15 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

  1. Exactly, it’s about hatred of Joo and nothing else. Sometimes I thing it’s jealousy.Abraham was the father of both the Jews and Arabs however the mothers were different.This hatred goes back a long time.

  2. That photo has two beings in it that are unclean for Muslims: a dog and a
    Look it up if you don’t believe me.

  3. Moderate Muslims are all dhimmi (or however it is spelled) therefore they cannot say anything. Cheers;

  4. Says a lot about our media as well. The empty silence of this plus what is happening in Africa while they fixate on Israel. Who is under continuous bombardment says it all.
    This is about Jews & only Jews defending themselves. Islam could care less about casualties. Its just a ruse for anti-Semitism.

  5. Frankly I don’t care what the Muslims find unclean, offensive,or much of anything else about them as long as they keep it unto themselves,leave the Jews and all of Christendom,and people of all other religious beliefs alone and mind their own damned business.
    >Stop going around the world causing mayhem, terror, death and destruction which seems to be how things are everywhere in much of the Muslim world.
    >Stop spreading and acting on their extreme hatred for all who do not subscribe to their way of life going back to the stone age. We in the civilized world of the 21st century AD do not stone women to death or treat them like cattle, or force them to wear tents in the streets of our modern Western society, while the men wear regular, comfortable clothing…all in the name of religion.
    They should either blend in with our modern civilization or scuttle their butts off and live in their theocracies, we really don’t gain anything from people who do not integrate but try to push their antiquated sharia laws into ours to keep control of their women and do things like “honour killings”. We cannot allow this to ever happen if we believe women are equal to men in all respects of our laws.
    The recent and ongoing protests/hate fests in our streets should be a wake-up call to our government and all of us. There are signs it’s a much bigger problem than we know, they’re becoming more and more emboldened.

  6. Much like Israel we find ourselves surrounded by these psychopathic neanderthals. No longer do we have the option of taking the fight to them on our terms, we have imported their grievances into our nation and across Europe. When the SHTF will we have the courage of the Israelis to fight these Goons in the streets? The match has been lit once again and I for one hope Israel does not stop until every last member of Humus has been removed from existence. If they want a fight then let’s give them one. Remember there is no such thing as a “peaceful” Muslim, and their mask has been torn off for all to see who they really are.

  7. “…Remember there is no such thing as a “peaceful” Muslim…”
    No, that’s not true. I don’t know many Muslims, but they all fall into the “peaceful” category. Maybe too peaceful…like all other Canadians…afraid t speak out. You know – the “moderates”.

  8. There will come a time when everybody will have to choose a side, let the chips fall where they may Jamie.

  9. I’d say you don’t “know” any muslims really Jamie. All you have to do is ask them how they feel about Israel then listen to them tell you about occupiers in palestine. Then explain to them that Jews have lived there for centuries before islam even existed and they will tell you you are wrong, that they were there first.

  10. Gosh…and here I was all these years using my own judgement. But it must have been n9thing but blind, bullshit luck got me by.

  11. The Reader’s Digest version of the causes of the hatred supposedly stemming from jealousy. We can blame Eve for losing us the Garden of Eden and we can blame the chaos caused by the descendants of Ishmael on Sarah and her double-mindedness. She forced Abraham to bed her slave Hagar when she didn’t become pregnant as G-d has promised; Her son Ishmael is greatly loved by Abraham; Sarah became pregnant in her old age and the promised son, Isaac, was born. Sarah now becomes really jealous as she is frightened that Ishmael will receive her son’s rightful inheritance. As cruel as she had been to Hagar up to now, she forces Abraham to banish Hagar and Ishmael from the camp and out into the desert, making him very cross and very unhappy but G-d spoke to him and said: ‘Do not be unhappy about the boy and your female slave. Your descendants that I choose will come by means of Isaac. So do what Sarah says. However, I will also make the son of your female slave into a nation. I will do that because he is your son too.’
    Abraham gave Hagar bread and a bottle of water and when it was gone she was greatly distressed that Ishmael would die but G-d heard her sobbing: ‘…Do not be afraid, because G-d. has heard the boy’s voice..I will make him into a great nation.’
    Later G-d tested Abraham on Mount Moriah when Isaac was to be sacrificed on an altar but a ram (provided by G-d) was substituted. An angel delivered a message from the Lord: “I have made this very serious promise and I have confirmed it with my own name….You have not kept your son, your only son, from me. Therefore I will really bless you. You will have as many descendants as there are stars in the sky. Or as there are many tiny pieces of sand on the beach…I will bless all the nations on earth because of your descendants. And I will bless the nations because you have obeyed my commands.” ’ (The Muslims are taught it was Ishmael who was taken to the altar; therefore, it will be through his descendants that the nations will be blessed.)
    Years before, when the angel of the Lord had told Hagar she would have a son and his name would be Ishmael, he gave this description of him: “He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”
