19 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Re: Last night’s feature: The world is run by crazy people.
    Today (Aug.08) the story ran on CBC.Ca that the Covlin family of Endeavor, Sk. had been cleared to let their kids work in their poultry operation. I think it’s quite obvious that some Socialist-NDP-CBC type(s) had waged a complaint against this hard working farm family.
    Here’s one comment on CBC,Ca that really got to me.
    ”Not really much different from the time Premier Wall said it was OK for 14 year old’s to drive in the country with their parents. It’s illegal, but it shouldn’t matter out in the toollies. I hope they at least frown upon polygamy.” (End of quote.)
    My reply was: ”MercyRiverSask
    ”I’ve seen 14 year old kids on the streets of Regina that were doing a lot worst than packaging chickens and the police overlooked it!” (End of quote.)
    My comment was removed yet ”from the jaw’s” was allowed to remain in spite of the fact that I had flagged it. And yet there isn’t one sane person living in Regina who won’t attest that there are certain places in that city where young prostitutes are allowed to do business freely.
    Why are there two sets of standards at CBC when it comes to censorship??

  2. Muslims Gang Rape Colorado Woman
    Document Reveals Accounts Of Vicious Assault From Victim And Suspects
    Court documents reveal that the victim of an alleged vicious s e xual assault remembers some of the suspects telling her about being unhappy with the way they were treated in the United States. Five Iraqi nationals were arrested in connection with the case.
    Two are charged with the crime while all five are charged as accessories with the crime. Some of the victim’s injuries were described by police as being “rarely seen.”
    “I can tell you this is one of the most horrific s e xual assaults I’ve seen in my career as a police officer,” said Lt. Howard Black with the Colorado Springs Police Department.

  3. General Motors’ (GM) troubles with safety recalls have surfaced in another case, this time with the company recalling a group of SUVs for a third time to fix power window switches that can catch fire. The problem, revealed in documents posted by federal safety regulators this week, is so serious that GM is telling customers to park the SUVs outdoors until they are repaired because they could catch fire when left unattended.
    Of course some people believe that only happens to electric cars.

  4. Hi everyone. Your friendly neighbourhood nationalist here. I present to you: the parasite olympics!
    On this rare occasion, I’m siding with the negroes. There is nothing more enjoyable than watching a brain-dead white woman (but I repeat myself) rubbing up every-so-gently against “diversity.”

  5. *siding with the “JEWISH” negroes, I should add. Or so they like to believe.
    There must have been something in my orange juice this morning! Twilight Zone type stuff!

  6. Jerusalem Post- www. jpost dot com /Features/Front-Lines/MIDDLE-ISRAEL-Gazas-morning-after-370582
    Good read and take on this ever fluid situation.
    The efficiency with which Israel will fight on this front remains to be seen, but the broader diplomatic picture will eventually become clear in any event. Yes, the guns of Summer ’14 have set forth some tremors in Israel’s foreign relations, but when the dust settles two fundamentals will loom: the non-Muslim world faces a scourge called Islamism, and the West faces a ploy called asymmetrical warfare, which should be renamed “unfair fighting.”
    As understanding of these grim facts spreads, the effort to present Israel as part of the problem will give way to its acceptance as part of the solution.

  7. Hm, was sure I turned off the tag on last word of that quote. Italics should have included the last paragraph as full quote of writer not me.

  8. AGW Kills.
    It’s not fair*.
    “Smooth sailing as Great Lakes levels continue their rebound
    Recovery’s pace beats expectations”
    “The story of improving Great Lakes water levels can be discerned in the things unheard this summer — such as complaints.
    Record snowfalls last winter, coupled with a rainier-than-usual spring and summer, have Great Lakes levels recovering faster than they have in decades.
    With a second straight year of rebounding from record-low lake levels, gone are the panicked harbormasters, concerned marina owners, grumbling charter fishermen and befuddled freight shippers. No longer are city officials expressing an urgent need for dredging funds.
    “You can get in and out of more harbors — the water’s actually up to the docks again,” said Raymond Raab of Holly,…”
    *H/T Liberal Kyoto Dionky.

  9. Mohammed Kills.
    It’s for the children.
    “Iraq crisis: save us from death”
    “150,000 refugees trapped in mountains face ‘desperate choice’ of dying from lack of food and water or ‘descending into the barbaric hands of terrorists’, says Downing Street”
    “Iraq crisis: 150,000 Yezidi Kurds refugees surrounded by Islamic extremists
    Thousands of Yazidi Kurds, including children, have been trapped in the mountains without food and water for days as a major international intervention gets under way”
    “Gaza: thousands march in London protest”
    “Around 20,000 protesters marched through London waving Palestinian flags and chanting anti-Israel slogans”

  10. Left-liberals say, It’s for the children.
    “These are worrying times for those fearful of a descent into a historic confrontation with militant Islam.”
    “Professor Sir Michael Howard, Britain’s most distinguished historian and strategist, now 92, lamented to me last month the tottering, if not collapse, of every pillar that has supported international order through his lifetime. By that he means the UN, Nato and a strong America.
    I thought that he overstated the scale of the chaos that is currently unfolding, both in the Ukraine and the Middle East. But today, his words seem dismayingly justified.”
    “Persecution: Groups like the Yazidi, pictured dying of thirst on an Iraqi mountain, have roused the ire of ISIS”

  11. This formatting requires that each paragraph also has an italics tag at the beginning.
