This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society

Cruel and unusual fluffiness;

A family told of their horror at being threatened with jail by the RSPCA which falsely accused them of animal cruelty and insisted that their beloved family cat be put to sleep.
Richard Byrnes and his wife Samantha suffered two years of trauma after an RSPCA inspector seized their cat, 16-year-old Claude, in May 2013 claiming that he was too thin and had matted fur.
After 24 hours of agonising negotiations Claude was put to sleep by a local vet against the wishes of Mr and Mrs Byrnes who were threatened with prison if they refused to sign the release form.

14 Replies to “This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society”

  1. There is no real way I found to contact them online and give them a piece of my mind. Their website impedes contacting them.

  2. Almost the same thing happened at Calgary Computer Recyclers. They had an old golden lab, and looked after it from what I saw in my visits, and the dog was old always managed to come to the front counter to great customers.
    Well apparently someone didn’t like their computer purchase or something and called the cops saying they kicked and mistreated the dog. From talking with one of the managers the cops came in asked for the owner and promptly threw him against a wall and cuffed him.
    No evidence, no explaination (till he was cuffed).
    The SPCA came along and took the dog and put it to sleep, and had them sign a form or something as well, otherwise they’d end up in jail I believe as well.
    Dog rights surpass legal notifications I guess. Just happened about 3 or 4 months ago

  3. They forced our family to put our dog down when I stupidly called them asking for vet assistance (was out of a job and cash for several months) thinking they were a humane society. They are evil and cruel psychopathic animal death squads. I was naive then-no bliss in that ignorance, only deep sorrow for us all-they enjoy kicking people when they are at their lowest.

  4. Not dog rights, but rights of sociopathic jack-booted thugs and nanny statists running amok. The same jack booted thugs who are always willing to kick in your door and shot your dog are equally willing to kick in the door and have the dog killed by the state for its own good because they know better, because questioning their judgement triggers their Cartman complex and because they will never be held responsible for their abuses.

  5. “They forced our family to put our dog down when I stupidly called them asking for vet assistance …”
    I am sorry to hear that but I am not surprised. It is crucial to develop a good relationship with your vet just for situations like yours. Also at least in Ontario there is a Farley Foundation that sometimes can help cash strapped pet owners. Never deal with the goons from inhumane society.
    Never deal with the goons from child Abduction Services.
    Never deal with jackbooted thugs in uniform.
    Avoid all like leprosy.

  6. They may have outlawed firearms in the UK, and it’s really hard for a kid to buy cutlery, but a couple of feet of piano wire and a couple of wooden dowls are very available…That RSPCA inspector would have a bad homecoming one night if it was my cat.

  7. We note how all of this “love” of animals by these official guardians of our fury friends, always results in either kidnapping&extortion or animal genocide – probably the best a critter these creeps “lovingly appropriate” can hope for is to have their testicles removed.

  8. PS – Any authority or court which would back the psychopathic action of legally impoverishing or jailing a peaceful and productive family over a cat’s hair, should rightfully be burnt to the ground by angry villagers.
    When the crown’s vengance overtakes commonlaw right, and parliament and courts afford no redress for injustice, the right to make arbitrary corrections exists in British civil common right (the equivalent of the UK constitution) according to Blackstone. It is seemingly small but particularly vile abuses of civil right which has caused revolt in the past – today’s bureaucratic tyranny seems to feel immune from public backlash.
    This insane government overreach continues for 2 reasons 1) socialism has fragmented the community – people no longer have empathy with their neighbor’s plight, entitlement is all about minding your own business and shutting up when you witness state tyranny. 2) systemic brutalization of the public by excessive abusive of authority has created fear to speak out over official corruption/abuses – just like soviet Russia

  9. I guess I would choose jail so I can sue these bastards for a healthy sum. get the public going on these murderers and go get em.

  10. You can add amateur dog-in-car cell phone thugs to the list, encouraged in their vigilante justice by the SPCA and PETA. A dog panting in a car in the shade in 17C dry heat is not in danger – she just had a nice 45 minute walk and the car was cooled to 15C. It is MY dog and she is well cared for, so dont call the cops. Dogs survive in 40C un airconditioned homes in Mexico, folks.

  11. Animal rights groups… of North America’s new Ghestapo organizations. Fortunately here on the rural prairies when an animal is sick you just take them out behind the shed and put them out of their misery.
