Those Moderate Muslims! (continued)

Islamic State jihadist announces his marriage to terrified 7-year-old in conquered city in Syria – more HEREmuslimmarriage3.png
Update (Kate) – this photo has been misrepresented. The original video is here. (h/t Black Mamba)

61 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims! (continued)”

  1. Awww, it’s just a cute video after all.
    Oh, well. Still a good rule of thumb, though: Exterminate the brutes.

  2. Gord, you said: “My original comment still stands. Forcing a child to recite verses from the koran amounts to child abuse.”
    But no matter how often you say it, it’s still crap. Religious schools of every stripe have children commit the tenets of their faith to memory. Try just a modicum of thought before you shoot your silly, sanctimonious mouth off.

  3. We’ve been hornswoggled, as I suspected.
    Looks like a contest to memorize verses from the Koran, and the little girl made a mistake,and is embarrassed by it. The fellow,who is apparently her teacher, in actually very kind and supportive of her in her moment of embarrassment.
    There is enough real sh** coming from the Islamic world that we don’t have to make it up. Let’s not become as bad as the Left with their lies and propaganda.If it’s true,report it, but don’t make up stories of atrocities out of whole cloth. We have always claimed the moral high ground in truth in reporting,let’s keep it.
    Are conservatives going to have our own “Green helmet guy” one day?
    Whoever started this story on the ‘net is a despicable asshole.

  4. You morally relativistic fool. Islam is not just a religion, it is totalitarian political and social system in the guise of a religion, and it has spread death and misery throughout the world wherever it has held sway.
    You see that black flag in the still? That is the flag of al qaeda or of ISIS/ISIL, or one of the other extreme jihadist elements. Where those creeps hold sway, going to a religious school isn’t an option for little kids, like it is in Vancouver, it’s an obligation.

  5. Yeah well resorting to ad hominem and obscene language is a sure sign of a position of little merit.
    After ISIS posting stills and video of their practices, there is little or no merit to giving them the benefit of the doubt…or quarter.
    ISIS is despicable and any who aid abet, make excuse or give them the benefit of the doubt is also 3 levels lower than whale crap IMHO.

  6. “The fellow,who is apparently her teacher”
    Why is it apparent that he is her teacher? Just asking.

  7. ”Why is it apparent that he is her teacher?”
    Because he first introduces the girl,then,when she has difficulty remembering her lines, he whispers in her ear, just like a good teacher or coach would do, then gives her a hug at the end of her recital.
    It’s a lot more likely he IS her coach or teacher,than it is likely he’s her husband.
    SDA,and the conservative internet got ”punked” on this one.

  8. “Because he first introduces the girl”
    This video, which I saw 3 times, is purported to be about reciting the Koran.
    All these guys(my barber in Airdrie Alberta included) have the Koran memorized so any of them could help her with the next line. It’s a really small book.
    Your opinion on likelihood aside, it’s more likely he’s the MC(Master of Ceremonies) than her teacher as an alternative relationship, but most Muslims learn Koran memorization from a family member.

  9. Oops forgot.
    Lastly, that hug at the end is just not done to the opposite sex unless they are a family member.
