25 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. “Israel is fighting for the world.”
    Mark Levin interviewing the son of the Hamas founder!
    “Yousef made it crystal clear that Hamas doesn’t just want to destroy the state of Israel, but wants a global caliphate on every inch of land around the world, and he said they will kill as many palestinians as they need to accomplish this goal.”

  2. Dan Harris, who failed to read The Memo. Sarah was right about Russia, as well as many other issues.

  3. And not the president who thinks there are 57 states , or doesn’t know the difference between the Gulf and Atlantic coasts. Math and geography are hard. They keep implying that he’s brilliant. Please.

  4. The Home Front
    Thirteen years ago, I opposed the creation of the “Department of Homeland Security” – on the classic Thatcherite ground that if you create a bureaucracy to deal with a problem you’ll never be rid of it. I had expected the usual “mission creep” but that term barely covers what’s happened in the last decade. There is no “homeland security”: At the southern border, the homeland is wide open, and ICE and the Border Patrol, which (like CBP) are both part of DHS, are actively colluding in homeland insecurity.

    We, the undersigned citizens of Canada draw the attention of the House to the following: THAT : as individual Citizens of Canada WE do NOT enjoy the protection of “PROPERTY RIGHTS” within the Constitution of Canada ! hence, THE LAW of Canada!
    THEREFORE: Your petitioners call upon Parliament to forthwith, incorporate and entrench FOREVER , individual “PROPERTY RIGHTS” INTO THE CONSTITUTION OF CANADA.
    Furthermore: In the NATIONAl INTEREST of ALL CANADIANS, the landlocked oil resources of ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN must be made available by PIPELINE to tidewaters of Canada in order to get WORLD PRICES FOR A NATURAL resource for the benefit of ALL CANADIANS.
    WE, the undersigned Canadian petitioners urge parliamentary action, on these Canadian National Issues, NOW!
    I AM Joe Molnar, my original plan was to walk, ride an incumbent tricycle or if my God given knees gave out, to ride a donkey as I collected millions of Canadian citizen signatures on the “PETITION” shown above.
    However, SAFETY is a major concern walking the highways, as I had originally planned walking to cross Canada collecting millions of signatures on the “petition” above.
    For safety reasons I have decided to alter my plan and will accept a Federal Government loaned set of wheels for the project.
    I have stated my case to my MP and so I wait. ………
    …. and wait!
    And when I get the project on the road, I will seek permission to use the this blog to chronicle the numbers of signatures collected as I Cross Canada!
    Will Canadians sign on to my “petition” and will the Harper administration act on such a petition of the people ??
    Time will tell!
    I AM ,
    Joseph Molnar, Woodstock, Ontario, Canada.

  6. You know, Joseph, you’ll be more effective if you set up two actual online petitions: one for property rights and the other for the pipeline. They’re two separate issues, and you’ll have a better chance with both by not linking them together.
    This is just one link I found when I searched Google for “online petition”. Go ahead, set them up, then provide the links here.

  7. Joe Molnar:
    Re: Property rights.
    Use the internet. It’s cheaper and you’ll get way more clout!
    What rights are you seeking??

  8. A new video of muslims being islamic has been making the rounds, although not on Youtube it seems.
    The majority of these muslims being less moderate muslims are shown after about 32 minutes in the video, which is in much better quality than the norm for these types of middle east productions although you can’t see exit wounds as they all fall forward, or away from the camera.
    There’s some music, I guess. So turn it down.
    I don’t know if TorStar will be commenting on this.
    Mark Levin mentioned this video in tonights closing minutes. He didn’t suggest you watch it, more of a “know your enemy” sort of mentioning…

  9. Hey ED, you may well be right about separating the two petitions, but as you can see from some of the current posts ED, most Canadians do not understand the notion of “property tights” outside of a county’s Constitution.
    Should baby Trudeau ever come to power, ED, the STATE would own ALL !
    Thanks for the post ED,
    I AM Joe Molnar.

  10. Under the transforming America section. If you like your Land Rover, you can keep your Land Rover. Or not.
    ““The menace of a national police force, aka a standing army, vested with so much power cannot be overstated, nor can its danger be ignored,” wrote Whitehead, before listing numerous examples of how the DHS is instrumental in pushing America’s decline into a militarized police state.”

  11. AGW Regress Report: Leftists’ Great White-Black Hope.
    “10 reasons to be hopeful that we will overcome climate change”
    “From action in China and the US to falling solar costs and rising electric car sales, there is cause to be hopeful”
    “1)Barack Obama has made it one of his defining issues”
    “List of excuses for ‘the pause’ now up to 29”
    “1) Low solar activity
    2) Oceans ate the global warming [debunked] [debunked] [debunked]
    3) Chinese coal use [debunked]
    4) Montreal Protocol” {More}

  12. PET Cemetery Digest.
    Our Today List: Leftists, socialists & communists, & Librano$.
    “It may come as a shock well-educated Westerners that Communists can be corrupt.”
    “Now president Xi Jinping is burning out the nest — and incidentally — redistributing the zillions to himself and his followers.”
    “Former Liberal cabinet minister Joe Fontana guilty of fraud, forgery
    The Canadian Press”

  13. AGW Regress Report.
    *Kevin says, It’s in the oceans stored in Davy Jones’ locker.
    “Where Has All the Heat Gone?”
    “Fall-Like Chill Impacts East
    Many cities in the Southeast broke record lows Wednesday morning.”
    *”Trenberth says, in fact, the planet has continued to warm during this time — but the heat has been flowing into the oceans, which have a vast capacity to absorb it.”
