19 Replies to “Hamas Rocket Launcher Found Next to UN Building in Gaza”

  1. they hadn’t noticed it as they were out returning rockets and shovels to Hamas
    will see if CBCpravda picks it up
    they could put it right under their free ad for justins autobiography , chapters 1-6 , life with dad . 7-12 , dance moves
    13 -17 snowboard instruction , 18 life as lib leader. introduction by Peter Pansbridge.

  2. Did I mention the US armed the mujahadeen in Afghanistan, indirectly leading to the formation of al-Qaeda?
    Libya, Syria, Kosovo. The list goes on and on of US foreign policy supporting Islamic extremists. Tell me again who’s the biggest threat to world peace.
    In Gaza, though, at least the US is funding the Iron Dome.

  3. Come on! This is obviously an Israeli propaganda piece. Open your eyes. It is all staged to make you think that is what the honorable freedom fighters of Hamas are doing. A set up to further the lie that those Hamasians, who only want peace for their people, are using the UN and civilians as shields. Really folks, don’t be fooled./sarc off

  4. Face it, France is to blame here. After all, if they hadn’t supported the American Revolution there’d be no US.
    I suggest you try to “get real”. No one is God and therefore capable of neatly predicting all the consequences of a foreign policy decision.

  5. “Did I mention the US armed the mujahadeen in Afghanistan, indirectly leading to the formation of al-Qaeda?”
    Tovarich……That lie is now getting soooo stale.
    Yep the US spooks supplied stuff to the Mujahedin.
    AFTER THE Russkies got outa Dodge…the Taliban returned from Pakistan and the Muhahedin were the Northern which forms the basis for the current Afghan government.
    Al Qaeda were guests of the Taliban. Al Qaeda are Arabs, Chechins, etc not Afghans.
    Yeah the Obamation is openly aiding and abetting Islamics (they are not extreme…just Islamic). Thars no sech critter as a moderate or extreme Islamic.

  6. For once, I think “set you free” is on to something. Obviously, the problem is that the middle east didn’t have enough colonial influence. If the US stayed in Iraq and Afghanistan the way they stayed in German and Japan, and acted as the police and an occupying military force, then there would be less problems there now. Is that what you’re saying, “set you free”?

  7. The UN in Gaza and Hamas are the same thing.
    No surprise the rockets are fired from within UN hospitals and schools. They are Hamas fighting positions.
    Baghdad had Bob. Gaza has “Gary” . . . “It is a Zionist entity lie that any rockets are being fired form this UN hospital”
    “Those are not rockets!”

  8. I wonder if this guy is still alive after his epiphany, as he was almost killed by Hamas?
    Pissed him off enough to tell the truth the other Media was lying about living right next to the rockets.
    Now they all cry they where forced to cover for Hamas. After becoming propaganda shills for these killers.
    As for the UN will all know its the biggest Islamic gang in the World. The UN has done nothing for Christians from Africa to Asia from Muslim rampages of genocidal behaviour. After all their family.Just as they did nothing in Rwanda. This is perhaps the most useless body of money sucking bureaucrats in history, running the most corrupt organization the World has ever seen.
    Time to stop the money tap or as I see it paying Jizra to Islamic interests. They want sharia law for the whole Planet & have made no effort to hide the fact.
    Its decayed right from the top to bottom.
    Lets instead have a group of democracies , at least the ones left.

  9. Just sayin’ US foreign policy for decades has curiously been to support and encourage Islamic extremism.
    Egypt, Syria, Libyia, Iraq, Kosovo.
    Unintended consequences in some of those areas; indirectly through encouraging ‘freedom fighters’ in others; direct support by supplying weapons in some cases.
    Name me one place since the end of WWII, which was a mop-up operation, that the situation has improved once the US got involved.
    I’ll wait patiently for everybody’s tireless research and I’m betting right now nobody here can name one.
    Too bad, really, that the US is now becoming increasingly irrelevant in the world.
    Obama got handed the anchor by his predecessors and he’s not doing much to improve the situation.

  10. “Exclusive insight as to just how close those rockets are to civilian targets”, that is assuming that the civilians are the target,they’re not. Reporter should have said that this find helps verify what the Israeli’s have been saying the whole time, rockets are set up in dense areas to protect the cowards as they hide and drive up the body count for the cameras when the return fire arrives.

  11. japan and Germany were already industrialized pre-war and had the rule of law and a highly literate and motivated public as well as a well established banking system. very easy to recover all that post war. The ME has no legacy other than sand, blood and blind ignorance. So yes, they are pretty much low grade dog food not worth investing in.

  12. I’ll do you one better syf: Name one war the US has fought since WWII where the US actually fought to win.

  13. Folks don’t take the bait of resident Putin felliator, examples are aplenty and the f*** ups were rarely American, typically they were due to either the other side receiving support from russia/China/some islamic hellhole or due to fans of those places in US congress and/or white house.
