Jimmy Carter: Nobody Listens To Me!

Jimmy Carter is upset that Barack Obama doesn’t call him for advice:

Jimmy Carter complains that he “don’t get no respect” from Barack Obama, who never calls him for advice. But why should the former president expect more from Mr. Obama than he gets from everybody else? Last week, Mr. Carter busied himself accusing Israel of “war crimes” for defending itself against the rockets and artillery barrages of Hamas, which the United States officially regards as a terrorist organization.

One wonders if Carter today is a preview of Obama tomorrow.

18 Replies to “Jimmy Carter: Nobody Listens To Me!”

  1. Do you think it is possible that Carter’s mental illness is just an allergic ration to peanuts?
    Have to wonder what Jimmah has to whine about. Thanks to Obama, he is now the second worst POTUS ever.

  2. When Obama became the reputed worst president in 70 years, Carter decided to get back in the game and recapture the title.

  3. “One wonders if Carter today is a preview of Obama tomorrow.”
    Sure, I can totally picture Obama with a hammer in his hand building homes for the little folks,
    …on the beach in Hawaii./
    If the right conservative president is elected, Obama is going to jail when things, now hidden, become public knowledge.
    It’s the only way to rehabilitate the Office of the Presidency.

  4. I did business with Carter in the 1970’s I knew he was a ding dong back then. I owned a large food business and we had food packing plants around the US. One of the plants was near his farm and we produced peanut butter there. We generally bought our peanuts from giant farmer cooperatives but tried to help out the local farmers also. If you don’t process and store your peanuts right they develop aflatoxins from spergillus flavus. That is a very deadly carcinogen. Anyway we always tested out peanuts and would send back peanuts that were bad. His were quite often. The left wing press back then praised him as being a simple farmer. More like a simpleton. He was a self-righteous Christian gnostic who always knew better than anyone else. I detested him 40 years ago and I still do.

  5. “One wonders if Carter today is a preview of Obama tomorrow.”
    That’s the best case scenario.
    I fully expect him to be a class-less, loud mouth opining on things which it is obvious he knows nothing about now, much less decades from now, and if he reveals sensitive secrets en route I would not be shocked.
    He will have learned nothing, the secret service will consider protecting him a punishment detail.
    My only consolation is I’m very much hoping he finds the post presidential speaking circuit MUCH less profitable than Clinton.

  6. Paraphrasing Fawlty to Sybil about the moose head, were he to get a call from Jimmah, Barry would yell in frustration:

  7. That’s all we need. An idiot advising an idiot. Things are bad enough now for this to happen.

  8. A Florida friend of mine, born and raised in north-west Georgia, says he knew both Carter Brothers. The friend also says Billy was the better man. Cheers;

  9. Dems will “fund” obummer’s retirement with the speaking fees. he will play golf not build houses . Don’t put him in jail we don’t need martyrs.

  10. Obama asking Carter for advice? That would dumber and dumb.
    Obama is Nero golfing while the world burns.

  11. Didn’t he also claim to be a Baptist minister?
    Did he have a brain injury at some point, or did he sell out for his lust for power and money?
    Given the “minister’ status, his position for the last few decades is a mystery (other than the obvious)

  12. “One wonders if Carter today is a preview of Obama tomorrow.”
    I have to say, even as towering a fool as he may be, and as useless a president as he was back in the day, Jimmah is still ten times the man Big O will ever be.
    If it sounds like a compliment, it isn’t. Michelle O is eight times the man Big O is, and I’ve been told she’s actually a chick.

  13. Once the midterms are done, the real Obama will emerge. He will completely shred the constitution to complete his project… the destruction of America. The day after the midterms he’ll openly pray to Mecca in the oval office too.

  14. Jimmy Carter? No one has wanted his opinion on anything since he sold whatever scrap of integrity he might have had left after his disastrous presidency to the Saudis. They bankrolled his library, and in exchange, he wrote them an anti-Semitic book. I recall his famous line about having “lust in his heart.” That’s a good match for the dust in his head.
