Someone Else’s Wallet

This bloated ‘diversity’ infrastructure, and the larger bureaucracy, has made the recent wave of student protests look particularly foolish… There they are protesting against tuition hikes, and my view is, who are you guys protesting against? […] Gibor Basri, the Vice Chancellor of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity at Berkeley, participated in some of these tuition protests and said rising tuition gives him heartburn. Well, if he’s got so much heartburn, how about he starts divesting the seventeen staff in his ‘diversity’ office? He could even give up his own salary [of $200,000] or cut it by half.

Heather Mac Donald holds court for 90 minutes.

3 Replies to “Someone Else’s Wallet”

  1. It’s not about education, but rather about fleecing the baby boomers, their kids and their grandkids, by conning them into believing that their kids need a ‘college degree’ to succeed.
    Some folks are starting to catch on, as they realize that their kids are only smart enough to get useless degrees with no job prospects. The colleges and universities keep churning them out and laughing all the way to the bank.

  2. Yes, it is a swindle.
    But if “ma ‘n pa” have enough clout to get them into
    “fed gubmint” jobs, their student debtload magically
    Hail Obamugabe!

  3. Where else are the Liberal Arts majors supposed to get jobs? They have to make up wrongs that only they can fix, and in the meantime make sure their friends get jobs too.
