13 Replies to ““…hopped on a stationary bike to see how much power he could generate by pedalling.””

  1. I’d like to see all likeminded, ungrateful jerks volunteer to wear a medic alert bracelet that signifies “Do Not Resuscitate if Fossil Fuels Involved”
    Go ahead @saskboy
    I dare you…

  2. Sheila’s twitter feed is interesting… scrolled a fair way’s down that list, well past the safety yellow fingernails.
    Saskboi’s … less so. The ambulance runs on gasoline? Those plastic tubes stuck in him were derived from what?

  3. I’m sure John would be interested to know that the “rednecks”, “rig pigs” and “oilpatch arm candy” at the #tarsands all have their First Aid certificates.

  4. He’s a devoted commie and Ralph Goodale fan.
    Check out the twilk linky of his. Saskboy John Klein is a bonafide greentard.
    You can’t fix stupid, even with a near death experience.

  5. Ironically the oilpatch arm candy of mention is a EMT. Shelia is the twitter equivalent of Kate, a smart, tough, conservative woman who does not suffer leftards.

  6. And no thanks for the uneducated people around him who did manage to get the emergency people there to save his life. If only they knew how important John is, they’d have had emergency CPR training.

  7. I wonder how much of that $75 million bucks Vivian Krause is talking about found its way into @Saskboy’s pocket? I’m thinking more than a little. No grown man could be that consistently retarded for free. He’d starve.

  8. Some followup info.
    He’s definitely a full-on greetard progressive.
    Running for Regina council this fall too.
    Clearly, he’s a proggy who wants more and bigger government, cars are evil, etc. He’s your typical young, urban, elitist, latte-sipping know-it-all, who wants to dictate to the pleebs.
    He’s an IT guy too, which makes him an even bigger twit (sorry to those of you in IT who actually have a personality)

  9. “…to see how much power he could generate…”
    Easy to answer. The human body is approximately a 200 watt machine. Approximately 100 W is required for metabolic functions; this leaves about 100 W for useful work. This means, being in good shape and peddling as hard as you can, you can just keep a 100 W light bulb fully lit.
