25 Replies to “You May Applaud Whenever You Like”

  1. Sorry, I just see someone with mental health issues. She should be kept far away from bridges and high structures.

  2. Quick, subsidize that woman! Her art is too important not to be developed further and seen by all. She deserves the same level of funding as Swan Hands.

  3. She should at lease be supplied with more yarn paid for by public funds. Apparently she didn’t have enough to cover her mouth and nose.

  4. She ought to form an artistic collective with the woman who knits with yarn pulled from her hoo-hah. Great thing could result. Or not.

  5. “Ms Viale regards her body as “a place of research”
    Do all women regard their body as a place of research?
    As a scientist,I am willing to research Kate Upton’s body.
    Where do I apply for funding?

  6. “The powerful climax is rather special.” Well, I waited until the end and she didn’t jump off the bridge. I hope she has a day job.

  7. This is why “Occupy” demanded blanket forgiveness of student loans. I mean, would YOU hire her?

  8. Arnie “That video exploits the mentally retarded”
    You shouldn’t use the term retarded. She’s an imbecile, maybe an idiot.
    Intelligence Quotient Scale:
    Moron = 50-69
    Imbecile = 30-49
    Idiot = 29 & below

  9. Not much content – about the same value as trying to get information from most twitter responders. Wish Kate would ban these!

  10. Martine has obviously been studying with Dr. Fruitfly.
    My pet Hobo Spider, Dasuz uses the same moves to spin a web and catch its prey.
    Someone should tell her about E Harmony.

  11. Most people stop being four years old.
    Some don’t.
    A rare few don’t, and call it art.
