Those Moderate Muslims! (continued)

Islamic State jihadist announces his marriage to terrified 7-year-old in conquered city in Syria – more HEREmuslimmarriage3.png
Update (Kate) – this photo has been misrepresented. The original video is here. (h/t Black Mamba)

61 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims! (continued)”

  1. Subhuman reject from the shallow end of the gene pool, overdue for natural reselection via a pack of starving pigs.

  2. Sorry, you might find that this photo is not what you think. It is a still from a video (I have seen it) wherein this teacher (?) is recorded with the little girl whi is reciting some of the Quran. The child bride story is a hit piece. Recommend you delete or amend. I am a kuffar and suffer no love for islam and its ills of which child brides are but one. A sick facet of a very sick ideology. Nevertheless, we have a responsibility to vet what we post.

  3. This is the result of dems and repubs trying to please the rest of the world and a few college professors in the USA. What we should do is to send voluntary forces back under “no deguello.” Rescind all ROE. Tell the UN to go diddle themselves instead of the young girls and boys they are protecting. We should invite all islalmic countries to rid the world of th3e ISIL types. Any country that does not send troops becomes NEXT on the list.

  4. Truth does not matter much here.
    Even if the video is misinterpreted that changes nothing.
    Social Media is a gift to free people.
    Of their own free will the Killers post their actions, completely negating the MSM’s attempts to cover for them.
    Who you gonna believe? CBC and their “Underdog Luvie Muslim Meme?
    Or the open and honest boasting of Killers on a butchery High?
    Diversity? Or Butchery?.
    The barbarians are on a roll, demonstrating to the world their “Peaceful Intentions”. The peace of death awaits all whom they hate.
    And Hate is what they do well.
    Civilization requires people to strive to build and maintain the works of past men, does anyone imagine these maniacs will forgo hatred and chose to be constructive?
    We need to wake up.
    Evil is obvious and made real by men.
    These ideologues fear(Hence Hate) women, free thought and doubt.
    Until every woman in the area has a Uzi and a few thousand rounds of ammo, there will be no civil behaviour toward women there..
    All the old evils are rampant, piracy,corruption, rape,slavery, theft and murder… There is no “negotiation” with maniacs and parasites.
    It seems to be the intention of our Libtards to encourage genocide and endless destruction.
    Same people , our Libtards, believe in CAGW and that there are too many poor brown people on this planet…Coincidence of course.

  5. “Truth does not matter much here.”
    Oh, we’re all liberals now,are we?
    Saw this on the ‘net a couple of days ago, too convenient to be true.
    I’ll save my outrage for something real.

  6. well, set you flee, the world in it’s self is a better place BECUASE of the USA. I hope it didn’t piss on your parade of ignorance to badly!!
    but to answer your question directly, Germany, Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan just to name a few, now just think if these places were more like N. Korea or Cambodia……

  7. Forcing a child to memorize the koran is abuse enough, that the goat****er should be subjected to rule .303

  8. Don, we are discussing propaganda?
    Hamas is doing beautiful propaganda ,ISIS is not, this video may be a fraud.. so what?
    The Righteous Followers of the One True God, never shade their meanings or disguise their actions, once they hold power.
    I believe Winston Churchill had appropriate words for these people.

  9. OK, I’ll give you South Korea.
    Germany and Japan fall under the WWII category.
    Can’t remember the US getting militarily involved in Taiwan, though.
    Let me take a stab at your conclusion.
    The US did some good in mop-up operations in WWI and WWII and were successful in a minor skirmish shortly after, therefore what Rand Paul is pointing out about the US supplying ISIS in Syria while bombing them in Iraq is irrelevant?
    Any thoughts on US foreign policy helping out Islamic extremism as was Paul’s contention? Or did you even bother to read it before starting to hurl personal insults?
    Like US policy, bluster can only get you so far.

  10. Greece 1947, everywhere that used to be the USSR, East Germany, Bosnia, Macedonia, Cuba, Falkland Islands,Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos Dominican Republic, Grenada, Panama, Kuwait, and maybe central America ie. Bolivia, Nicaraugua.

  11. NATO served its purpose in keeping the Soviet Union in check.
    After that evil empire’s collapse in 1991 (would that already be 23 years ago?), NATO has outlived its original charter and now acts like the expansionist entity it was designed to keep in check.
    Of course, NATO is more honourable than the United Nations, but it’s still a self-perpetuating bureaucracy that cannot be killed despite outliving its original purpose.

  12. “name me one place where the US has stuck its nose into since WWII where the situation has turned out for the better.”
    What have the Romans ever done for us?
    Depends what you mean by stuck our noses in. Aside from Western Europe, Japan, South Korea (military noses there) I’d say that anywhere with US trade and commerce, and anywhere that the concept of individual rights has taken hold, has kicked ass in the last 50 years. The average person lives 20 years longer now than in 1960. The world’s wealth has tripled. The death rate has dropped by half. The risk of death in childbirth is a third.
    Now, you may not regard this as progress, but I do. In fact, it’s unprecedented in all of history.

  13. Once again I ask … name me one place where the US has stuck its nose into since WWII where the situation has turned out for the better.
    Well, the ussr no longer exists. That’s fairly significant. Resulting in all the former captive countries freedom from the abusive mother russia.

  14. Cyprus and
    “1950–55 – Formosa (Taiwan): In June 1950, at the beginning of the Korean War, President Truman ordered the U.S. Seventh Fleet to prevent Chinese Communist attacks upon Formosa and Chinese Nationalist operations against mainland China.[” Wiki

  15. A terrified child with a man who looks happy about it, not the face of a comforting adult.
    Somehow I doubt our definition pedophilia is in agreement with the koran.
    This is the 21st century, where is the great United Nations helping free the female children from ancient tribal abuses in the name of religion?

  16. Liz J “where is the great United Nations helping free the female children from ancient tribal abuses in the name of religion?”
    Providing schools and hospital to serve as Hamas missile launch sites. Where does the U.N. find the stupidest people in the world who can’t notice missiles rising out of hospital parking lots. I guess the U.N. must recruit exclusively from Hamas supporters.

  17. “We” as in Canada, the Obama states of america, or Israel?
    Forget Obama, he’s the Muzzie in Chief, and has clearly shown his disdain for Israel. However, the financial taps are still on, to Israel. That would change if Israel unilaterally flatted Gaza in one fell swoop. They would be better to carpet bomb Gaza, than to nuke it. There’s just something about nukes, no need to explain. Of course, the Israelies would be viewed as na(z)is, genocidal maniacs, etc, but they are already tarred (wrongly) by that brush. No loss there
    Israel? Well, if it wasn’t for the US financing, even by proxy (its military, mainly), Gaza, and likely Iran, would be nothing but a few grease spots in a sea of glass and concrete remnants. Otherwise, fans of Israel would still be, as would its opponents, of which there would be fewer, anyways, however….Russia and China would be p!ssed, by proxy. Their embassies would also be destroyed, unless warned, and would they? hmmmmmm.
    Israel is still playing nice, contrary to the chatter by the talking heads and their useful idiots.
    Then there’s the other muzzie theatres of operation, throughout Europe, and here in North America. The muzzies would likely unleash their intifada worldwide, and then things would get fun!………….who knows………….
    Israel isn’t going to nuke Gaza anytime soon, not unless Iran wants to play ball……….

  18. Hey QiPoo. Why do you call yourself a kuffar? What does that mean exactly and why would you refer to yourself as one? Particularly when it comes from a non-mooselimb like yourself?

  19. While waiting, why don’t you make a list of places that russia touched and did not FUBARed?

  20. Media reporting all the Palestinians killed today….never a word about who started the fight and the fact Israel is defending herself and her people from the terrorist Hamas rag heads who are fighting for the Palestinians and putting their people in harms way, places they know ahead of time the Israelis are targeting. Of course children get the bastards their best show for sympathy, biggest bang for their cause, killing Jews, and giving fodder for their supporters in the West, Canada and the US. Not a word about who fired first after the “truce”.
    Ontario, broke to the eyeballs, is offering to bring Palestinian kids and of course parents for treatment in our hospitals while our own people are on waiting lists due to cutbacks in all health care services. We know the Liberal game is to make our Conservative government look bad when they rightly refuse to allow this to happen. Help if needed can be sent there, the logic and logistics of bringing such people here is the stuff of nightmares. Do we need any more proof whose side the Liberals across the board are on?

  21. I think the headline and the video are unrelated. Looks like yer average kid’s competition where the kid makes an error and sheds a few tears.

  22. if anyone can read arabic then lets hear what that sign says, cuz I aint buyin the headline.

  23. Liberals, across the country, have this deluded belief that they can fix the muzzie terrorist, if they are just wimpier and softer towards them.
    What they don’t understand, is that is weakness.
    Silly Liberals, they would be the first to be sacrificed!

  24. I just watched a report on Global where they used the phrases “persecuted minority”, “ancient religious sect”, and “religious minority” when referring to the CHRISTIANS fleeing ISIS terrorists. Never once did Global National use the word “Christian” in their reports. Disgusting.

  25. Well Rudy maybe the reason Global did not use the word Christian is because the persecuted Kurds in the story are Yazidi not Christian. Some speculate that the Magi of Christmas fame were in fact Yazidi or its immediate predecessor Zoroastrian.

  26. Mideast conflicts have been driven by xenophobia for thousands of years. They love to hate anyone different. Blaming it on which version of an imaginary friend someone chooses to believe is just an excuse and a diversion from the actual primitive intent. Anyone who didn’t ascribe to that belief left for better places over the millennia, including most of the Jews.
    A group of well meaning idiots created the present conflicts following WW1 with imposed borders that failed to recognize long standing cultural differences. Then to make matters worse, following WW2 the same group of idiots created Israel in the middle of this festering pile of Muslim resentment. Since then it’s gone from bad to worse as the same bunch of meddlesome idiots tries to keep Israel from forcibly creating law and order, by rounding up all the Palestinian militants and sending them to Yemen, on foot.

  27. So when will this newly wed couple be immigrating to Canada under our family reunification program? I mean surely this guy already has family members living right here in Canada just like the Khadr clan and hundreds if thousands of muslims already here.

  28. Mamba, thanks for the link. Nice to see nothing bad happened to that little girl.
    Lies are lies, my friends. We will do well to hate all lies regardless which side is doing the lying.

  29. I maybe wrong but I think what everyone has over looked is that the little girl appears to be Caucasian. If that is true no wonder she looks terrified.

  30. My original comment still stands. Forcing a child to recite verses from the koran amounts to child abuse. And that black flag? Is that not the flag of al qaeda or ISIS?

  31. Nuke the entire region. Exterminate these freaks forever and the innocents are spared a depraved, perverted destiny.
    The world is an evil place!
