18 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Fifty years ago on August 10, 1964, over-reacting to reports of a U.S. Navy encounter with enemy warships in the Gulf of Tonkin off Vietnam — reports long since discredited — President Lyndon Johnson signed a resolution passed overwhelmingly by Congress that historians call the crucial catalyst for deep American involvement in the Vietnam War. Many also see it as a cautionary tale that has gone unheeded.

  2. While you’re hunting, here’s some mood music:
    Tom Thumb’s Blues…
    “When you’re lost in the rain in Juarez”
    Bryan Ferry avec:
    Guitars: Chris Spedding, Leo Abrahams, Oliver Thompson.
    Bass: Guy Prat
    Drums: Andy Newmark/
    Backing Singers: Tara & Anna McDonald, Meisha Bryan, Sarah Brown

  3. What has gone unheeded is that Democrat Administrations have always failed and have become progressively worse. Each intervening Republican administration reset the economy & provided Strong Foreign policy.
    JFK : USSR show down, Vietnam involvement, Cuba invasion NOT
    LBJ : Vietnam mismanagement, USS Liberty
    Carter: Iran Hostage wimp out in the desert. failed ME peace
    Clinton: Only had to control Iraq after Gulf War #1..LIES
    Obama: Only had to finish Iraq & Afghanistan after Gulf War #2
    … LIES with MSM immunity
    The question is why has the Democrat party become historically dysfunctional?

  4. O’narcissist’s 27-Holer Update.
    “NATO sees ‘high probability’ of Russian invasion as Ukraine troops close on …
    Reuters Canada”
    “Washington Post
    MOSCOW – Kremlin says Russia is sending humanitarian convoy into Ukraine in cooperation with Red Cross.”
    “Obama’s day: A vacation fundraiser
    USA TODAY-3 hours ago
    President Obama’s August vacation has begun, but he will take time Monday to do some political campaign business.”

  5. Sue Ann Levy says the ongoing (forever) war toll for Israelis is not being told by the media:
    D’ya think?
    The accompanying video is really something with hysterical speaker after hysterical speaker attesting to the human toll with one in particular Hasidic, I think, just looking away. I Notice he didn’t throw a rock or some other violence, unlike what has happened to pro-Israeli rallies with far less inflammatory language. Then again I didn’t watch the whole video, just the first three minutes. Perhaps I need to look further past the Zionist propaganda.
    And never, ever attend another Rotary meeting.
    They’re using classic projection with accusations of targeting civilians, attempted ethnic cleansing and screams of the Ziooooonists who won’t be happy until every Palestinian (even the ones with good jobs apparently) are driiiiven out of the region.
    If they started their rants with “people we are trying to kill are ….” perhaps they might shed further light on the situation.

  6. This one is “rich:”
    The “average” Canadian household at the end of 2013:
    Assets of $564,834
    Debt of $122,705
    For net worth of $442,130
    Investments of $145,348
    Savings of $83,652
    Hmm, haven’t met them yet.
    It is a good reflection on the national balance sheet, though. Perhaps an analysis of the middle class situation would be more useful, including the impact of government debt.

  7. “Middle East Meltdown: Here’s What’s Happening”
    “As if that weren’t enough trouble for the world, the president of Azerbaijan is threatening war with Armenia, the World Health Organization last week declared a global health emergency for the ebola epidemic on the West African coast, all-out war looms between Russia and the Ukraine, Secretary of State John Kerry continues to broker a nuclear deal with Iran, the results of the Afghanistan presidential election remain in flux, Boko Haram continues its terror attacks in Nigeria, a bloody civil war still rages in South Sudan, attempts at a ceasefire continue to break down in the Central African Republic as an Islamic insurgency fuels sectarian clashes that have left thousands dead, and attacks by the Somali terror group Al-Shabaab in Kenya exacerbate deep political divisions.
    In the meantime, back at home an endless wave of illegal immigrants continues to pour over our southern border, an Orthodox rabbi was murdered walking to synagogue in Miami this past weekend in what may be a Gaza-related hate crime, a study by a U.S.-government funded research center claims that sovereign citizens and patriot groups represent the greatest terror threat to the U.S., Hillary Clinton attempts to distance herself from the Obama administration’s foreign policy that she helped create, and Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett criticizes close U.S. ally Israel on Face the Nation while trying to deflect the administration’s inept handling of the Gaza crisis as America’s allies across the globe weigh the growing downside for being our friends.
    If you think it can’t get any worse, don’t worry: it will.”
    O’s 36-Holer Update:
    “Criticism Mounts as Obama Continues Fundraisers, Golf Amid Crises
    News Max · 5 hours ago”

  8. http://www.cae-acg.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/CANADA-July9.pdf
    Canada: Becoming a Sustainable Energy Powerhouse
    A project undertaken by the Canadian Academy of Engineering.
    H/T Konrad Yakabuski who has a good argument over at the Globe and Mail
    This is where, IMO, the CPC and AB PC parties have failed in their development of the oilsands. We should be doing the big project, upgrading, refining etc. The feds invested in Hibernia when one of the major players backed out and that 431 million dollar investment has generated 2.3 billion in net revenues after loan payback up to Aug 2011, three years ago. We shouldn’t be flowing this bitumen at a discount thru pipelines.
