8 Replies to “The Latest from Obama’s Beloved Chicago”

  1. Is a Chicago life-style the reason President Obama is always afraid to step over a line when making a decision? Cheers;

  2. I wonder if Michael Moore and Nancy Pelosi got caught up in the crossfire in their favourite Gun Ban city this weekend?

  3. “bullets can’t? seem to keep flying around.” What?
    Maybe: bullets seem to keep flying around.
    Maybe: bullets can’t seem to stop flying around.
    Best: banned guns seem to keep on firing.
    See, it isn’t the ammo that’s regulated.

  4. Chicago is so yesterday for THE ONE!
    He’s a Hawaii and DC dude.
    In two or three years time, it will be Manhattan, where, as head of the feckless UN, he can continue muttering empty euphemisms and pronouncements, just like BankyMoon. Its the ultimate position for the Empty Suit!

  5. “where, as head of the feckless UN”
    Thing is, UN head has to be diplomatic. At least not uttering controversial sound bites every time he opens his yap. I think Michele is tired of all the hoopla too. They’re rich now, Obama can quit working at anything other than his golf swing.
    Also, Obama is famous for stepping on his d1ck every time he speaks without a teleprompter, which the UN head likely doesn’t have a budget for.
    Last but not least, many nations aren’t ever going to put up with having an American as UN Head. Particularly if that American gave orders to bomb some of those UN member nations.
    On the plus side(going with the fantasy here), if Obama was head of the UN, it might encourage a Republican President to quit America from the UN and turf it out of New York, Obama would be that much of a problem for America as UN head.

  6. Dag Hammarskjöld was the last white guy to be UNSG….
    Even Herman Van Rompuy hasn’t a chance…
    An American SG?….fugedaboudit…regardless race, party or loyalty….or lack thereof.
    A few speaking engagements, a few ghost written books….maybe…..

  7. Did anyone else notice that this “Weekend Shootings” seems to be a weekly column, as evinced by the past week’s headlines at the right? (“2 dead, 15 wounded”, “5 dead, 11 wounded”.
    Bet someone in Chicago plays the numbers on it…
