Great Moments In Socialism


“It’s a scandal, to kill someone inside a hospital. It’s complete social deterioration,” said Jose Manuel Olivares, an oncology resident at the University Hospital of Caracas, where Edinson Balsa was slain in June along with his brother, who was waiting in the hallway. “It was never perfect, but they used to respect some boundaries.”
Physicians say men now regularly enter emergency rooms waving guns to compel doctors to work miracles on injured companions or provide scarce medicine. In some cases, they go further.

Just needs more tweaking, I guess.

18 Replies to “Great Moments In Socialism”

  1. Utopia, indeed:
    More than half of the nation’s doctors have moved away since the late President Hugo Chavez won power in 1999, according to the Medical Federation of Venezuela.
    “The people who stay here are brave, or poor,” said Blanco, the medical resident.

  2. Amazing that the Socialist wogs can keep the bulldozers running. Everything else in what should be one of the richest nations on earth is broken, corrupted or has been sacrificed on the altar of some Social Justice goddess.
    Wanna bet Justin worships Hugo like he does Fidel?

  3. Canada is headed down the same path by all appearances. Large portion of the population object to our oil industry but want a big slice of the action of what does exist. Likely to elect young Turdeau who will rape the western oil just like his father did.
    To me it has never been left or right because quite frankly most people do not have the intellectual interest or ability to truly understand the contrasting ideologies. It has always been who can elbow their way to the trough and manage to stay their feeding.

  4. Agreed – I realize that I am passionate about politics. I am always truly amazed at the vast number of people who are oblivious to what is happening in the world, who cannot seem to connect the dots, who are only concerned about buying crap from China, how their favorite sports team is doing or which celebrity of the day is doing what.

  5. You are right. People that visit and comment on this blog on leftist blogs have a clear concept of what the terms left and right, or socialism, libertarianism, crony capitalism, and capitalism mean, and your last sentence describes accurately the vast majority of people.
    Fred, “Amazing that the Socialist wogs can keep the bulldozers running”. Many of the people in eastern Europe, particularly in Russia and Ukraine still generally have the slothful work ethic and cheating the state mentality that was instilled in them over seven decades of the state owning and or running everything.

  6. “Just needs more tweaking, I guess.” No, this is much more serious. This calls for a full Twerk.

  7. The quirky Chavez just dabbled around the edges of socialism. The new president Maduro is far more serious. He’s going for “deep socialism”, which is as ominious as it sounds.
    Cause the world needs another Cuba.

  8. Some day Western Canadians will wake up and realise they should have separated from Eastern Canada long ago.
    That’s the only answer. The politicians from the populous East will always run the Country,to their benefit and OUR detriment.Ontario is going to need a massive infusion of funds to pay for Wynne’s Provincial corruption,I wonder where it’s going to come from.
    But,unlike so many other people in Countries such as Czecho-Slovakia, Canadians are a nervous lot, hidebound by tradition until it kills us.
    So, yes, Trudeau WILL screw over the West,to benefit his constituency,and all we’ll do is blog about it.
    We need a Leader.

  9. Don:
    Unfortunately the purveyors of ‘trough’ socialism are now well established in Western Canada. If it did not happen during the NEP I doubt it ever will. Again during Reform we had a opportunity but Manning chose to move east. I have always questioned that 96% vote in favor but consider Manning a honest person. I voted know!
    At that time I wanted Reform to stay in the West and run in provincial elections. One Party at both levels. Reform could have elected governments in AB & BC and eventually in SASK. It would have guaranteed the West the same influence on federal policy that QUE enjoys. Instead we ended up sacrificing Reform policy to attract eastern votes. The geopolitical interests of eastern Canada are not those of the West in many cases.
    To late now unless a very charismatic leader comes along as you suggest. I hate that idea as it defeats the point of maturing voters to accept responsibility for their own self government.

  10. John Brunner; The Jagged Orbit. Comes to mind.
    This is our future if we continue to sit back and allow the “Progressives” to spread their rust through out the foundations of civil society.
    Either we enforce rule of law, equality before the law and punish corrupt government.
    Or we watch civilization disappear. For civilization is an ideal, an illusion that allows us to cooperate with strangers for mutual benefit.
    Once kleptocracy takes over, the illusion shatters.
    If I am to be punished by my government for being constructive, for conserving my assets and planning ahead…What benefit does this government bring to me and mine?
    The tribe will protect my person, family and property far better than a corrupt distant government.
    In Venezuela a Kleptocracy has held sway for 2 or 3 generations, they were once a country growing toward stability and wealth, unchecked banditry does destroy a nation, here is more evidence for those who cannot understand Detroit or Southern Ontar-I Owe.
    Its all about trust, once the authority, whoever they may be, betrays the trust of those who give it authority… Poof the illusion bursts and the real nature of man springs forth.
    Fools and bandits believe their interests are best served by taking whatever they can get.
    They lack any comprehension of enlightened self interest, regard respect for other people as weakness and stupidity.
    Once they become unbearable, the productive people arm up and massacre them, our history is full of examples.
    Our history is these cycles.
    War, stark peace, rich peace, stolen to pieces,war.
    The duality of man, one of those things about human nature that does not change.
    We can delight in destruction, being very creative in the ways and means, but we know we have peers who are just as creative, if not more so. But even in that madness, most of us know there is no route to survival for our children in this path. If everybody plays, we all lose.
    Comedy is; Once society breaks, when people realize they must defend themselves, government becomes the enemy.
    For in attempting to restore order the bureaucrats disarm the rational people while coddling the fools and bandits.
    Laying criminal charges on those who act to save their own lives, sentences greater than career killers get..
    Send swat teams and armies in to disarm the strong tribal groups who protect their own.
    But never will a politician or bureaucrat of a western kleptocracy acknowledge their role in dismembering civil society.
    Power by playing one group against another is “Political Science”.
    The older name was treason against the state.

  11. Exactly – charisma is for vote-buying attention whores like Turdeau. We need someone honest enough to speak the truth, to build policy around truth, and to tell brain-dead leftards to go eff themselves. To let them know in no uncertain terms that the future of Canada belongs to actual rational, moral adults, not special interests, not bloodsucking hippie stoners, not immigrants seeking to build the Caliphate in Canada.
    The downside: someone with the mindset of a Brigette DePape would kill this person within their first year of office.
    John Robertson – bloody brilliant, thanks for that great post.

  12. there will be a vigorous movement to kick the east out of confederation if shiny pony becomes your next PM.

  13. I’ll be a part of that movement and no mistake. Being “the second largest country in the world” only has cachet among elementary school kids anyway.

  14. there will be a vigorous movement to kick the east out of confederation if shiny pony becomes your next PM.

  15. I am convinced that if Justine Turdeau becomes the next Prime Minister that the western separatist movement will grow by leaps and bounds. I cannot imagine why any western province would want to remain in confederation with this unqualified fool running the country. He makes Obama look like a statesman by comparison. I live in Ontariowe and after 8 years of Dalton the dufus and now at least 4 with Wynner take all this province is well and truly screwed.
