11 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. This is what the health workers fighting Ebola have to deal with.
    Health workers literally have to go door to door and explain proper behaviour to avoid infection. And then their instructions are rejected because the illiteracy rate is so high and the germ theory of disease, taken for granted here, is unknown or unaccepted in many 3rd world nations. It is too late to educate these people.
    The body count will be enormous.

  2. They don’t enforce quarantines very well either.
    Buddies of mine were in Angola in the late ’90s maintaining Twin Otters for a geological survey. They were warned that if one of the local ladies flirted with them to politely decline as the Angolans believe that if you have AIDS you cure yourself by passing it on to someone else.

  3. The good news is that it will affect Liberal “gun free” zones first when it gets here.
    Every now and again theres a silver lining in diversity.

  4. WHO reports, initially arrogant in their self-assuredness,have become increasingly nervous lately.
    No more,”it can’t happen here”, because it IS spreading “here”,in neighboring African Countries. The incredible statement by U.S. health authorities that Ebola couldn’t spread in the U.S. due to the greatness of the U.S. health care system has been drastically modified.
    God forbid Ebola should ever spread to American cities,where the illiteracy rate in some areas isn’t much better than in Africa.

  5. It would probably help if the assortment of warlords and dictators that were in power in Africa – and stay in power thanks to generous international aid shipments – weren’t intent on keeping their people so uneducated and ignorant that they don’t believe in microorganisms, and think ebola is spread by witchcraft.
    On the up side, most of those warlords and dictators are, themselves, completely uneducated and ignorant. Maybe a disease sweeping through Africa is what the people need to finally step out of the 5th century B.C.
    I’m not optimistic, though.

  6. It’s probably best to let it run wild in Africa and eliminate as many people as possible. They could have contained it months ago if they had really wanted to.

  7. Why flights from Liberia, Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Guinea weren’t banned from landing in North America, we will never know.
    Despite the 20/20 hindsight of certain commentators, past responses to epidemics were correct.
    Banned travel or disembarking.
    Long term Quarantine.
    In our PC world, those are just not nice things to do…….despite precautions, medical personnel are getting Ebola and dying from it. Time to isolate those countries from the western world, at least from getting out!
    As mentioned previously, Ebola is the perfect disease for radical muzzies to spread throughout the western world, a silent, fast killer!

  8. ah well, we have our own “uneducated” idiots who don’t like being told to use hygienic methods to avoid diseases from spreading. And they are Europeans with attitude problems!!!

  9. But it is comforting to know that they are meeting to discuss whether it is ethical to give victims an experimental drug which might help them fight a disease that usually has a 100% death rate. I wonder how many studies and follow up meetings they’ll have to have before they decide.
