24 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

  1. They really do love stones, handy for stoning women and representative of the stone age they’re still living under in the name of Islam.

  2. Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway – Authorities Look the Other Way
    ..statatistics from Sweden’s National Council for Crime Prevention show that the number of reported rapes against children is on the rise. The figures have nearly doubled in the last ten years: 467 rapes against children under the age of 15 were reported in 2004 compared with 258 in 1995. Legal proceedings continue this week in a case involving a 13 year old girl from Motala who was said to have been subjected to a group rape by four men. (Note: These four men were Kurdish Muslims, who raped the girl for hours and even took photos of doing so)
    The problem of rapes in Sweden is worse now…. The 6,320 reported rapes officially registered in that country in 2012 almost certainly do not represent the full number of such crimes that actually took place that year. In 2880 of these registered rapes, the victims were minors and children aged between 0-17 years old. A surprising 10% of these victims of child rape in Sweden in 2012 were boys. The male percentage of rape victims is smaller for adults, but still higher than it used to be some time ago.
    A disproportionate number of the rapes are committed by gangs of Muslim men.
    “It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl,” says Hamid, in an interview about a gang rape involving immigrant perps. “The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably f***ed before, anyway. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family. For her, being raped is a source of shame.”
    He claims that it is “far too easy to get a Swedish whore…… girl, I mean.” Hamid laughed over his own choice of words. “I don’t have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get f***ed to pieces.”

  3. These attacks won’t stop until we start throwing lead back at them.
    That won’t happen until we stop electing Progressive dhimmis.
    That won’t happen until the enemedia stops being pro-borg/anti-liberty hacktivists.
    That won’t happen until people stop listening to, and start challenging, them.
    My guess? That won’t happen quickly enough so heads up folks, evil is on the march and you are in its way.

  4. Maybe its time?
    time to have the discussion about what is civilization, how it benefits us and why tribalism is currently being resurrected.
    Civilization is taken for granted by most in the West, yet if you realize it has never been more than a shared illusion, you may fear for our future.
    I do not.
    I am the descendant of people with a simple philosophy, leave me alone and we will get along fine.
    Threaten me and mine and you will become extinct.
    Civilization is a surface illusion, Bosnia should have reminded anyone over 30, now the lovely fellows in what was Iraq are making the same point for anyone who cares to open their eyes.
    Civilization requires trust.
    When you breech that trust the older values take over.

  5. Dirty, filthy, sex crazed rats. They stone to death their own girls for being raped, all in the name of their religion/Mohammed/Allah/ whatever,they really have no respect for women including their own, they’re less respected than their goats.
    How about we change our “religion” to include castration of Islamists who rape girls and women in our Western countries, send them a message we respect our women, they are equal to men.

  6. Just remember, Mooselimbs are the kind of guys who bring a rock to a gun fight.
    You want to see less of this? TAX CUTS. The Mooselimbs are only here for the free lunch.

  7. “My guess? That won’t happen quickly enough so heads up folks, evil is on the march and you are in its way. ”
    Bang on. Despite all the huffing and puffing on blogs and forums, putting aside the glares, tattoos and prancing of the UFC crowd, and the posturing rhetoric of press secretaries – the Western World won’t fight. And everybody who isn’t the Western World knows it.

  8. Infuriating and meanwhile ISIS is burying non-mulims alive, beheading young children raping and murdering for all the world to see. They don’t seem to care one bit. And where is the UN? Crickets. They seem to have all the time in the world to condemn Israel at the turn of a hat. Where is Obummer who through his Lackey John Kerry condemned and excoriated Israel many times for actually trying to minimize death. I am so fed up with our PC world and I hate to say but the only that is going to wake these apologists in the Media and government is a significant death count in the US or England, France, Netherlands or Germany before we get serious with these savages. It’s not a religion it’s a cult.

  9. Despite such things as that preposterous UN Human Rights chairperson declaring it a war crime that Israel has not shared it’s Iron Dome technology…..there is reason to feel all is not lost….the US Congress bi-partisan voted to further fund Iron Dome and Obozo had to sign it. I suspect he feared a violent (not rhetoric)backlash if he had vetoed it.
    IMHO a major war is inevitable…it’s scope, scale and manner is difficult to predict.
    Even the who’s who of each side is fuzzy at this point….but patterns are beginning to emerge.
    Russia and China have significant problems with restive, violent muslims within their own claimed borders.
    ISIS is a security threat to Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, Iran, (Hezzbollah), Saudi Arabia…
    ISIS has lots of Pan-Muslim support but lacks nation state allies.
    Interesting times…..

  10. Delighted to see some push back by way of anti-IS protestors. Even more delighted to see the creeps throwing rocks. It takes a great deal to move Western liberal elites. Rock throwing savages defending genocide is a start.

  11. “It takes a great deal to move Western liberal elites. Rock throwing savages defending genocide is a start.”
    Uh, no. In the minds of the liberal elite, those rock throwing savages are the good guys.

  12. If it weren’t for the police there would have been a blood bath in Toronto today . August 10/2014…lot’s of video at youtube.

  13. @Sasq
    I fear your assessment is accurate.
    My money is on Russia and China to come out of it ahead. ‘On top’, maybe, depending on how you define it. At worst, they’ll be the least scathed.
    I credit this primarily to a near-total absence of political correctness, and other self-delusions. When your government is as blatantly ruthless and unapologetic as they are, there’s not much room for spinning fanciful narratives and making excuses as to why a spade is not actually a spade but rather a post-modern social construct. I wouldn’t want their civil liberties, but they see things a lot clearer than we do, and fear no name-calling when speaking the obvious truth.

  14. Things won’t change until they are taken out into the street and publicly executed.
    Simple as that.
    Repeat as necessary until the message gets through..then, you start the mass deportations..they resist? Crush them.

  15. What do Islam and feminism have in common? There are no moderates. Just different levels of radical.
