful. Thanks, but no thanks.

  5. My father had 3 heart attacks in 1971, followed the low cholesterol advice, and has done extremely well. Formerly, patients with his history had much shorter life expectancy than they now do. There must be some reason(s) for that result.
    There have been numerous double blind studies of this, and some support, some don’t support the idea that saturated fat and cholesterol should be limited.
    Health fads, like the present ” cholesterol doesn’t matter ” advice should always be well researched by heart patients before abandoning the advice of their cardiologists.

  6. From what I see, cholesterol levels have a lot more to do with who your parents are than anything you eat. I would not totally discount diet but it is of lesser importance.

  7. HAHAHAA!! While I don’t disagree, I’m going to stick with traditional medicine. Besides, if you follow this guy’s advice you will automatically be avoiding most saturated fats.
    Don’t discredit yourself by quoting Dr. Nutso…
    Later in the page:
    3. Grounding yourself to the earth. When you walk barefoot, free electrons are transferred from the earth into your body, and electrons are some of the most potent antioxidants known. Grounding (also called Earthing) helps alleviate inflammation, as well as thinning your blood and causing your red blood cells to repel each other, making them less likely to clot.

  8. There’s a difference between cholesterol in your food and cholesterol (plaque) in your arteries.

  9. I follow the everything in moderation diet and that includes the junk food. I’ve never been a sandwich fan so my bread consumption is extremely low. I eat a lot of fruit’n’veg because it is easy to snack on in my truck, and it quenches my thirst at the same time. All meat is fine, including meals consisting of 4-6 eggs. I don’t eat breakfast and start eating in the afternoon. I have been keeping a consistent weight for 15+ years now and I stay pretty healthy. Exercise comes from my job and hobbies, and adrenaline helps the hunger sometimes which in turn keeps the fat burning.
    Food labelled with “organic” is BS. GMO is just fine and we were made to eat meat. We were also made to stay active. Office jobs don’t generally work wonders for ones health unless of course a person has a steady extracurricular exercise regimen.
    I’m no food nazi, but I am a firm believer on more fruit and veg and less junk food.
    Curious how the Inuit’s hearts did when they lived on seal blubber for much of the year. I’m sure they did just fine.

  10. maybe we should drag a ground strap
    or for lots of electrons carry a big copper pipe during a thunderstorm , maybe go to the top of a hill.
    don’t drop your cholesterol too far if you are a male. its a key to making testosterone.

  11. I don’t know why (maybe irrationally suspecting some sort of scam LOL), but every single time I go to my local grocery store, the regular bananas are always green but the organic ones are always yellow. Once in a while I end up taking at least a couple of bunches of the more expensive organic bananas because with five kids and school lunches to be made (let alone any other time), I need bananas that are ready to be eaten the next day. I still buy the green regular ones and wait until they ripen.
    A bit of topic… family tries to be sensitive to the needs and issues of other kids, but this thing with food allergies is getting crazy. I’m 43, and going to school it was extremely rare for anyone to have a food allergy. Now I get notices home all the time telling us that we can’t pack a particular item in our kid’s lunch any longer due to a child being allergic. Eggs, peanut butter, bananas, citrus fruits, fish; its unreal.
    And on top of that, there has been stuff that has been sent home that was deemed, via note home, “not nutritious for snack time” by the school lunch Nazi. I had a talk with the principal and said – “so in conjunction with the stuff he can’t take to school because of allergies, your “lunch monitor” tells him he can’t have a piece of his mother’s cake for snack”. “Yes, this is the board’s policy for healthy food habits”. As if it weren’t frustrating enough wading through the allergy mine field, now I have to find a snack that isn’t allergenic but “nutritious” AND something the kids will like? What a world.

  12. “Yes, this is the board’s policy for healthy food habits”.
    This is outside of the principal’s, and indeed the school’s, area of job description and authority.
    It is none of his/hers or ‘the boards’ damned business what your child eats.

  13. I am more suspect of the allergies becoming an issue today due to an overly sanitized culture than GMO’s. Allowing the body to fight filth is like giving your muscles some time in the gym. Not allowing the body to build an immune system seems to be the norm nowadays since pay phones have been replaced with hand sanitizer stations.
    We are lucky that the school our kids go to only has a “peanut” law. Maybe it is because 97% of the kids come from farms and not the city.

  14. After reading the comments here and the article over on Maggie’s Farm about schools enforcing no sweets in bake sales, my solution is that public education must die.
    Everyone who has children will be responsible for their education. EIther by themselves or a privately run educational institution. Obviously letting the progressives run things isn’t working out.
    Oh and quit rewarding people for breeding retards.

  15. Several years ago I watched my brother in-law start bodybuilding after my brother ,who was much smaller, whooped him in an arm-wrestling match.
    I saw him swallow a 1/2 dozen raw eggs daily for years.
    He is now 66 and still built like Thor.
    You can rightly argue about the source at the link but the fact is the sources of “Eggs/Butter/Meat/etc.” are bad are similar the sources today claim that CO2 is a pollutant. It’s media BS.

  16. Same here. It turns out after reading to the end that much of this article is bunk. There are also a few other articles we no longer buy at Costco because of their switch to organic crap.
    The elimination of gluten is also nonsense.

  17. Yep, and I have seen guys like my co-worker that was a marathon runner and ate like a nutrition guru, yet suffer a debilitating heart attack. Also my own grandmother who smoked since she was 13 and died when she was 96.
    You just never know.

  18. I know, and only an idiot would give his kid nothing but sweets for lunch anyway. And if he did, no feel-good regulation is going to be a deterrent.

  19. I’m not sure about Dr. Mercola, but I found this guy years ago when I was looking for natural way to lower my supposedly “high” cholesterol level:
    He makes a lot of good points about how the cholesterol lowering industry finances almost all the research telling us we need to use their statins. I have a friend who had terrible side effects from taking a statin, and they went away when he quit.

  20. Ken said: “The elimination of gluten is also nonsense.”
    Although there -are- people who really are wheat/gluten intolerant, just as there really are people who are allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, all sorts of things. They usually know who they are, because its usually extremely obvious.
    See, the truth of the matter is that nobody knows how heart disease actually works. Or allergies, for that matter.
    Doctors don’t like to admit they don’t know how something works. So they read the latest research. How the research gets done, and more importantly -which- research gets done, is a very interesting and somewhat alarming subject.
    But it boils down to “money talks”.
    Plan accordingly.

  21. They can stick the statins where the sun don’t shine. I’m currently under going acupuncture treatments to “fix” what those crippling drugs did to my muscles…and I know from talking to others that statins are having the same effect on them….pure poison!

  22. Half our population is so fat that nearly all other considerations are moot. It’s what and how much people are eating that is making them sick and killing them. The other half is either starving/eating sensibly to stay thin or are naturally thin.
    Weight loss is 100% determined by caloric intake. Exercise will get you more fit and healthier, but it’s is the slop you are stuffing in your gullet that is making you fat and sick.
    So … most ailments are life-style induced … like smoking and eating too much crap. We need to make it shameful to be obese because it is and there is no excuse. There is the hefty (no pun intended) cost to caring for these pork pies when they finally start falling over. Doesn’t political correctness cover gluttony?
    Cholesterol is just a topic ….

  23. My grand mother lived to 108. She lived with her sister for the last decades of her life. She lived to 104. They both smoked into their eighties. They also had a daily couple of cocktails around five in the afternoon. When it came to food their philosophy was to eat what you like but to never eat more than you need to. My mother always had to make sure to give them smaller portions as they would never take in more calories than they needed.
    A few years ago, I came across a study of those Russian folks who live into their 100s al the time. The study found a lot of correlations in diet, such as they ate a lot of dairy – especially yogurt. They all led active lives (my grandmother walked every day as long as she could. One of her best friends died on the golf course aged 106)). Interestingly they also all seemed to follow the same regimen of not eating more than your body requires. The study felt that perhaps processing all that extra caloric intake strains the body, leading to long term disease.
    As the old saying goes…everything in moderation.

  24. 20 some years ago I looked into the relationship between cholesterol and heart disease and found the evidence was very weak. My searches brought me to Kilmer McCulley’s work who personally demolished the cholesterol/heart disease risk by feeding rabbits highly purified cholesterol. The feeding of cholesterol to rabbits and their developing severe atherosclerosis was the “proof” that I was taught in medical school. What Kilmer McCulley found was that the cholesterol used was 1% cholesterol epoxide (an oxidation product of cholesterol), and by purifying the cholesterol, the rabbits no longer developed atherosclerosis. Back in the days that one could still get homocysteine levels on people, I found a strong link of high homocysteine levels with peripheral vascular disease but less so with coronary artery disease (CAD). Some of the patients I was seeing 20 years ago were getting better results with chelation therapy than conventional therapy likely because a large amount of folic acid was in the chelation solution and they were all getting B12 injections.
    About 6 years ago, it was very gratifying for a prominent Vancouver cardiologist to come up to me at a talk and tell me I was right all along. It turns out that statin drugs happen to lower cholesterol as a side effect but the mechanism by which they reduce heart disease risk involves altering the prenylation of proteins involved in plaque growth, increasing the eflux of endothelial progenitor cells form the bone marrow and lowering CRP. The side effect of muscle pains and, in severe cases, major muscle destruction and death, is through statins decrease in CoQ10 production. Every patient I put on a statin is also advised to take 200+ mg of CoQ10 daily.
    I brought up the disbelief of many cardiologists in Canada in the cholesterol hypothesis at a CME event in the US some years back and the cardiologist who was giving a talk replied that as soon as US lawyers stopped believing in the evils of cholesterol, then an approach similar to the new Canadian approach would be possible.
    The relationship between cholesterol epoxide and CAD is a very significant one and thus a lower LDL results in less reactive oxidized cholesterol. However, lowering cholesterol causes and increase in suicides, homicides and car accidents. High cholesterol is protective against violent outbursts but, since the cardiologists never read the psychiatric literature, they haven’t a clue about these findings. All the cardiologists care about is that heart attack numbers are lower. They consider it a success when a hypocholesterolemic homicidal maniac dies from a gunshot wound during a shooting spree rather than from an MI.
    The most important thing in ones diet is to ensure that one has the right type of fats and, for most people, that means increasing their omega-3 fatty acids drastically. Omega-6 fatty acids are essential but pro-inflammatory. Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and also work as mood stabilizers. Grass fed beef has high levels of omega-3’s whereas once an animal has passed through a feed lot, they have very high omega-6 fatty acid levels (and, of course, the cosmetically pleasing (to some people) white fat in the meat). I find grass fed beef tastes better and try to stick to free range beef, buffalo and wild meat.
    The statist solution in the USSA has been to take fat out of as many foods as possible and thus one is left with very high carb foods. Trying to find normal yogurt in the US is near impossible. Of course, given that there are essential fatty acids that are lacking in this “fat free” diet, people eat more to try to get those essential fatty acids they need.
    The other interesting aspect of CAD is that oxidized cholesterol stimulates the immune system and thus CAD is, to a significant degree, an autoimmune disease. High levels of CRP exist in chronic inflammation and CRP damages arteries. Diabetics often have very high CRP levels and these are the people that go on to develop CAD much sooner than diabetics without high CRP levels.
    I’ve looked at the data on statins and use them post-MI, but was always suspicious about what they were really doing. There’s no drug made that’s going to help a morbidly obese hypertensive diabetic 2-pack/day smoker who’s looking for a quick fix.

  25. Loki, since you have demonstrated (to me at least) all the hallmarks of sincerity and reason (and much of the best of critical thinking and the use of logic) at this forum, I respectfully submit to you that you check out the Weston A. Price .org site. The folks who run the site today tend towards extreme positions, but I think you will admire the why and how the information came together.

  26. ‘My grand mother lived to 108. She lived with her sister for the last decades of her life. She lived to 104.’
    Extreme longevity of that nature is very unusual and the odd thing about it is that it rarely repeats in the next generation. I am willing to bet your Mom will not make that age.

  27. IMO calories has nothing to do with weight gain. Forty to fifty years ago it seems to me the alleged “experts” were recommending a diet of 5 – 6,000 calories per day. Now it’s down to 2,000. Hell, I routinely devour that in one sitting. Carbs are the fat producers, and lack of exercise. Most people come home and eat supper that usually containing a starch, ie potatoes, rice, or pasta, and then sit on their butts for the rest of the night. Then, to make things worse, wash it down with a couple of beers. As Loki pointed out, fat free foods have led to hi carb diets and hence high obesity rates.

  28. Not just carb laden diets, as well as estrogenic (soy) products that cause weight gain…
    but also big pharma. HOrmone based contraceptives, all drugs that are endocrine disrupters. Weight gain, heart attacks, strokes, type II diabetes can be acerbated by endocrine disruptors, and I don’t mean BPA from water bottles and dioxins from our water (because I’m not a chemophobe). I mean those drugs that people are taking voluntarily -along with the myriad other drugs that are taken to combat the side effects of the initial condition that ALSO CAUSE WEIGHT GAIN.

  29. The video was about fat in your diet. Mercola does not enter the discussion so who cares what his views are. I am someone who had terrible side effects from Statins 11 years ago, of course I stopped taking them then and never had another since. I did develop type 2 diabetes in 2012. To reduce my carb intake I stopped eating wheat. In 21 months I have dropped 50 lbs in weight and my diabetes has gone. Also I no longer need BP medications. I get my calories now from meat, fat, vegetables with some rice and quinoa. No sugar other than fruit. No fruit juice, no pop and the occasional glass of wine or beer. No packaged foods anymore. No pizza and no pasta except that made from rice or quinoa.
