13 Replies to “But Glenn Beck Is The Crazy One”

  1. Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is stating that he IS Caliph. And is prepared to wage war to prove it.
    The joke is on liberals, in the first instance, and on the rest of us for not tarring and feathering liberals.

  2. Unconfirmed….
    The current rumble is the Turks have been involved…..possibly to beat the yanks to it for creds….and because the Turks figure if’n there’s gonna be a caliphate it will be theirs in Ankara.
    The details I got involved some C130’s dropping aid to the mountain, escorted by F16’s….

  3. I pledge allegiances to Pres. Obama and the United Caliphates of America,
    And for Mohammed we prostrate…
    A few Caliphate rules concerning Females-
    Women shall not be allowed to vote.
    Women shall not be educated, nor hold any positions higher than office secretaries.
    Women shall walk two paces behind men and will not be allowed to have a driver’s license.
    Women will be allowed to shop for food, cook our meals,
    Wear Black Woolen Burka Blankets, their eyes must be veiled.
    Any female caught staring at a man will be whipped in public.
    Any female caught wearing a bikini will be stoned,
    Only one witness required.
    Husbands can beat their wives with a stick no bigger than their thumbs,
    Beatings will be permitted in private sound proof rooms.
    Girls will have their clitoris removed 1 year after birth.
    Women shall be stoned for adultery if two or more men shall testify against them.
    Queers, Transvestites, Bisexuals, and Jews will be treated more harshly.

  4. He is indeed “the crazy one” – he sends carloads of teddy bears to the sr13 gangsters in the luxury hotels they are holding these TB carriers. Crazy indeed.

  5. I’d say the caliphate is a mixed blessing.
    The jihadists don’t need territory to devise attacks on the West. They could have planned 9/11 in a hotel room (and probably did.) Their recent gains are bad news for various local minorities, but I don’t see them as increasing the risk to us.
    Moreover, as the Islamic State begins to resemble a state actor it necessarily provides a target rich environment. It’s much harder to root out terrorists from a civilian population ( a la Gaza) than it is to destroy conventional forces from the air.
    The biggest, perhaps only, threat to the West remains the fifth column within our own countries, i.e. radical Muslim immigrants and their useful idiots in the political, media and educational establishments. Perhaps recent developments will motivate a few of the latter to withdraw their heads from their rectums and take a look at the world as it actually is instead of how they wish it was.

  6. Jim303 said: “The biggest, perhaps only, threat to the West remains the fifth column within our own countries, i.e. radical Muslim immigrants…”
    Right idea, wrong group. The only credible threat to Western civilization remains the radical Left and their wholly owned subsidiary, the main stream media.
    Example, radical Leftists have managed to completely cripple oil and gas production in Canada, and it only cost them $75 million bucks. Best part for them, we don’t even know we’ve been attacked.
    Obama spent more than that yesterday on one bombing run.
    Islamic jihadists can’t even come to the West except on our airlines. Too far to swim to N. America, too far to walk to Europe. How do they get here? Leftists making social policy.
    Jihadists have no weapons except what they get from the West. They have no vehicles, no fuel, no training, no Internet, nothing.
    Islamic jihad is a joke told by idiots. The Left is the true enemy. Crush the Left, and the Islamists will shrivel up in the desert sun like a bunch of rabbit raisins.

  7. Exactly, that’s why the “war on terrorism” is such a brain-dead concept. Islam is an opportunistic pathology that thrives where reason, history, and culture has been hollowed out of the West by progressives (multiculturalism).
    Muslims should not be encouraged to part of a “cultural mosaic” in the West, they should be encouraged to be ashamed of Islam and to become apostate. Islam doesn’t reform, it threatens and kills. Unless we have to revert to civil war, they need to be censured by all of Western societies.

  8. EXACTLY. There is a reason that there has never been an Islamic Reformation. It is because they cannot. Full stop.

  9. This is the Islamic Reformation. They’ve gone back to their book and started reading it. Now it’s being put into action.
    Martin Luther did that, but that book teaches a different morality.

  10. Islam(Shariah) is a form of ideological supremacy controlling the every aspect of a Muslims life. Strong adherents to strict Shariah Law are supported by a submissive populations who been constantly conquered since birth by this systematic punitive barbaric cult following law/belief system.
    Submit or die.
    Bright ones question, then quickly learn, you be quiet or die.
    There is no such thing as jurisprudence or gender equality in Islam.
    Has to reform from this, or we continue on like just like this.
    Why have all the international NGO’s abandoned this as a true human rights violation? Follow the money all the way to Qatar, Turkey and Iran to the tunnels and weapons in hamas’s hands, gives me a clue where UN loyalties are.

  11. Phantom has it exactly right. The real enemy to Western Civilization is the Left, and their weapon is that of cultural Marxism.
    The Left are like a virus that infects an entire civilization, a cultural AIDS. Like the biological namesake, this virus infects and then re-purposes the host’s cellular machinery for its own purposes. This leaves the host in a weakened and vulnerable condition, and minor opportunistic threats that would ordinarily be easily brushed aside have now become serious threats. Just like the person with AIDS becomes vulnerable to run of the mill pathogens, a culture infected with Leftism becomes vulnerable to 7th Century throwbacks because it cannot squash them like the cockroaches they are.
    None of the damage being done to the West by the jihadis — from the toppling of the WTC to the rampant rapes in Scandinavian capitals — would have been possible without the accommodation of the Left. The Left are the ones ultimately responsible for this and until they are made to pay for it, it will continue.

  12. There are others who were talking about it. Most notably Walid Shoebat – who’s not talking about chrislam.
    For the goods, check out http://www.shoebat.com and read his books. You’ll find them much more enlightening than Beck’s.
