14 Replies to “Dumbest Phone Scammers Ever”

  1. Yeah, they keep phoning us, too; so far they’ve always ID’ed themselves as being from “Windows Corporation.”  We typically either waste their time by pretending to be speaking to dead air (“Hello?  Hello?  Is anybody there?”), or I put the phone down and let them blather for awhile.
    This guy has way too much patience.

  2. Actually, I have had three of these just today.
    If you have time, it is great fun to lead them on for a while so they don’t prey on some other unsuspecting person. Playing the unsophisticated user takes a little work sometimes.
    The most fun are those who want to argue when you confront them with the fact that they are scammers, crooks, and thieves. It is amazing how foul mouthed one can get and still have the scammer doggedly work to try and salvage the scam.

  3. Got one last night.Heavy middle-eastern accent. I led him on until it was show & tell time.
    I then confronted him and told him he was a fraud. His reply??
    Quote-“Sir, you are a motherfu**ker”.-end quote
    I started to laugh which upset him.
    I told him I would rather be a motherf**er than from a family of goat fu**ers like him.
    He went all jihad on me. Very upset.
    I then hung up.
    NO LIE!

  4. Why do people pick up the phone when it rings. I have a machine that screens all incoming calls, and automatically rejects scammers.

  5. Yep…we have fun with them too. I love to play the frightened ‘damsel in distress’…”Oh no…how did this happen to me?”.
    One time they threatened to send someone from the ‘bureau’ in Toe-ron-toe if I didn’t co-operate.

  6. I’ve had calls telling me there was a problem with my computer, then they asked what kind of computer I had, I told them it was working fine and it was none of their business. The last one I told them never to call me again and I was having the call traced and haven’t heard from them since.

  7. I always say to them, “yes yes I’m seeing all kinds of errors, what can possibly be wrong with the SOB”
    One time a guy said in a most polite East Indian accent, “you sir are full of shit” and hung up on me.

  8. Usually with call display you can avoid the scammers, but sometimes it provides a good entertainment venue.
    Let them do their spiel with an occasional mm, yeah, uh-huh interjected, as the receiver shares your couch beside you. After a bit, take a short trip to the bathroom, hold the phone in the toilet bowl and FLUSH!
    Then I hang up, ….but I guess I should really wait for a reaction. Next time maybe I’ll add a sputtering drowning routine??

  9. Both I and an associate have had calls allegedly from our credit card providers….
    The dead giveaway, besides speaking “HINGLISH”, is when they inquire name, address, etc “to verify”.
    I respond….”Nah. YOU verify by providing that information to ME!” You called me!”
    Then I enquire about to the current weather in MUMBAI.
    Oh Lord it’s hard…….

  10. I usually ask them what it’s like to live in such a rat hole country. It really gets under their nerves.

  11. Dumb question, but what precisely are they ultimately trying to get from those they call?

  12. Card info I think.
    I used to get them all the time.
    “I am telling you that you have computer problems! If you do not listen to this you are a fool! I am calling from your computer services headquarters! You should listen and not be a fool!”
    Creepy but funny.

  13. I go with the belligerent angle. Like, what DO you want? and I’m busy so..good by.
